Basset Hound - Breeders and Kennels -

Basset Hound Breeders -

Basset Hound

Queen's Hemerlin Kennel Basset Hound

Basset Hound kennel QUEEN´S HERMELIN fromCzech republic in Europe presentation our dogs, bitches, puppies, galery of champions.

Kennel Queen's Hemerlin

Pug - Mops kennel QUEEN'S HERMELIN from Czech republic in Europe prezent our dogs, bitches, puppies, galery of champions.


Basset Hounds Bohemia Horrido
Bohemia Horrido

Bassethound kennel in the Czech Republic since 1991.

Basset Hounds Kennel My Destiny
My Destiny Basset Hound Kennel

Our small family kennel is officially registred with the FCI in 2002. We are breeding basset hound for shows, hunting and breeding.

Basset Hounds kennel Orvisnik
Orvisnik - Basset hound kennel

Welcome on our webpages!

Basset Hound Kennel Midsummer Night's Juno's
Midsummer Night's Juno's
Basset Hound Kennel

Welcome! We're a small kennel, located in Hungary, We breed very good quality dogs for shows. For more informations check our website:)

Basset Hound Taylor Dominik and Born On My Birthday Prdlavka

Basset hound Taylor Dominik and Born On My Birthday Prdlavka.

Bassethound montefalco di Lago Ombroso
Toscana, Italy Dog Breeders
Bassethound montefalco di Lago Ombroso

Bassethound kennel in Italy very important bloodlines.

Jorico Kennels Clumber Spaniels and Basset Hounds
Jorico Kennels

Small family kennel in Malta. Clumber Spaniels and Basset Hounds from top UK kennels.

Clumber Spaniel

Domaine de Saint Véran - Passion du Basset Hound
Domaine de Saint Véran
Passion du Basset Hound

Pour les passionnés du basset-hound, chien de télé Z et de l'inspecteur Columbo. Notre élevage familial situé à Cagnes sur Mer à 10 km de Nice (France) diffuse des conseils et des informmations et propose des chiots issus de bonnes origines.

Geyron's Basset Hounds
Geyron's Basset Hounds

Small breeder in Sweden.

Kennel Canis Hhaund

Bassethound kennel in the Belarus since 2001.

Питомник бассет хаундов в Беларуси, основан в 2001 году.

Svarta PIM
Svarta PIM

Kennel Swart PIM - Basset Hound, Rottweiler, Dachshund.

We are happy to invite you to visit our web page and we are happy to represent our lovelydogs. We have a forum. On the pages of the forum a lot of interesting information -articles, reports from exhibitions, photos and video.

Our Kennel is located in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Yours faithfully,
Irina Mukhina

Rottweiler Dachshund

Three Colour Beauty Dog kennel
Three Colour Beauty Dog kennel

Our kennel exists since 1998. Now we are breeding Spinone Italiano, Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen and Basset Hound, all mentioned breeds with Top show quality.

Italian wire-haired Pointing Dog Grand Basset griffon vendéen

A Story With A Tail Bassethound Kennel
A Story With A Tail
Bassethound Kennel

I am a small Bassethound breeder from the Netherlands.

Efendi Basset Hound Kennel
Efendi Basset Hound Kennel

Hungarian Basset Hound Kennel since 1982!

Kennel Klensmen Kliri
Kennel Klensmen Kliri

Питомник занимается разведением собак породы ротвейлер и бассет-хаунд. На сайте Вы можете познакомиться с нашими питомцами и их достижениями на выставках,а так же узнать о наших планах на будущее.

Rottweiler Cane Corso Italiano

Basset Hounds and Norwich Terriers Inkelink's

Uppfödning av Basset Hound sedan 1997. Jakt ,spår och utställning.

Norwich Terrier

From Ridzhin Brill House

Ukrainian Basset Hound Kennel "From Ridzhin Brill House".

Blackvein Basset Hounds
Blackvein Basset Hounds

A small kennel situated in the western valleys of South Wales combining the very best of UK and European bloodlines. Dedicated to the aim of producing healthly hounds fit for function incorporating type, soundness and most importantly temperament.

I am always available for any Basset Hound enthusiast who may find themselves in need of help and/or advice.

Amelhuk - kennel of Alaskan Malamutes and a basset hound
Amelhuk - kennel of
Alaskan Malamutes and a basset hound

Alaskan Malamutes and Basset Hound from Russia for the sport, show and breeding.

Alaskan Malamute

'Terra d'Orfili' Basset Hound Kennel
'Terra d'Orfili' Basset Hound Kennel

The Basset Hound Kennel "Terra d'Orfili" is located in Italy, in the beautiful countryside of Gallura (Sardinia). We started breeding for pure passion and love for this wonderful breed. Puppies available.

BassBanda Basset Hound Kennel
BassBanda Basset Hound Kennel

Welcome every dog lover, especially Basset Hound breed lovers.We are small kennel from Poland. I'd like to invite all of you to see my website and get to know our dogs.

Allevamento dei Bentivoglio
Allevamento dei Bentivoglio

After graduating in Veterinary Medicine, my love for Basset Hound and Welsh Corgi Pembroke dogs lead me to start the kennel. Both breeds hail from the most renown and important bloodlines. My dogs are bred and raised at home, and are, first of all, my trusty companions. We take part regularly to expositions and events, both Italian and international, often with good results.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke


We breed our bassethouds with love !

We are a small breeder of Bassethounds. Healthy dogs are happy dogs!

Elevage du Domaine d'Ushuaia
Elevage du Domaine d'Ushuaia

Elevage du Domaine d'Ushuaia, basset hound , nombreux champions internationaux et nationaux . Sélection santé, beauté et caractère. Membre du basset hound club France.

Kuorii Kennel Basset Hound
KUORII Kennel Basset Hound

Dog breeding purebred Basset Hound. I am passionate about the breed basset hound, and even dog-loving educator. I participate with my basset dog shows recognized by the FCI and ENCI. Our puppies are born and grow with our family, kids and pets: getting excellent socialization. Our kennel is located in the Po valley, in the north-east of Italy. The kennel has been recognized by the FCI in 2013 and since 2009 as a amateur kennel. Do not reproduce our dogs for commercial purposes, but to keep from each litter an interesting subject that can make a contribution to this beautiful breed. Not being able to keep all the puppies prefer that these go in private households where they will be loved and masters of the family sofa!

Allevamento del cane di razza Basst Hound. Io sono appassionata della razza basset hound, e anche educatrice cinofila. Partecipo con i miei basset alle esposizioni canine riconosciute da FCI ed ENCI. I nostri cuccioli nascono e crescono in famiglia, con bimbi e animali da compagnia: ricevendo un'ottima socializzazione. Il nostro allevamento è situato nella pianura padana, a nord-est d'Italia. L'allevamento è stato riconosciuto da FCI nel 2013 ed attivo dal 2009 come allevamento amatoriale. Non riproduciamo i nostri cani per scopi commerciali, ma per tenere da ogni cucciolata un soggetto interessante che possa dare un contributo a questa bella razza. Non potendo tenere tutti i cuccioli preferiamo che questi vadano in famiglie private dove saranno amati e padroni del divano di famiglia!


De I Titani di Urano Show Bulldogs and and Basset Hound
De I Titani di Urano
Show Bulldogs and and Basset Hound

English Bulldogs and Basset Hounds in Alessandria ITA.

English Bulldog

Dina's Way Basset Hound
Dina's Way

Basset Hound breeder in the Czech Republic.

elevage de bouvier bernois Le Crot Galop
Le Crot Galop - elevage de bouvier bernois

L'élevage du crot galop est situé au centre de la france dans le département du cher. nous élevons nos bouvier bernois dans un cadre agréable depuis 20 ans.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Elevage de Golden Retriever Le Crot Galop
Elevage de Golden Retriever

Notre élevage de golden retriever se situe en région centre à 2 h de paris.l'association du golden retriever et du bouvier bernois sont les deux races principales de notre activité d'éleveur.

Golden Retriever

Elevage de Golden Retriever Le Crot Galop
Basset Hound

L'élevage DU CROT GALOP se situe au centre de la FRANCE , nous proposons des basset hound issus des meilleurs origines et élevés dans les meilleures conditions.

Basset hound and Miniature pinch Caltha
Caltha Basset hound and Miniature pinch

Basset Hound and Miniature Pinch breeder in the Czech Republic.

Miniature Pinscher

OEKV/FCI Kennel Forsthaus Falkenstein Bloodhound & Basset Hound
Forsthaus Falkenstein OEKV/FCI Kennel

We are breeding with passion Basset Hounds and Bloodhounds under the OEKV/FCI registered Kennel "Forsthaus Falkenstein", located in Falkenstein / Austria (near Vienna). In addition to maintaining the breed standard, the breeding objective is to breed a healthy and sporty type, whose hunting usability is of great importance. Therefore, we attach great importance to the fact that our dogs have not only successfully proven their breed standard at shows, but have also successfully passed working tests (hunting as well as as operationally tested and active mantrailers).
