Breeder of American Akitas & White Toy Poodles.
American Akita White Toy PoodleNo'Lobos kennel breeds Pyrenean Mastiff and Cão da Serra da Estrela. We also have a Cão da Serra de Aires. We've had Pyrenean Mastiff since - 96, Cão da Serra da Estrela since - 95 and Cão da Serra de Aires since 2005. If you want to know more about us and our dogs, please contact us!
Serra da Estrela Mountain Dog Portuguese SheepdogFirst Pyrenees breeding in CZ (Bohemia) mastin de los pirineos, chien de montagne des pyrenees, berger des pyrenees normale, berger des pyrenees face rase, puppies, cover male, health breeding hd 0/0, information,dogs show, juniorhandling, works dogs.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog Pyrenean Sheepdog - smooth facedBreeding pyrenees dogs, puppies, dogs show, information,cover male,juniorhandling.
Zucht pyrenaen rassen, welpen, hundeausstellungen, info, deckenrüden, wettbewerb.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Pyrenean SheepdogCover male JCH.JCH.DJ (MURTOI´S BONGO) - young male, 90cm high, Juniorchampion cz, Juniorchampion klub, club young winner, National winner, BIS Adulthandling, 3x BOB, 7x CAJC, working dog.
Deckenrüde JCH.JCH.DJ (Murto´s Bongo) jung Rüde, 90 cm Höhe, multichampion, arbeit-hunde.
Cria y selección de Mastín del Pirineo y Jack Russell Terrier.
Jack Russell TerrierSomos un criadero familiar de las razas mastín del Pirineo y Jack Russell Terrier, somos partidarios de la crianza seria y responsable. Criamos a nuestros cachorros en las mejores condiciones, seleccionando las mejores líneas, primando tipicidad, carácter y salud.
Jack Russell TerrierWe are pyrenean mastiff breeders.
Some years ago we couldn't find pyrenean mastiff female puppy in Russia. And because of that we went to the Spain and took puppy — Altoaragon Dalida to the our place with us. As she was growing we were feeling in love to such beautiful gigantic dog breed.
And now we are try to make that breed more popular in Russia. We met all pyrenean mastiff's breeders from Russia. And we also have conversation and meeting with many pyrenean mastiff's breeders from othe countries.
Today we have pyrenean mastiff's litter from World Champions! We are ready for the cooperation and consultation.