Labrador Retriever - Breeders and Kennels - Page 2 -

Labrador Retriever Dog Breeders -

Labrador Retriever / Retriever du Labrador

Bohemia Bras Labrador Retrievers

Welcomein the breed of Labrador Retrievers - we are holder of club certificate titles:
Best Breed of Retrievers of The Year 2001
Best Breed of Labrador Retrievers of The Year 2006.

Van de Ansjoros
Van de Ansjoros

We are a small kennel located in the Netherlands. We breed on type and working skills where the health of our dogs is our main priority. Are dogs are all tested on HD/ED and PRA/Cat. We are members of the Dutch Labrador Club.

Verdi Terre Labrador's
Verdi Terre Labrador's

Breedingfor the selection of Labrador Retriever in the three colors. Our pups are selected for health, character and tipicity. Producers checked for hereditary pathologies.

Zaniah's Labrador Retrievers
Zaniah's Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retriever breeder in Slovakia.

Рус Риттерхунд
Рус Риттерхунд

Приветствуем вас на сайте питомника "Рус Риттерхунд"!!! Наш питомник занимаеться породами Ротвейлер и Лабрадор.


Labrador Retrievers Kennel Narjana's
Norway Dog Breeders
Kennel Narjana's

Oppdretter av Labrador Retriever.

Breeder of Labrador Retriever.

Aquador Labrador Retriever
Aquador Labrador Retriever

With Labradors since 1971, breeding since 1998.

We are members of Swedish Labrador Retriever Club (LRK) and registered with the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK), which in turn is associated to FCI, and follow their rules for breeding. We only breed dogs that are free for generations on hips (A or B), elbows, and eyes; current eye certificate must not be older than a year from mating. All breeding stock is shown with at least excellent on conformation and many have some working test done. We aim for mentally sound dogs, kind cuddly dogs that love to work with you and also have excellent conformation.

Litters are raised indoors making the pups used to things in a normal home such as vacuum cleaner, washing machines, cats, and children among other things. At delivery at 8 weeks they are fully registered with SKK, wormed several times, micro chipped,examined by vet and had their first vaccinations.

i labrador del Castello della Luna
San Paolo Bel Sito(Napoli) Italy Dog Breeders
i labrador del Castello della Luna

L’allevamento è localizzato nel centro della Campania Felix, proprio qui dove il verde della collina dominante e l’aria pura invogliano a vivere a contatto con la natura dei momenti indimenticabili in compagnia di qualcuno dal carattere allegro e vivace, chi se non i nostri splendidi  LABRADOR.

L’amore che nutriamo per loro cresce ogni giorno di più, facendoci impegnare nella produzione di soggetti non solo morfologicamente validi, ma anche sani e dal carattere equilibrato, tale da consentirgli un giusto inserimento nei nuovi nuclei familiari cui andranno a far parte, carattere che deve essere quello che ha reso tanto popolare questa razza.

Il nostro impegno, oltre che nella selezione caratteriale, nel controllo delle patologie ereditarie, nella partecipazione nelle esposizioni di bellezza dei nostro soggetti d’allevamento,non chè i positivi risultati sino ad oggi ottenuti, insieme all'amore ce nutriamo per loro, sono gli unici stimoli ad andare avanti.

Hodowla Labradorów Ta Bajka
Hodowla Labradorów Ta Bajka

Jesteśmy małą hodowlą domową i taką będziemy się starali pozostać, aby nie zagubić się w ilości i nadmiarze. Jest z nami 9 labradorów, mieszkają z nami i są traktowane jako pełnoprawni domownicy.

Kierujemy się zasadami dobrej hodowli i regulaminem Związku Kynologicznego.
- Dbamy o zdrowie, kondycję i dobre samopoczucie naszych psiaków.
- Mamy z nimi dobry kontakt, pełen wzajemnego zaufania i troski.
- Dużo pracujemy nad zdyscyplinowaniem, stosując pozytywne wzmocnienia.
- Nasze psy karmimy zbilansowaną, suchą karmą
- dostosowaną do wieku i zapotrzebowania psiaka.
- Mamy tylko szczeniaki rodowodowe. U nas rozpoczyna się intensywna socjalizacja szczeniąt, kierowana zasadami złotej dwunastki.

Okres pobytu szczeniąt u nas traktujemy jako "psi żłobek". Zdajemy sobie sprawę jak ważny jest to czas dla maluchów - ma im dać dobry start w późniejsze życie w nowych domach. Zapewniamy więc szczeniaczkom możliwość obcowania z różnymi ludźmi, sytuacjami, otoczeniem, dźwiękami itp. Stopniowo powiększamy zakres bodźców, stwarzając maluchom pozytywne skojarzenia, aby czuły się spokojne i bezpieczne. U nas rozpoczyna się intensywna socjalizacja szczeniąt, kierowana zasadami złotej dwunastki.

Wobec maluszków stosujemy program "Superdog" inaczej zwany neurologiczną stymulacją. (5 krótkich, codziennych ćwiczeń stymulujących pozytywnie rozwój, zdrowie i odporność na stresy.)

W odchowanie szczeniąt wkładamy wiele wysiłku, czasu, całą swoją wiedzę, serce, doświadczenie i wiele nieprzespanych nocy.

Nikogo rozsądnego nie zdziwi fakt że zależy nam na szczęściu naszych pociech więc starannie dobieramy nowych właścicieli.

Kociokwik Labrador Retriever
Kociokwik Labrador Retriever

Black, yellow and chocolate puppies and stud dogs.

Sylena Labrador Retriever, Boston Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
SYLENA - labrador retriever, boston terrier,cavalier king charles spaniel

Kennel SYLENA - labrador retriever, boston terrier, cavalier king charles spaniel. Polish kennel since 1971.

Boston Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Labrador Retriever kennel Libra D'Or
Libra D'Or Labrador Retriever kennel

Sale puppies of best breeders.

 Golden Retriever e Labrador Retriever Nuvola Rossa
ItalyDog Breeders
Nuvola Rossa
Golden Retriever e Labrador Retriever

"Nuvola Rossa" Golden Retriever e labrador Retriever ENCI-FCI Italy (Rome).

Golden Retriever

Sea Scout Labradors
Sea Scout Labradors

German VDH/FCI-Kennel.

Quinta Das TiliasLabrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever Breeder.

Allevamento di Casa Lucrezia Boxer e Labrador
Allevamento di Casa Lucrezia
Boxer e Labrador

L' allevamento riconosciuto dall' ENCI di "Casa Lucrezia"   è situato nei Colli Berici  nella tranquilla località di San Giovanni in Monte (Barbarano Vicentino) a quattro passi da Vicenza  e Padova.

German Boxer

Best of Discovery kennel
Best of Discovery kennel

We are Labrador Retriever kennel in Croatia.

Trio Magija kennel
Trio Magija kennel

Labrador retriever & Hungarian short-haired vizsla kennel from Lithuania.

Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla

Labradors Blacksugar
Blacksugar Labradors

We breed labradors by passion since 10 years now. All our puppies have a pedigree Saint-Hubert (FCI) and are raised in the house in family. Please take a look at our website to discover our labs.

Queens joy labradors
Queens joy labradors

Labrador retriever kennel.

Clear Passion Kennel

We are a small kennel with the goal of improving our breeding program with each litter.We are involved in the dog world, showing and breeding since 2002. Our kennel name was established and is recognised by FCI since 2007. We are breeding high quallity Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, and West Highland White Terriers.

Golden Retriever West Highland White Terrier

Southern Star labradors
Southern Star labradors

Labrador retriever kennel of black and chocolates of good quality and nice blood lines. Welcome to visit us!

Old Averest Labradors
Old Averest Labradors

The main goal of my kennel, Old Averest Labradors, is to produce healthy, intelligent and sound Labradors. Our labs are entered for shows and take part in obedience- and gundog trials. We firmly believe in the all purpose Labrador who is confident in the home, field, water or show ring.

Old Averest is located in the north-east of Holland, and is surrounded by fields and forests. Our labs play and train in the local fields and streams.

We guarantee the health of the parents of each litter. We are small hobby breeders who treat our Labradors as our friends and companions.

Our goal is to improve the Labrador breed, to breed dogs with good looks, good health, super temperament, sound and willing to please, and to share them with other people.

The above is a brief resumé of my small kennel, where quality and select breeding is my first consideration.

Retriever Kennel Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury
Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury
Retriever Kennel

Retriever kennel. Our aim is to breed typical, sound labradors and flatcoats.

Flat Coated Retriever

Retriever Kennel Ootimus Canis
Retriever Kennel OPTIMUS CANIS

Retriever kennel. Our aim is to breed typical, sound labradors and flatcoats.

Flat Coated Retriever

Labrador's of Sheppards Garden
Labrador's of Sheppards Garden

1997 zog unser erster Labrador bei uns ein. Bald war klar, dass es nicht bei einem Hund bleiben würde; der Labbi Virus hatte uns gepackt. So kam 1999 noch die gelbe HündinLADY HOPE OF DARK EYE’S'Isis' zu uns.

Alfred Pieber Waldschratt Labrador Retriever
Alfred Pieber Waldschratt
Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever aus jagdlicher Leistungszucht.

Z Białobłockich Lasów Hodowla psów rasy Labrador Retriever
Z Białobłockich Lasów
Hodowla psów rasy Labrador Retriever

We are home kennel labrador retriever. We breed only dogs of that breed. We provide the best real farming conditions.

Hodowla psów rasy labrador retriever. Oferujemy najwyższej klasy szczeniaki biszkoptowe, czekoladowe i czarne. Do skojarzeń dobieramy najlepszych dostępnych reproduktorów. W naszej hodowli można zakupić wyłacznie szczeniaki z rodowodem.

Jesteśmy członkiem ZKwP. Nasza siedziba znajduje się w woj. kujawsko-pomorskim niedaleko Bydgoszczy.


Labrador retriever and Clumber spaniel kennel since 1998.

Clumber Spaniel

Labrador Retriever Acque Lucenti
Acque Lucenti Labrador Retriever

Alleviamo con passione e serietà dal 1988 ... 20 anni di attento lavoro di selezione ci hanno permesso di avere labrador con eccellenti qualità morfologiche e caratteriali.

We are breeding labrador with passion and professional behaviour since 1988.

Labradors of Anny's Labs
Labradors of Anny's Labs

Wir sind ein kleiner Zwinger und züchten Labrador Retriever im LCD/VDH/FCI. Gesundheit und Wesen sind für uns die wichtigsten Aspekte der Zucht. Wir legen Wert auf retrievergerechte Ausbildung, unsere Hunde werden jagdlich geführt oder mit Dummies beschäftigt.

Kennel Beautiful Life
Kennel Beautiful Life

Питомник (Москва) занимается разведением пород: Австралийский Шелковистый терьер и Лабрадор Ретривер. В нашем питомнике первый в России кобель Австралийского Шелковистого терьера, вывезенный для племенного использования из Австралии.

Kennel (Moscow) has been breeding breeds: Australian Silky Terrier and Labrador Retriever. In our kennel, Russia's first male Australian silky terrier, exported for breeding use from Australia.

Australian Silky Terrier

Hot Dogs

Labrador Retriever HD, ED frei, bestes Wesen,in black, charcoal, yellow, champagner, white, red, choc, choc-silver. Chihuahua in allen Farben (merle).


Cameswon Labradors
Cameswon Labradors

Cameswon Labradors - home of many International, Grand and Multi Champions. We breed Labrador Retrievers of all three colors. Our goal is to breed healthy Labradors with solid, kind, typical temper.

Mascot Skif FCI Kennel
Mascot Skif FCI Kennel

We are small family kennel located in Ukraine. Our Labradors based on famouse English bloodlines. We raise our puppies with love and care. Welcome!

Retrievers Kennel Merrilow
Kennel Merrilow

Merrilow is a small kennel with one or two dogs at home with enough space and love for each of them.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Dual's Hope Labradors
Dual's Hope Labradors

Show and work labrador Kennel from Belgium.