Labrador Retriever - Breeders and Kennels - Page 3 -

Labrador Retriever Dog Breeders -

Labrador Retriever / Retriever du Labrador

Kennel Kiss of Skies

In our kennel the best representatives of breeds are used for breeding only. The main criterions for selection are: excellent health, strong mentality, intelligence, beauty.

On our website you can get to know about the puppies, to see its photos and family trees of our "stars" and "home favorites" you will find the latest news from exhibition rings and more interesting information. We hope that the information on our website will be interesting not only for experts, but for fans of breed. And will help each person who is looking for canine friend!

Лиджер'с Краун Labradors and Jack Russell Terrier
Лиджер'с Краун
labradors and jack russell terrier

We have a kennel in Moscow. We do breeding of Labradors and Jack Russell Terrier.

Jack Russell Terrier

Retrievers del Valle de Piélagos
del Valle de Piélagos Retrievers

Cría y selección del Golden Retriever y del Labrador Retriever, en Cantabria (España).

Golden Retriever

Fiamma Cantante

Labrador retriever kennel - Ukraine, Kiev. Many pictures,our dogs, our Champions, information about puppies, pedigrees and lot's of interesting.

Allevamento St. John Labrador Retriever
Allevamento St. John Labrador Retriever

Hi, we are a kennel located in Lombardy, a region in North West Italy. in our kennel we breed Labrdaor blacks, chocolate and yellow, we do this with much love and passion. We hope that if you decide to visit our site you will be satisfied.

labrador de Ronçana
de Ronçana labrador

Cria reponsable del labrador retriever en sus tres colores. Salud, caracter y belleza.


Kennel Chosna. Bernese Mountaind Dog, Labrador Retriever, Polski Owczarek Podhalanski (Tatra). Photos, our dogs, and puppies for sale.

Bernese Mountain Dog Tatra Shepherd Dog

Hobbyzucht Laradorzucht On Lucky Paw's
Hobbyzucht Laradorzucht On Lucky Paw's

Wir haben eine kleine, liebevolle Hobbyzucht und geben zeitweise gut sozialisierte Welpen ab. Die Welpen wachsen bei uns im Haus, im Familienverband der Lucky Paw's auf.natürlich sind sie bei gutem Wetter auch draußen im Garten.Sie sind immer unter aufsicht, auch nachts.

Wir züchten Labradore in den Farben schwarz, chocolate und gelb. Alle Welpen sind mehrfach entwurmt, geimpft und gechipt sie besitzen natürlich einen Ahnenpass. Schauen Sie auf unsere Seiten und machen Sie sich ein Bild von unseren Hunden und unseren Zuchtansichten. Wir freuen uns auf ihren Besuch!

Hadrianuslabradors Labrador Retriever kennel
Labrador Retriever kennel

Show quality labrador puppies from beautiful, lovely character and very good hunting ability parents.

Dolphingham Labradors
Dolphingham Labradors

We breed Labradors in Italy for showing, having the right temperament for the breed together with working ability and will-to-please.


Standard schnauzer pepper and salt and labrador retriever from Croatia.

Standard Schnauzer

Basteta Retriever Kennel
BASTETA Retriever Kennel

Retrievers kennel "BASTETA" at started 2007years. We are trying stand for quality not quantity. We come back to the roots of this breed - in our opinion, they have to be strong, tough, passionate, self-confident, always bringing anywhere and anything, perfect companions, understanding their owners at first sight.

Golden Retriever Flat Coated Retriever

Angel of friendship - Labradors
Angel of friendship - Labradors

Labradors in chocolate und schwarz.

Askalion Labradors
Askalion Labradors

We are a young Labrador retriever Kennel from Serbia.


Allevamento amatoriale Labrador Retriever neri e gialli controllati per le principali malattie ereditarie.

Diamond Paws
Diamond Paws

Chocolate and yellow labradors - our beloved hobby.

Albuhaira Labrador Retriever
Albuhaira Labrador Retriever

Labradors Retriever. Seleccion top and breed for showing and work.

Gilbron Pride
Gilbron Pride

Our specialization is chocolate and black labrador retrievers. Nevertheless we have also yellow bloodlines. The aim is to breed for quality not quantity. We follow to the development of the breed, but we try to avoid from short termed 'fashion trends'. Labrador is still working dog and simultaneously one of the best family friends. We want to keep it.

We try to combine excellent exterior together with working qualities. "Gilbron Pride" progeny as well as progeny of our stock are doing well in the show ring, in the field and special services. We are proud on our 'kids' having show awards and titles, as well as on our progeny doing real hunter work.

of Angelsfantasy labradors
of Angelsfantasy labradors

We are a small labrador kennel where all dogs live in our house... we breed only yellow and black labradors and just one litter a year we breed only with dogs who are tested on the eyes (yearly), hips, elbows and E.I.C. we are registrated at the FCI , Dutchkennel club (raad van beheer) and NLV.

Salem's Lot Labrador Retriever Kennel
Salem's Lot Labrador Retriever Kennel

Our small kennel's aim is to fulfill entirely the obligatory regulations of the given breed. We are doing our best to maintain the original features of the labradors.

Labrador Retriever von Muffling
Labrador Retriever von Muffling

Wir züchten gelbe und schwarze Labrador Retriever.

We breed yellow and black Labrador Retriever.

From Magnificos Knigdom kennel
From Magnificos Knigdomkennel

We are breeding labradors sisnce 1998. Since 2006 we also have Bracco Italiano unique breed. I do not like advertise myself by words - visit our webpage and make your own impression.

Italian Pointing Dog

Proud Shadow labrador retriever kennel
labrador retriever kennel

Excellent temperament and type. All we are looking for..


We breed Labrador Retriever with passion and love. All your dogs live in our home and stay all the time by us. The puppies are have the whole family to play and we told them all they thinks they must learn for their life.

Celia's Tails Labrador Retriever
Celia's Tails Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever breeding, dogs selected for health, character and beauty, black, yellow and chocolate colors.

Tumbarumba Labradors
Tumbarumba Labradors

Dedicated to quality breeding of multi-purpose standard Labradors in all three colours. Our aim is to breed and raise well motivated, healthy and happy Labs that do equally well as companions, in the field or in the show ring. We breed in accordance with the Danish Kennel Club (FCI) and Danish Retriever Club code of ethics for breeders.

believeme kennel

BELIEVEME kennel - labrador retrievers chocolate and black colors. We are family kennel.

Kennels Lusso Angelo
Kennels Lusso Angelo

Labrador-retriever, flat-coated retriever. Dogs, puppies, show.

Flat Coated Retriever

Allevamento My Labrador
Allevamento MY LABRADOR

Allevamento My Labrador, cuccioli di labrador retriever gialli, neri e chocolate con pedigree ENCI-ROI. Vaccinati, microchip, sverminati con certificato di garanzia sulla salute, pedigree Italiano. Genitori Italiani controllati per patologie anche e gomiti.

Labradors de la Vallée de la Brière
Labradors de la Vallée de la Brière

Petit élevage de labradors dans le pays Sarthois.

Defino - labrador kennel
Defino - labrador kennel

"Defino" welcomes you!

We were fortuned to be involved in breeding our beloved labradors. Our dogs have been successful in shows and field work as well.We always have been matching our females with successful and worthy sires to produce healthy and good looking puppies. Our main goal is to breed labradors that are pleasing to look at, easy to live with and having all necessary abilities to become trusted hunting or sporting companion.

If you are considering purchasing a labrador retriever puppy in our kennel, please contact us.

Always a pleasure to see visitors!

Fifi Sunshine - labrador kennel
Fifi Sunshine - labrador kennel

Dansk labrador kennel med sunde og racetypiske labradore.

Monte Gerass Kennel
Slovenia Dog Breeders

Welcome in Monte Gerass Kennel. We insist on high quality breeding of Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers.

Golden Retriever

Labradors du Plateau Verdoyant
Labradors du Plateau Verdoyant

Élevage de Labradors Retrievers situé en Haute-Normandie (27).

Nous élevons avec passion et veillons particulièrement au choix des étalons que nous utilisons ainsi qu'à la sociabilisation de nos chiots. Nous avons peu de portées, ce qui nous permet de nous consacrer pleinement à nos bébés.

Di Nobile Morgana

Allevamento di Boston terrier e Labrador con esperienza pluriennale, dal 1989. Allevocercando sempre di privilegiare salute e carattere, ma senza trascurare la bellezza.

Breeders from 1989, we enjoy our life with dogs and do all to give you happy and healthy puppies!!

Boston Terrier

Notonlyblack Labradors
Notonlyblack Labradors

Notonlyblack Labradors, allevamento per la selezione del Labrador Retriever, ufficialmente riconosciuto da ENCI e FCI, di Ferruccio e Marina Vita, Alfredo Morselli, Stefano e Tamara Macciò, via Piandelmedico, ....

La nostra mission è allevare cuccioli di labrador retriever - nei tre colori chocolate, nero e giallo/miele - eccellenti sotto ogni aspetto:
- quanto alla conformità allo standard di razza;
- quanto alla bellezza e alla capacità di lavoro (soprattutto nel campo delle protezione civile e della ricerca di persone);
- quanto al carattere che deve essere dolce ed equilibrato.

I nostri stalloni e le nostre fattrici sono certificati ufficialmente esenti dalle principali malattie ereditarie tipiche della razza labrador, e sono sottoposti ai principali test genetici specifici, fino ad oggi scoperti dalla scienza veterinaria.

Ogni cucciolo viene consegnato vaccinato, sverminato, con microchip e con tutti i documenti necessari: certificato di buona salute e di conformità allo standard, copia degli esami e dei test clinici ufficiali dei genitori (displasia dell'anca, del gomito, test Optigen per la PRA, EIC, CNM, visita oculistica), contratto di vendita con garanzie scritte incluse.