All of our top pitbull breeders are specifically planned to ensure we produce the most exceptional XXL Pitbulls. looking for blue nose pitbull puppies?.. you are at the right place to buy XXL bully. We've been considered one of the top XXL pitbull kennels in the world for over a decade known for producing large, muscular dogs that maintain perfect structure, ripped muscles, blocky and chiseled heads.
Professional Pitbull and American Bully breeders based in the USA. Over 10 years of experience breeding giant American bully dogs boasting of the best bloodline, body structure, and muscle mass. Our pitbull dogs are registered as American pitbull terriers by the United Kennel Club and American bully dogs by the ABKC. We have affiliate breeders all over the United States and Europe (Rotterdam, Netherlands).
American BullyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier - bloodline Frisco, SixBits, Nigerino.
The American Pit Bull Terrier has a huge energy in a compact package, always included full drive 4x4. Sport, training, shows and much more subject to this breed. Our Kennel is engaged in this breed since 2000.
The ancestors of the dogs of our kennel became a pit bulls of known kennels of Russia, in whose veins flows the blood of legendary working dogs of nurseries of the United States, Europe and Russia.
Питомник Американский питбультерьер "ИМПЕРИЯ ДЕМОНОВ" - Россия. Питомник занимается разведением и Шоу-выставками.
На сайте представлены наши питомцы, породы: American Pit Bull Terrier - English Setter.
English SetterOur Kennel American Pit Bull Terrierwas established in 2000. Kennel not accidentally named "PIT MUST SURVIVE", because the pit bull is always and everywhere have to win a "place in the sun, struggling with gossip, haters, liars, and dropout from the dog breeding ... work again and again to prove to everyone that unique breed of dog DESERVE, in order to survive!"
Onze woonplaats is Assendelft, dat ligt in Noord Holland, ten noorden van Amsterdam. Wij houden van old english bulldogs en pitbulls.
De old english bulldog die wij houden zijn old english bulldogs waarvan sommige uit de leavitt lijn. De Leavitt lijn is opgezet door David Leavitt. De pitbulls zijn Amerikaanse pitbull en American Bully
Af en toe zullen we een nestje hebben, wat we met veel liefde zullen verzorgen. We zullen iedere keer een weloverwogen combinatie van teef en reu maken.
Zodat wij er alles aan doen om gezonde, mooie en vooral lieve Pups te krijgen. Alle honden maken deel uit van ons gezinsleven en verblijven dan ook in onze woonkamer.
KENNEL FIELD UNION многопородный питомник.
Aмериканский Бульдог (American Bulldog), Aмериканский
Пит Буль терьер (American Pit Bull Terrier, АРВТ), Английский Сеттер (English Setter), Йорширский терьер (Yorkshire Terrier), Померанский Шпиц (Pomeranian), Мопс (Mops), Бриар (Briard).
На сайте представлены наши питомцы, породы: American Pit Bull Terrier - English Setter.
Olde Bulldogge - Эта порода является, прежде всего- отличными компаньонами, а также обладая шармом, темпераментом и ловкостью быть почти универсальной породой- как служебная так и спортивная собака.
Старо-английский бульдог (Олд бульдог) обладает чувством собственного достоинства, шармом, преданностью, отлично ладит с детьми, превосходный друг.
American pitbullterriers and american bullies in Europe. We delivery our puppies all around the worldHigh quality dogs.
American BullyPitBrown is a kennel that select and produce American Pitbull Terrier, born in 2016. The best subjects and the best bloodlines are present in our kennel.
Breeder of American Pit Bulls registered with the prestigious American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) system. Welcome to SEAL kennel, home of American Pit Bull Terriers with a red nose. We offer a wide selection of purebred Pit Bull Terriers with a guarantee of health and high quality. Learn more about our dogs and reserve your future companion now!Discover the best representatives of the Pit Bull breed with excellent anatomy and a strong nervous system. Learn more about each dog in our kennel on the website. Choose quality and reliability with SEAL kennel.
For us, breeding dogs with a strong nervous system, good health, social safety, and beautiful anatomy is of utmost importance. All our dogs have undergone testing (genetic tests): cerebellar ataxia NCL-4a and progressive retinal atrophy PRAcrd2. Our dogs have a good temperament, high motivation for play and food, and excel in sports and shows.
We highly value American classics and the work of colleagues from the GOTCK (Gods Of The Cosmos Kennels) and RDC (Real Deal Chocolates) breeding kennels, who, unfortunately, have already ceased their professional activities but have forever left their mark on the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. We take pride in the fact that the glorious blood of these kennels flows in the veins of our dogs.
Our dogs participate in shows organized by various associations, undergo training, and engage in sports competitions. You can choose a section that interests you and learn more details.
We do not sell our dogs for illegal activities.