Braque d'Auvergne, Bavarian Mountain Scenthound and Petit Bleu de Gascogne - HUNTING DOGS KENNEL. We don't want to "produce" puppies, there's no need to uphold from breeding and selling them, as it is in some other, well-known kennels.
We just want to breed dogs with perfect appearance and great hunting abilities, which are not only show champions, but also are able to gain work certificates. Dogs from our kennel can be found in such countries as: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, England, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Hungary, USA.
It's because of our work with Braque d'Auvergne that first ever dogs of that breed have come not only to Poland, but to United Kingdom, Hungary and Finland as well. If you are interested in the breed or in having one our puppies, do not hesitate to contact us.