Manchester terriers, puppies, honden, geschikt voor allergie, flyball, behendigheid.
Breeders of Manchester Terrier.On our website you can find informations, pedigree, pictures and more about our dogs. Welcome to visit our site.
Breeders of Manchester Terrier, English Toy Terrier and Terrier Brasileiro. On our website you can find informations, pedigree, pictures and more about our dogs. Welcome to visit our site.
English Toy Terrier Brazilian TerrierNewcoming breeder from Finland, small home enviroment and active lifestyle. Finnish text only for now.
Breeder of Manchester Terrier. Ukkosakan kennel is a small home kennel. On our website you can find informations, pedigree, pictures and more about our dogs. Welcome to visit our site.
A small Manchester Terrier and Perro de Agua Espagnol breeder in the Netherlands - Rotterdam. Our dogs go to Show homes, Pet homes, Agility homes, Flyball homes etc.
Spanish Water DogAUKSINĖ SALA mažas veislynas Lietuvoje, mūsų šunys gyvena kartu su mumis. Mes veisiame trumpaplaukius vengrų vižlus ir Mančesterio terjerus. Kviečiame apsilankyti mūsų tinklapyje.
Hungarian Vizsla