Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail - Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.com

Dog Breeders - EuroBreeder.com

Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail / Berger anglais ancestral / AltEnglisher Schäferhund

Enchant Kennel
Enchant OES

Best of Austria Old English sheepdog (Bobtail).

Bobtailgarden of Snowboot Bears
Bobtailgarden of Snowboot Bears

Hobby breeder of Old English Sheepdogs.

Etichetta Nera OES - di Zuccherino OES - Apple's Angel OES
Etichetta Nera OES - di Zuccherino OES - Apple's Angel OES

In our site we presents our kennels. Etichetta Nera Kennel by Laura Grassi di Zuccherino Kennel by Caterina Marchi Apple's Angel Kennel by Simonetta Crepaldi. You will find informations about our dogs, the litters and photos. We breed for temperament and beauty. Our dogs are health-tested.

I Viaggi di Gulliver Bobtails
I Viaggi di Gulliver

Allevamento per la selezione del bobtail, old english sheepdog.

SeaLords Old English Sheepdogs
SeaLords Old English Sheepdogs

Breeder of Old English Sheepdogs in Portugal. Information about our dogs and the breed.

Old English Sheepdogs Angel ... from Stone's VDH/FCI

FCI Breeder of Old English Sheepdog in Germany. Homepage includes pedigrees, puppies, dogs, photos and more. Warm Welcome!

Bim-Bom-Bam Bobtail and Miniature Pinscher
Bobtail and Miniature Pinscher

A site for loving, caring and showing Old English Sheepdog and Miniature Pinscher.

Miniature Pinscher


FCI Breeder of Old English Sheepdog in Germany. Homepage includes pedigrees, puppies, dogs, photos and more. Warm Welcome!

Manrose -Old English Sheepdog
MANROSE - Old English Sheepdog

We aim to breed healthy, good-natured Old English Sheepdogs that fully represent the Breed Standard. Our dogs get the highest awards at National and International Show throughout the whole of Europe. This fact is also interesting for pet owners who have no ambition to show their dog but because they also want a typical OES to become part of their family. Our Puppies are nurtured with lots of love in our house and garden. Pedigree SKG/FCI, Microchip and Pet Passport. Find more information and photos at our homepage.

Wir stellen den Anspruch, gesunde, wesensfeste und typvolle Bobtails zu züchten. Unsere Zuchthunde erreichen höchste Auszeichnungen an nationalen- und internationalen Ausstellungen in ganz Europa. Dies ist auch für die Welpenkäufer ohne Ambitionen zum Ausstellen wichtig, möchten sie doch auch einen typischen Rassevertreter als Familienhund haben. Unsere Welpen werden liebevoll im Haus und Garten aufgezogen. Abstammungsurkunde SKG/FCI, Mikrochip und Heimtierpass. Für mehr Informationen und Fotos besuchen sie unsere Homepage.

Solkysten Old English Sheepdog
Norway Dog Breeders
Solkysten Old English Sheepdog

Information about Old English Sheepdog in Scandinavia.

Shenedene Lhasa apso's
UK Dog Breeders
SHENEDENE Lhasa apso's

Breeders of Lhasa apso's in the UK.

Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu

Patchwork Kennel

Allevamento Amatoriale dell' Australian shepherd e del Bobtail. Alleviamo con vera passione, selezionando per tipicita, salute e carattere.I nostri riproduttori vengono testati per le displasie e le oculopatie.

Amateur Breeding of 'Australian shepherd and Bobtail. We breed with passion, typical for selecting, health and carattere.I our breeders are tested for dysplasia and oculopathies.

Australian Shepherd

Elbe-Urstromtal Old English Sheepdogs
Elbe-Urstromtal Old English Sheepdogs

In 1971 we started with the worldwide leading kennel of Old English Sheepdogs. Our Dogs are know for their gentle and Real OES Karakter. On top the have proven to be beautiful as well. We have bred 130 Champions worldwide.

Our typ is how an OES should looke like. See the dogs and puppies at our homepage and you will see the difference. We are not breeding justan OES, we are breeding special dogs!

Bearded Collie

Kudlaty Tramp OES
Kudlaty Tramp OES

We show and breed old english sheepdogs since 1985.

Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail

'Fan Bo' Bobtails - Old English Sheepdog
'FAN BO' Bobtails - Old English Sheepdog

Bobtail puppies from beautiful parents... with great love and respect for the breed.

Agel Moravia English Pointer & Old English Sheepdog
Jihomoravský, Czechia
Agel Moravia

Pointer and Old English Sheep Dog kennel in the Czech Republic.

English Pointer