Russkiy toy, both smooth haired and longhaired. Eye and pathella checked parents with show results and a good temperament.
- Health - Structue - Temperament -
A smal kenel there the dogs living with the family.
Standard Schnauzer p/sA small FCI Kennel of Affenpinscher in Luxemburg. Our puppies are well socialized with a good character and healthy when they leave us for a new family.
On our website you will find more informations, a lot of pictures and videos of our affens.
The website can be translated into different languages. :-)
Very nice pictures and stories from Affenbpinscher. Have a look and be happy.
Sehr gepflegte und wunderschöne Rassehunde aus besten deutschen Linien verpaart mit Fachwissen, Kameradschaft und Liebe führten dazu, daß sich Halter, Züchter und Aussteller mit Vorliebe einen Welpen aus dem Butzemannhaus wählten, denn nicht Jeder hat ihn doch werihn hat, schätzt seine Vorzüge.
Welcome to the Canouan family based in the South West of France. Bred for health, type and temperament. Show dogs who work for a living.
Home of Champion Affenpinschers. Our dogs are our delight.