Standard Schnauzer Kennel "Artax's Angels". Dogs & puppies the best champion bloodline. We breed quality Schnauzers for show and ofcourse as family dogs. All our dogs live in the house as part of the family. Please visit us and read more :-)
Kennel Dolma Ling breeds and shows black and black/silver miniature schnauzers, black standard schnauzers and black giant schnauzers.
Miniature Schnauzer Giant SchnauzerWe are Standard schnauzers breeder. Our dogs are top quality in exterier, health and menthality.
Breeding standard schnauzers Salt and Pepper. Stud dogs, puppies for sale, pedigree, pictures, etc. ...
p/s Standard Schnauzers for show and sport (agility, obedience, etc.), results, photos, puppies and more ...
P/s and black Standard Schnauzers from GAGATEK photos, results and puppies :-)
Alarm Beskyd is one of the most successful kennel in breeding Standard Schnauzer - pepper and salt. Our puppies grow in the fresh nature of foothills Beskydy mountains.
Der Schnauzer ist ein mittelgrosser, robuster, kräftig gebauter und wohlproportionierter Hund. Sehr menschenbezogen, intelligent, temperamentvoll und mutig- ein treuerGefährte für´s Leben!
The Schnauzer is a medium sized, sturdy, robust built an wellproportioned dog. Very human oriented, intelligent, spirited and courageous- a loyal companion for life!
We breed schnauzers more than 20 years. And now we have salt and pepper standard schnauzer puppies.
Standard and Miniature black&silver Schnauzers.
Miniature SchnauzerRiesenschnauzer und Schnauzer schwarz von der Talmühle for show and family.
Giant SchnauzerSchnauzer Kennel "von der Fortuna-Ranch" black Standart Schnauzer and black Giant Schnauzer. We breed quality Schnauzers for Show an Family.
Giant SchnauzerElevage de schnauzer moyen poivre et sel. Nous accordons autant d'importance au caractère qu'au physique.
Black Miniature Schnauzers and Standard Schnauzers pepper & salt.
Miniature SchnauzerA smal kenel there the dogs living with the family.
Breeder of miniature and standard schnauzer in Spain. Information about the breed, dogs, puppies and several hundreds of photos.
Miniature SchnauzerSchnauzers data base UA, giants training and competition info in Ukraine.
Giant Schnauzer Miniature SchnauzerTop quality standard schnauzers pepper&salt, please check our website for more details about our dogs ...
Italian salt & pepper Standards kennel. Starting from a top dog out of the "Del Prillo" kennel has mixed him with the best German lines (Von der Ley and Von der Goliathhöhe).
Black Standard Schnauzer. Welcome!
We are a small kennel in Sweden not far from Stockholm/Uppsala. Schnauzer = Familydogs, Agility, Dogshows and so on. All our dogs lives with us in the house. Dogs with Beauty Healthy in Body & mind. Please visit our website.
Top Target - kennel standard schnauzer and zwergschnauzer p/s. Since 1996.
Miniature SchnauzerBreed of Black Giant and Standard Schnauzers out of best international lines!
Giant SchnauzerKennel of miniature Schnauzer, standard schnauzer and big poodle .
Standard Schnauzers salt and pepper for family and show. All our dogs live in the house as part of the family. FCI kennel number 387.
Standard schnauzers pepper & salt from Ukraine Schnauzer puppies from champion parents with the best bloodlines. We are working to improve the breed. Our dogs have excellent external data for exhibitions and working qualities. Flag this goodness to our site.
Our kennel "Prisirišimo Jausmas" is a small dog kennel from Lithuania, he registered LKD (Lithuanian Cynological Society) and FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) in 2007 year when first litter is born.
Miniature Schnauzer Bernese HoundWe have stunning standard and miniature schnauzers pepper and salt males and stud dogs. They are very powerful males, with several health tests done and on the upper height limit of the breed. They come from proven champion lines and are very successful show dogs.
Miniature Schnauzer (pepper and salt)Chovatelská stanice zabývající se výstavami a výcvikem černých kníračů.
Goal of our kennel is to breed high-quality purebreed puppies. Correct anatomy, a strong nervous system and health. Our pups standing with the highest level according to the standard of the schnauzer breed. With that said our goal of high quality is to obtain and keep it real "Yes we have an amazing breed!"
We love this breed! We breed black standard schnauzers for people who love them as well.
Vi är en liten kennel som föder upp standard Schnauzer och våran plan är att ha ca 1 kull/år. Vi som har denna kennel heter Carita Hjelm och Jeanette Mattsson och vi bor båda två i Södra Sunderbyn (Luleå) med våra familjer. Vi avlar på friska och mentalt sunda hundar.