Breeding for 35 years with passion and with the best European blood-lines. Our dogs are for shows or as pets. Enjoy our web.
Borzoi Italian GreyhoundWe have a small kennel, the pug breeding is our passion for life. We are putting all our heart and energy in it. All dogs in Mira Canis FCI find, and will always find, love, warmth and respect in our home.
Quality, not quantity! We own Shih-Tzu since 1980. You can find sibblings of our Shih-Tzu on pedigrees all over the world. We don't sell puppy's to puppymills. Our puppy's won't leave their mother before they are 12 weeks old. We want to enjoy our litters.
Shih-TzuChow Chow Kennel "S Gradskogo Priiska" Russia, Cheliabinsk. Owner Alevtina Boiko.
Chow ChowPug Dog Kennel Valespes Owners Pestova Elena and Pestov Sergei. Russian Federation, Cheliabinsk.
Kennel Stellanova - Our dogs have following titles: International Champion, Champion of Poland, Champion of Russia, Champion of Czech Republic, Best of Europe, Best of Poland, Best of Club, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Best of Junior, Best in Show Puppy, Best in Show Junior, Best in Show, Best Female of Club.
All our life we deal with animals, mostly with dogs. Our favorite breeds are: pugs which are always in a good mood and French bulldogs wishing to play all the time. In our kennel we try to fulfill all the rules and our dogs are in a very good shape what could be seen on the shows. We show our dogs frequently participating in most of the shows organized by Polish Kennel Club. We took orders/sell French bulldog and pug puppies. The film “ The alphabet of breeds” was recorded in our kennel. The well known journal” My dog” decided to choose our farm to present the portrait of pugs. Many pictures were taken and then presented in different journals and newspapers. In our kennel was also recorded a film “ Our pets”. Our French bulldogs, pugs and basenji dogs participated in “ Szymon Majewski show”, one of the most popular talk show in Polish TV.
Bulldogs and Pugs breeding in kennel Bestas.
English Bulldog France BulldogWir züchten aus Liebe und Leidenschaft zur Rasse, mit der Verantwortung und dem Ziel gesunde und schöne Möpse zu züchten.
We breed with love and passion. Our goal and responsibility is to breed healthy and beautiful pugs.
We are a small Hobby Kennels situated in Valladolid, Spain. All our pugs are from quality lines.
Welcome on a web site kennel FCI "LOTHEART" from Ukraine. You will obtain information about our favourite pugs, will see their photos and will read many interesting reasons about this breed and will understand that pug - this is the best dog for you!
You will feel that pugs - this is love and gladness in our life. We will help you to choose a puppy, grow, educate a friend and champion. In our kennel - only winners! We will be glad to see you!
Mopswelpen von Mopszucht vom Mägdebrunnen. Mopszüchter im VDH, FCI, Mopsclub DMC. Gesunde Mopswelpen finden Sie beim seriösen Mopszüchter im VDH, diese Mopswelpen haben natürlich immer die entsprechenden Papiere/Stammbaum.
Sparen Sie lieber etwas länger auf Ihren Mopswelpen und nehmen eine eventuelle Wartezeit in Kauf, als das Sie einen "Billigwelpen" aus zweifelhafter Herkunft kaufen und fallen Sie nicht auf Internetbetrüger herein, die Mopswelpen zum Schleuderpreis anbieten.
Kennel Montes Auri was registered in 1998. Amanda Monpasje (Anja) became its founder. Her date of birth is the 14th of July 1996 (Sire Efor Sireni Shpiev, dam Feja Flerdorange) The breeder is Ms. Drosdovskaja E.
She started our history. Anja grew; we attended dog shows without her, looking narrowly to growing up former competitors. When we were invited to take part in the 2nd National Club ChNC dog show, we didn't have any doubt whether participate or not. And we were so happy, when our Anja became The Best female - junior.
Small kennel, but with quality, located in Portugal, city of Águeda. We breed Pugs with big passion and love. We do this with all the care and the love they deserve. Visit our site and enjoy it.
We will be glad to see You on pages of a site of our kennel "Minodora" ! We are breeding dogs of next breeds - Boxer, Pug, Chinese Crested Dog.
All the Best for you!!!
Будем рады видеть Вас на страницах сайта питомника "Minodora" ! Мы занимаеся разведением пород - боксер, мопс, китайская хохлатая собака. Все Лучшее для Вас!!!
We are a Pug and Leonberger kennel from Hungary. Our pugs have great pedigrees, conformation and temperament. For more information and photo please look at the our homepage.
LeonbergerWir sind eine kleine Hobbymopszucht aus Österreich. Hunde sind unsere Leidenschaft, besonders der Mops hat es uns angetan.
Kennel "Belaja magija" from Russia (FCI).Breed: Pug, English Bulldog, Chihuahua, French bulldogs. Shows, puppy for sale.
English Bulldog French Bulldog ChihuahuaUn piccolo allevamento di Carlini da esposizione e compagnia. Risultati in campionati nazionali, internazionali e al World Dog Show. Selezione per carattere, salute e tipicita.
We are a small successful show kennel of Pug dog. Having national and international champions and great result in the World Dog Show. We Breed for Temprament, Health, Type.
Forum miłośników psów rasy mops. Ciekawe tematy, wiele informacji, porady, instrukcje. Podziel się doświadczeniem lub skorzystaj z doświadczenia innych. Dołącz do nas! Czekamy!
Pulcherrimus Ga-Bo kennel is located in Kiev, Ukraine. We occasionally breed for quality and not for quantity. Our aim is to breed healthy dogs with good movements and excellent exterior.
Chováme černé a béžové mopse, máme malý, domácí chov, zaměřený především na zdraví a kvalitu odpovídající standardu plemene.
Welcome to website ofkennelVELES RAVELIN – pug, shih tzu, rottweiler. On pages of our site you can get acquainted with our pets, look at their photo, a pedigrees, puppies.
Добро пожаловать на сайт питомника “VELES RAVELIN” – мопс, ши-тцу, ротвейлер. На страницах нашего сайта Вы можете познакомиться с нашими питомцами, посмотреть их фото, родословную, щенков.
Welcome to kennel FCI Konfident Step!
Here you can get acquainted with our dogs, their show results and progeny. We welcome you to our site!
Allevamento Professionale per la Selezione delle Razze Bouledogue Francese, Carlino (Pug ) e Jack Russell Terrier.
French Bulldog Jack Russell TerrierPug Dog Kennel Aivovo from Belarus, Minsk. Owner Stepanenko Mila. Breeder of high quality fawn and black pugs.
We have been breeding pugs for 15 years. In the nursery, a large number of dogs that have the highest titles. For more information about our dogs you can visit our site.
Kennel Shih-Tzu and Pug "Charm Beside", owner: Polishuk Oksana (Vinnitsa, Ukraine).
Shih TzuMiniature bull terrier for sale, buldogs and pug. You are always Wellcome.
Miniature Bull Terrier English BulldogUnsere Mops und Bully Zucht betreiben wir aus Liebe zu diesen wundervollen Rassen.
Es ist mir ein Anliegen , möglichst gesunde, freiatmende und sportliche Möpse zu züchten. Einen Mops wie es ihn schon für kurze Zeit in den 50ziger Jahren gab. Damals glich er einem normalen kleinen Hund, mit einem etwas höherem Gangwerk, weniger oder geteilter Nasenfalte und einem etwas mehr ausgeprägtem freiliegendem Nasenrücken.
Wir züchten Möpse... in den Farben... beige mit Maske, apricot, sable, schwarz, silver-grey und brindle!!! Wir züchten Bullys in den Farben ...fawn, red, brindle und chocolate Unsere Mops und Bully Eltern sind gesund , freiatmend und sehr sportlich!!!
Bienvenu à l'élevage de la Grange Enchantée
- Boston Terriers
- Carlins
- Chihuahuas Poil Court
Entre Angers et Le Mans, à 2h30 de Paris.
Élevage professionnel au cœur de la campagne, mené avec passion et rigueur. Nos chiens vivent au plus proche de la nature. Les bébés sont manipulés et imprégnés dès leur plus jeune âge pour des chiots équilibrés. Et vous bénéficiez de toutes les garanties d'un professionnel.
N'oubliez pas, une visite du site internet, c'est bien, mais une véritable visite à l'élevage, c'est mieux...
KENNEL FIELD UNION многопородный питомник.
Aмериканский Бульдог (American Bulldog), Aмериканский Пит Буль терьер (American Pit Bull Terrier, АРВТ), Английский Сеттер (English Setter), Йорширский терьер (Yorkshire Terrier), Померанский Шпиц (Pomeranian), Мопс (Mops), Бриар (Briard).
На сайте представлены наши питомцы, породы: American Pit Bull Terrier - English Setter.
Olde Bulldogge - Эта порода является, прежде всего- отличными компаньонами, а также обладая шармом, темпераментом и ловкостью быть почти универсальной породой- как служебная так и спортивная собака.
Старо-английский бульдог (Олд бульдог) обладает чувством собственного достоинства, шармом, преданностью, отлично ладит с детьми, превосходный друг.
Hello from Cyprus,the island of love... we are pug and pekingnese breeders.
PekingeseWe are breeders of rare colour pugs and french
Bulldogs, we breed white, platium and chocolates pugs and blue and chocolate frenchies. We are based in Hungary but regularly ship all over europe, we have been breeding for many years and are very experienced in breeder rare colours.
If you need anymore information please feel freeto contact me.
We are hobby breeders specializing in French bulldogs, Pugs, with rare colours, we have Blue Frenchies andFawn, Black, White and Platium pugs, we are based in Essex, Breeding several litters a year of Blue French Bulldogs and pieds, and several litters or rare breed pugs, we also breed English Bulldogs.
French BulldogPug Dog Kennel Tsarstvo Zari-Eos from Belarus, Minsk. Owner Cherkahshina Irina and Yelena. Breeder of high quality fawn and black pugs.
Welcome to Nature Dogs - Breeding Ground of FCI and DKK breed, healthy, strong and happy pugs.
The dogs live as a natural part of the family in our lovely house in Denmark.
Heidi and Soren
Wir werden bei der ersten Verpaarung unserer Amelié einen erfahrenen Deckrüden (Brüsseler Griffon) aussuchen welcher bereits mehrfach wunderschöne und vorallem gesunden Nachwuchs gezeugt hat. In der Regel werden 2-5 Welpen geboren welche in der Regel schnell neue Besitzer finden.
Uns wurde deshalb der Tipp gegeben eine Interessentenliste zu führen. Sollten Sie Interesse an einen Zwerggriffon haben bitten wir Sie sich per Mail bei uns eintragen zu lassen. Sie verpflichten sich dadurch nicht zum Kauf. Wir werden nach dem Wurf dann nur die Interessenten kontaktieren und nachfragen ob noch Interesse besteht. Unseren ersten Griffon - Wurf erwarten wir im Spätherbst 2012 Unseren ersten Mops - Wurf erwarten wir im Sommer 2013.
Welcome to our web-site, this site about our pugs «Mille Bassi» In our web-site you can found information about our pugs, about results from dogs exhibitions and about our puppies. We have been breeding black and fawn pugs.
Рады приветствовать Вас на персональном сайте питомника жесткошерстных фокстерьеров мопсов и бивер йоркшир терьеров "WINSBURG".
Fox Terrier Wired Haired Yorkshire TerrierНаш племенной питомник « Azov Sun City » основан в 2002 году, занимается разведением пород : Немецкая овчарка, Брюссельский и Бельгийский гриффон, Мопс, Китайская хохлатая собака, Цвергшнауцер.
German Shepherd Dog Brussels Griffon Belgian Griffon Chinese Crested Dog Miniature SchnauzerDelizioso is a kennel of cane corso and pug. We are located in south of Sweden. We are focused on health and nice family dogs for showing and breeding quality. Puppies sometimes available out of healthy and temperamentally sound parents. We have possibility to sell puppies, young or adult dogs abroad.
Cane Corso ItalianoI am pleased to welcome You to my website. My name is Svetlana. In our club I am a responsible head of the small and medium breeds. These dogs, as German petite (Pomeranian) and small Pomeranian, Pug, French bulldogs.
My main goal is to get healthy puppies. In my work I aim to preserve and improve the qualities of the breed, guided by the modern requirements to the breed standard.
Cattery is registered in FCI-BKO and has been breeding pugs beige and black color. On this site you will learn about our achievements, get acquainted with our dogs, but also be able to buy a pug puppy.
Basset Hound kennel QUEEN´S HERMELIN fromCzech republic in Europe presentation our dogs, bitches, puppies, galery of champions.
Basset HoundPug - Mops kennel QUEEN'S HERMELIN from Czech republic in Europe prezent our dogs, bitches, puppies, galery of champions.
We are Julie and Fanni, a mother/daughter team who breed high quality of French Bulldogs and Pugs for the love and enjoyment of these wonderful breeds. Dogs are family here at Pete Tong Kennel. Remember that you are your dog�s whole world!
French BulldogBreeder of biege and black pug. Champions, show results, puppies, pedigrees, lowchen history, photos. Wellcome to our site!
Barf food and family life for my dogs. Pedigree LOF, french italian german and russian origins fir dachshund.
(wirehaired standard)Pug kennel FAN-FAN FAVORI. One of the leading kennels in Ukraine. Breeding pugs since 2009. Has a very strong herd in its arsenal. Very often they can be seen together with their pets at the Euro Dog Show and World Dog Show. Has many Champions. Graduates of the kennel are both in Europe and in America.