Samoiedskaia Sabaka / Samoyed - Breeders and Kennels -

Dog Breeders -

Samoiedskaia Sabaka / Samoyed / Samoyčde / Samojede

Nox-Poli Breeder

We are in Croatia. Since 1993 we are owned by our samoyeds. There are 7 samoyeds in our home.

Kennel Polarvargens
Polarvargens Kennel

We are a smal kennel in Dalarna, Sweden.We have 1-2 litters per year. We only breed on healthy dogs, free hips and eyes.

Kennel Bivvilis Kennel
Bivvilis Kennel

A quality breeding in a very small scale with family dogs. I only breed on healhty dogs with a sound temperament.


Hi! We are a little kennel in the North of Sweden. Our biggest enjoy with the dogs is to go on sledding tours and take long walks in nature, and some times we go to dog shows. Please visit our site to read more about us, and meet our Samoyeds.

Sonata Arctica Kennel
Sonata Arctica Samoyeds

We are small new Samoyed Kennel in Poland. We breed only with healthy dog in hips and eyes. Quality, not quantity :-)

Belolakay Samoyeds Kennel
Belolakay Samoyeds kennel

The kennel samoyeds in Russia.

Arctic Challenge Kennel

Our dogs are our pride, hobby, pride and happines!

Alaskan Malamute

Arctic Aivik
Arctic Aivik

We have a small, familian kennel in Switzerland. We breed high quality Samoyeds for show,and working and ofcourse as family dogs. All our dogs live with us as family members.

We only breed on helthy animals whith clear eyes and hips A ore B and we also are follow the Swiss and FCI Rules and recommendations fore breeding. Welcome to visit our site.

Samojeden-Kennel of Sápmi Spirit
Samojeden-Kennel of Sápmi Spirit

Samoyed-site (in german) with many information and links to the Samoyed breed, the polysportiv use of Samoyeds and the history. Furtheron information to Samoyed, Saami and other nordic ethinas. FCI-Kennel and Certodog(r)-breeder.

Samoyed kennel Severnaya
Severnaya Samoyed kennel

We've been breeding samoyeds for 14 years, our aim is to produce good-looking, healthy dogs, suited to the standard, with real sammy temperament and ability to work. Our dogs are family members, they live in our house and garden freely.

White Siberian Samoyede Kennel
White Siberian Samoyede Kennel

Hi! I breeding samoyeds since 1997 in Hungary. My sammies all family members and breed dogs. I spend big attention on it, that from my Kennel healthy and let beautiful samoyeds get into their new home! I've plus my dog cosmetics and big Pet Shop on Kiskunlach�za and on Kiskunmajsa.

My Kennel prides: White Siberian Hoymarkana Hritzo, Mystique Midnight Donna of Severnaya-sam and Gentle Prince Yoshi and us.

Samoyeds Vidnavska zare
Vidnavska zare

Samoyeds from Czech Republic. All about our dogs, breeding plans and shows.

Samoyed Kennel Haletorpets
Haletorpets Kennel

We are a small kennel in Skåne. We breed samoyed in a small scale. All the dogs live as family members. You are welcome to visit our homepage.

Les Neiges Bleues d'Euzkadi

En plein coeur du pays basque, au pied de la montagne, elevage familial avec une selection rigoureuse beauté, caractére et santé, nos chiens sont elevés parmi nous en totale liberté.

Elevage familial de samoyede, nos lignées sont issues d'une selection rigoureuse type, caractére et beauté.

Elevage familial de spitz nain et petit, nous avons des crémes, des oranges et des noirs et feu, nos chiens sont issus d'une selection rigoureuse beauté, type et caractére.

Chow Chow Pomeranian

De Villaodon Samoyeds

Samoyed breeding. Top quality dogs. We are in Spain. Since 1986 we are owned by our samoyeds. Puppies sometimes available.

Samayed Kennels
Samayed Kennels

Breeder of Samoyed and Dachshund.


Lejonbols kennel
Lejonbols kennel

Breeding of Eurasier, Samoyed and Leonberger. Visit our home page and see all photos och our beautiful dogs. Breedingdogs are free in hips, elbows, patella and eyes. Good mentalitet are very important for us. We are located in the south of Sweden. Welcome.

Eurasier Leonberger

Angel and Barcelona - happy samoyed from Ventspils
Angel and Barcelona
happy samoyed from Ventspils

This homepage is made for our samoyed family - Barcelona, Angel and their sweet puppies, and also for all actual samoyed friends and friends to-be.

Barcelona is a Kenventaki kennel samoyed, born 04.11.2005., in Kekava, Riga region. Barcelona has 2 sisters and 4 brothers.

Angel, full name is Smiling Snowball Santa Elf, born 01.05.2008., Estonia, Haapsalu. Angel has 4 sisters, so the only boy in his family.

Vielseitiger Samojede
Vielseitiger Samojede

Informationsseite zum Samojeden. Wir möchten die Vielseitigkeit des Samojeden erhalten. Zeitweise Welpen ab zu geben aus Schönheits/Leistungszucht mit vorzüglichen Elterntieren.

Seriöse FCI/VDH/DCNH Familienaufzucht seit 1991. Keine Zwingerhaltung.

Bielkersmils kennel
Bielkersmils kennel

We are a kennel in Värmland nearby the big lake Vänern in Sweden. We like to go sledding with our dogs both for fun and for competition. We also like to go for dog shows. As we use our dogs as working dogs it's very important that they are healhty and have a sound temperament.

In our small breeding we seek to breed dogs who can function as familydogs as well as workingdogs. Welcome to our website to read more about us and to get to know our samoyeds.

Aklaro Samoyeds
Aklaro Samoyeds

Aklaro is pretty much new breeding kennel that is located in Belgrade, Serbia. We have been FCI registered in 2008, registration number 4764.

We have started to take interest in Samoyeds in 2004, ever since sweet polo bear Celtix Moon- Aki has arrived in our home. As he was growing, we were trying to find out as much as we could in regards to this breed type. We read lots of literature, visited many exbitions within our country and overseas and wanted to know everything about characteristics and looks of these wonderful type of dogs.

We believe that Samoyed should be physically strong, greatly balanced in mind and body, beautiful and should be moving like a wind. We are still searching for perfect Samoyed and that determination makes us look even further ahead.

Do hope that you'll enjoy looking through our website.

Jedie's Samojeden
Jedie's Samojeden

Wir haben eine verantwotungsbewußte FCI/DCNH Zucht. Wir möchten die Vielseitigkeit des Samojeden weiter erhalten, darum fällt bei uns so ein- bis zweimal im Jahr ein Wurf.

Wir achten sehr darauf, dass die Eltertiere gesund sind und eine guten Charakter haben.

Artic Cobaka
Artic Cobaka

Elevage passion de chiens nordiques. Situé en France et plus précisément en Bourgogne.

Finnish Lapphundd Finnish Spitz

Endry Samoyeds by Nord Paradise Samoyeds
Endry Samoyeds
by Nord Paradise Samoyeds

Allevamento e centro selezione dei samoiedo delle migliori linee di sangue inglese.

Breeding and center selection Samoyeds of the best English blood lines.

Nordic Club
Nordic Club

Club friends dogs FCI Group 5 - Croatia, Zagreb.

Akita Inu Chow Chow Siberian Husky German Spitz

Kennel Klajokliu suo
Kennel Klajokliu suo

Samoyeds kennel "Klajokliu suo".

Белый Бриллиант многопородный
Белый Бриллиант
многопородный питомник

Добро пожаловать на страницу питомника Белый Бриллиант!

Наш питомник основан в 2009 году. Собаки породы Самоедская лайка наше основное направление. Мы профессионально занимаемся разведением этих замечательных животных.

Качество наших питомцев многократно подтверждено победами на международных выставках и титулами полученными от экспертов международных категорий разных стран.

Мы гарантируем высокое качество, отменное воспитание и отличное здоровье любого выпускника.

Если вас заинтересовала порода Самоедская лайка, оставьте нам сообщение или свяжитесь с нами другим способом наши контакты.Щенок породы Самоедская лайка может стать вам настоящим другом.

Кроме того информацию о наших производителях можно посмотреть здесь наши питомцы, в разделе на продажу можно узнать о наличии и характеристиках потомства, а в разделе к вязке выставлены питомцы готовые к вязке.

Ждем ваших предложений!

Приятного просмотра,
Белый Бриллиант.

Yorkshire Terrier Pomeranian

Polar Spirit samoyeds
Polar Spirit samoyeds

Our smiling samoyeds

We are breeding this wondeful race to introduce it to other people. The dogs are living with us and the puppies too, they are well socialized before going to live with their new family. We like to walk the dogs, to play with them and we are jogging with them 2 or 3 time a week.

We select and breed mainly healthy dogs, our objective is to improve healthy and beauty of the race.

Roxana Samoyed Kennel
Roxana Samoyed Kennel

Samoyed puppies for sale! For further information visit our website!

elevage Des Rives Du Khatanga
elevage Des Rives Du Khatanga

Spitz de l’Arctique blanc, élégant, de taille moyenne. Il donne une impression de force, d’endurance, de charme, de souplesse, de dignité et d’assurance. L’expression, ce que l’on appelle le sourire du samoyède, résulte de la combinaison de la forme et de la position de l’œil et les commissures des lèvres légèrement retroussées. Les caractères sexuels doivent être nettement marqués.

Chatterie également de bleu russe CHB

Samoyed Carpathian White Smile
Carpathian White Smile Samoyed

Samoyed kennel in Slovakia.

Samojedi od Račí studánky
Czech RepublicDog Breeders
Samojedi od Račí studánky

We are small kennel from east part of Czech republic. We are breeding samoyed. We have sometimes available puppies. We are breeding with love are samoyeds. We are also very susceful on dogshows.

Of Sparkling Starlight
Of Sparkling Starlight

Of Sparkling Starlight kennel samoyede - France.

Of Sparkling Starlight
'Of Sparkling Starlight' kennel France FCI

We have a small and family kennel in France.

Of Sparkling Starlight is a small and familly breeding only samoyede in France Passion, love, quality, temperament, health we make shows in France and Europe.

All our dogs are hips (HD and ED) and eyes checked, DNA tested, PRA tested and get a pedigree from France / FCI.

Bamorlen's Samojeden
Bamorlen's Samojeden

Enjoy life and nature with Samoyeds. So we do ... since we have our beloved Samoyeds. We are a small Kennel located in Germany / Bavaria.

Violet´s meadow Samoyed
Violet´s meadow

Hi :) We are a small kennel based in Galanta, Western Slovakia. Our goal is to breed healthy puppies, very good socialized, great in exterior, for training and a plus for breeding.

We are planing our litters months before and looking to the potential of the puppies - health, character, exterior, great pedigree.

Polar Beauty Samoyed
Pardubický, Czechia
Polar Beauty

Samoyed breeder in the Czech Republic.
Praha, Czechia

Luke is a beautiful and friendly Samoyed male with a fantastic pedigree. He lives in Prague, is certified for breeding, and looks forward meeting your Samoyed lady on his garden.

Golchika Samoyed and Dachshound

Samoyed and Dachshound miniature kennel in the Czech Republic.


Samoyed Born of Dreams
Born of Dreams

We are a breeder from Poland.

Samoyède Von Weiss Juwelen
Von Weiss Juwelen

Petit élevage familial situé dans le Sud-Ouest Français. Chien testés et reconnu en France.

Matyella Samoyeds

We are family kennel located in Slovakia (close to Czech borders). We fell in love with samoyed smile and character 25 years ago. We are FCI registered kennel, member of Slovak samoyed club. Speak german and english. Don t hesitate to look at our web or FB profile Matyella samoyeds where we put actual pictures from our daily life with samoyeds.