Căo da Serra de Aires / Portuguese Sheepdog - Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.com

Dog Breeders - EuroBreeder.com

Căo da Serra de Aires / Portuguese Sheepdog / Chien de berger de la Serra de Aires / Portugiesischer Schäferhund

Les Gardiens de la Houlette Portuguese Sheepdogs
Les Gardiens de la Houlette

A la decouverte du Cao da Serra de Aires chien peu connu en France.

At the discovery of a little known dog Cao da Serra de Aires.

No'Lobos kennel
No'Lobos kennel

No'Lobos kennel breeds Pyrenean Mastiff and Cão da Serra da Estrela. We also have a Cão da Serra de Aires. We've had Pyrenean Mastiff since - 96, Cão da Serra da Estrela since - 95 and Cão da Serra de Aires since 2005. If you want to know more about us and our dogs, please contact us!

Pyrenean Mastiff Serra da Estrela Mountain Dog

kennel GladlyStones
kennel GladlyStones

Our kennel is so-called home kennel where our dogs live with us as equal family members. We breed Cao da Serra de Aires (Portuguese Sheepdog) and Estrela Mountain Dog. Maybe something days Belgian Shepherd Tervuerens litter.

Serra da Estrela Mountain Dog Tervueren

Gaelic crown's
Gaelic crown's

Together with our dogs we live in the beautifull Allgäu (Bavaria) near to Kempten in a small village called Günzach.

Currently in our Cannel are 2 Briards and 4 Cao da serra des Aires. Our dogs life integrated and with close contact in our family life. Our puppys grow up in our (often crowded) living room or - depending on the season also in the garden and at their puppy playground. They get optimal preparation for their further life in their new families and good socialisation.

For many years I work with my own and other dogs in several kinds of dog sports and working education. (dayly life competence, Obedience, Agility, rescuedog, guardiancedog, companiondog, work at sport an rescuedog tools, therapie of dogs with behaviour problems) Now I fell in love with Dogdancing an Obedience, both trained by click and treat and me and my dogs have much fun with it.

My Breedingdogs are all free from hip-disorder (HD) and of course all pups have VDH/FCI document, are vaccinated, have worm profilaxe , mikrochips and examined by a vet when they leave us to move to their new families. Aditionally every new dog owner gets an information folder about puppies. Giving advice to my puppies new people before and after they get their dogs is very important to me.


caes da serra d'aires de la Brenne Sauvage
de la Brenne Sauvage caes da serra d'aires

Des serra d'aires au pays de George Sand ... élevage familial en pleine nature.


Portuguese Shepherd - dog for farm work, breeding and show. A great companion, good friend, reliable partner. Intelligent, smart and loyal, communicative and tireless. It is a Portuguese shepherd ...

 Manoir de la Closerie - Brenne Sauvage
Manoir de la Closerie - Brenne Sauvage

Le site de deux élevages qui travaillent en collaboration depuis plus.

Des Gardiens de la Houlette
Vire, France Dog Breeders
Des Gardiens de la Houlette

Cao da serra des aires share my daily life since 1993. I breed them with passion and with a great respect toward the breed and its standard. I show regularly my dogs in Portugal and I even register them to the national club show of this breed.

I build a special cooperation with Portuguese breeders for using best linen in selection, beauty and work I mean. The quality of my puppies is well known in several countries, south Africa, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Nederland, Luxembourg, tchequia, suisland and united states. Ma reputation is bases on my great serious, healthy and well balanced puppies is my only aim for the happiness of their future families.