Página creada, mantenida por y para los amantes de Fox Terrier de Pelo Liso.
Greetings from Estonia. At us 7 breeds of dog. Welcome!
Basset Hound Bulldog Japanese Chin King Charles Spaniel Small Brabant Griffon St. BernardFox Terrier smooth and English cocker Spaniel. We are a small kennel in france. We breed with love and serious. Our dogs are from the best bloodlines. Our fox are from American bloodlines. Pup for show or home sometimes available.
English Cocker SpanielWelcome Site of Fox Terrier Smooth.
Bienvenue, l'élevage Du Castel Des Près vous présente ses fox-terriers à poil lisse.
Site of Fox Terrier Smooth kennel. Small kennel in Moscow. Our foxes, stantard, breed history, puppies, many photos, show results, FoxArt gallery.
We are kennel of fox terrier smooth founded in 1996. We breed quality smooth with typical character. Our dogs are used in hunting also. Our the most succesful is European winner, Interchampion, Universal working dog, champion Chart Tuskulum.
FCI-Breeder of Smooth Fox Terriers since 1995. Welcome to visit our website to see photos andlearn more about this wonderful breed.
Fox Terrier WireKennel of Wire and Smooth Fox Terriers from the Czech republic. We are small family kennel. We love fox terriers for their temperament and hunting possibilities. Our dogs are succesfull showing and hunting dogs.
Fox Terrier (Wire)Elevage passionné de fox-terrier, et uniquement de poil lisse. Agréé par la Société Centrale Canine. Nos chiens vivent à domicile, et reproduisent 1 fois par an. Issus d'excellentes lignées, ils sont récompensés en concours de beauté et travail. Ce sont de beaux chiens pleins de vie, et trés affectueux.
Les chiots sont vendus pucés, vaccinés, sociabilisés, et inscrits au LOF. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter : nous serons enchantés de vous répondre, et pourquoi pas de vous accueillir.
This is small Fox terriers & Rottweilers kennel located in Lithuania. The dogs are our companions and family members.
Rottweilerпитомник Гладкошерстных фокстерьеров и Джек Рассел терьеров "Кеп Кас", Украина.
Jack Russell TerrierSumalu Kennels is home to the Smooth Fox terrier sisters. Our Smooths are shown across Ireland.