Siberian Husky - Breeders and Kennels - Europe, USA -

Siberian Husky Breeders -

Siberian Husky

Z Pierwszej Ręki FCI Kennel
Z Pierwszej Ręki FCI - Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky Z Pierwszej Ręki FCI kennel from Poland!

Sniego Šunys siberian huskies kennel
Sniego Šunys siberian huskies kennel

We are small family kennel located in Lithuania. Our focus is on breeding healthy dogs that are sound in both temperament and conformation, making them beautiful show dogs, able sled dogs and loving, happy companions. Have a nice time in our website!

Siberian Husky Pedigree Database
Siberian Husky Pedigree Database

Husky pedigree base is online!! The database is unofficial and private and is constantly under construction.

Siberian Huskies from St. Petersburg and suburbs
St.Petersburg, Russia Dog Breeders
Siberian Husky from St. Petersburg
and suburbs

About breed. Puppies for sale! Show dogs and sled dogs!

Siberian Husky Taysa
Taysa Siberians

Siberian Husky Kennel foundation dogs based on the old classic Monadnock Line. Careful breeding program. Come and visit us and meet the dogs.

Siberian Husky Kennel FCI Red Snowdevils
Red Snowdevils
Siberian Husky Kennel FCI

A small Family Kennel of Siberian Huskies. All about our Huskies, Breeding Plan and Shows.

Black Dream Wolves
Black Dream Wolves

We are living in Lower Austria, in a small village called Chorherrn. We really appreciate the nature and the opportunity to train our dogs in ruining free.

We also spend a lot of time with training the dogs, playing with them or we just snuggle. It also depends on the intended purpose 'cause not every dog is trained for show or sledge.

We are living in an old farmer house together with our pack. We are living with our dogs and don't leave them out into the kennel all the time. Our house if not perfectly clean all the time - for sure. At time where it is raining a lot you can clean all day long and it will be still dirty.

The dogs have the possibility to be in almost every room of the house and we have learned to live with that. If you are looking for a kennel where everything is in perfect order and cleaned up all the time and the dogs are just left outside all the time - you should not visit us.

The welcome not of our website is our motto and you don't agree with us that the dog is more important than a cleaned up house and you think a dog should live just outside please choose another kennel 'cause we search for puppy parents that care about the dog and not about a little bit of dirt form time to time!

Northspring Siberian Huskies
Hungary Serbia
Northspring Siberian Huskies

Our Kennel was established with honour, because of the respect and love of our dogs.
We try to make our dogs known either in sport or shows.
We have only as many dogs as we can handle.
We have puppies only when we need one, so there will be no waste in our Kennel.
We breed only with healthy and good homour.
We try to give everything what they need to our dogs and their offspring.
We never give a dog to a person we know as bad owner.
We try to do the best.

Sachem's Dream FCI
Sachem's Dream FCI

A small Family Kennel of Siberian Huskies. All about our Huskies, Breeding Plan and Shows. Visit our website to see our wonderful dogs. We have in our kennel Internationale Champions and Champions of many countries.

 Dwie Korony (Two Crowns) Siberian Huskies
Dwie Korony (Two Crowns)
Siberian Huskies

The story of our breeding is based on passion for animals which started during the childhood. The friendship with dogs and fascination turned into the passion. It was difficult to give up these ties so natural sequence was establishment of breeding.

The breeding is dream`s fulfilment about pure-bred dog: wise, with character, beautiful,the best friend. Both we and you want to have beautiful dogs. In this way are born next generations of dogs-aristocrats. We care about the good start for all of puppies and we want that they will be pride for their owners even if they won`t take part in the exibitions.

DWIE KORONY (Two Crowns) Kennel is registered in Polish Kennel Club and FCI. We offer puppies with pedigrees, our stud dog covers only authorized females.

Of Inivruk
Of Inivruk

Une passion depuis 1984: le husky de sibérie, également le trésor du japon: l'akita inu et le petit clown espiègle: le shiba inu.

Akita Inu Shiba Inu

Siberian Husky Kennel Zakouma Siberians
Zakouma Siberians - Siberian Husky Kennel

Siberian Husky Kennel in Tenerife,Canary Islands, Spain.

Midnaetur Kennel Siberian Husky
Midnaetur Kennel

Midnaetur kennel is located in Reykjavik, Iceland. We have top quality FCI registered Siberian Huskies. Our dogs are family members first and foremost. Our aim is to breed for the betterment of the Siberian Husky (healthy, quality, sound, graceful and stunning dogs with outstanding temperaments that conform to the breed standard).

Feel free to visit our site and read more about us and our dogs.

T-LesarkSiberian Husky Kennels
St.Petersburg, Russia Dog Breeders
T-LESARKSiberian Husky Kennels

Siberian Husky kennels work with American bloodlines.

Forjana Siberian Husky kennel
Forjana kennel siberian husky

Forjana kennel siberian husky Czech republik. With tradition since 1993.

Eskimo River
Eskimo River

Serdecznie witam na stronie Hodowli Eskimo River poświęconej wspaniałym psom zaprzęgowym Siberian Husky oraz japońskiej rasie Akita. Życzymy miłego ogladania.

Welcome to the website breed Eskimo River dedicated wonderful sled dogs Siberian Husky and japanese breed Akita. We wish a nice watching.

Herzlich Willkommen auf der Website Eskimo River,die sowohl den groSartigen Schlittenhunden Siberian Husky, als auch der japanischen Rasse Akita gewidmet ist. Wir wunschen euch viel SpaS beim anschauen.

Akita Inu

Baltic Amber Siberians
Baltic Amber - Siberians

Baltic Amber - Siberians for Sled & Show & LOVE

Only the best American and Canadian bloodlines and breeding program. We breed for quality not for quantity and blue eyes.

We guarantee that our huskies are not only show stars and 'couch potatoes', they can also pull a sled.

Dion's kennel
Dion's kennel

We have a small kennel, all our dogs lives as family members in the house. We are breeding for quality and not quantity. Occasionally we have puppies for sale. We live in near Tallinn, Estonia.

Borzoi Cesky Terrier

Dion's Continental Bulldogs
Dion's Continental Bulldogs

Welcome to the continental bulldogs kennel Dion's in Estonia. Kennel registration since 2001. Focus on healthy dogs with an easy going mentality and correctly built according to breed standards. Breeding indoors as family dogs.

Continental Bulldog

Polish siberian husky breederNew Legend
NEW LEGEND siberian husky

Polish siberian husky breederNEW LEGEND.

Ice Blizzard kennel
Ice Blizzard kennel

"Ice Blizzard" siberian husky kennel. Belarus, Minsk. Muhlya Olga & Anna. Our dogs:
Husky Haven Grand Prix Show Man
Husky Haven Gabriella Evita First Lady
Imperial Angel Sadeckie Pieszczochy
William Wallace of Nordica
Bloods: Foxfire, Winterfrost, Kaila, Oumiak, Sibex, Arlington, Tullemore, Articlight.

B.G's Phantasia
B.G's Phantasia

Siberian husky from Czech republic.

Sibiřský husky z České republiky.

Of Arctic Wolf Dream
Of Arctic Wolf Dream

French siberian husky breeder.

Nordic Club
Nordic Club

Club friends dogs FCI Group 5 - Croatia, Zagreb.

Akita Inu Chow Chow Samoyed German Spitz


We are a small kennel - like every other responsible breeders - that our goal is to produce healthy puppies from great bloodlines with a great temperament. We will achieve our goal once we get our offspring to be as good as Inya... and when we make someone's dreams come true with an Inyabu Siberian Husky.

Have a nice time at our web site!
Nives and huskies

Of Canadian Frost Elevage de siberian huskies
Picardie, France Dog Breeders
Of Canadian Frost
Elevage de siberian huskies

Bonjour et bienvenue à l’élevage Of Canadian Frost situé en Picardie, petit élevage amateur où la qualité ne prime pas avec la quantité, où l’amour, la qualité, le suivi, le sérieux et le respect de la race est notre objectif premier.

Kolyma's Siberians
Kolyma's Siberians

We are a small kennel that want to start with breeding Siberian Huskies. Grown in family environment with a lovely character.

Mare Pannonium kennel FCI 4251
Mare Pannonium kennel FCI 4251

About siberian huskies, standard, dog shows, pupps and lot of Cats :)

Torquemada Kennel
Torquemada Kennel

Where the passion makes the difference...

Múlaræktun Siberian Husky
Múlaræktun Siberian Husky

We are small family kennel in the east part of Iceland.We only use first class dogs for our breeding.Our dogs are our best friends. There are only three huskies bred in Iceland that are Icelandic Champions and two of them are from Mula.

Our main interest is to breed dogs with excellent temperment and good working and family dogs.If they do well in shows it is only exra bonus. We are also on Facebook = Siberian Husky in Iceland.

Elevage Of The Indian Legend - Siberian Husky
Elevage Of The Indian Legend
Siberian Husky

La découverte d'une race, pour la passion d'une vie.


We are breeding from the hearth of Poland! Welcome to the HuskyZone! You will find information about POLARCTICA, a Siberian husky kennel located in Lodz, in the very heart of Poland.

What is Polarctica?
- a home kennel, where dogs are fully-fledged members of the family that share our home and are not locked away in pens, while puppies are raised at home and socialized from day one;
- a specialist kennel that specializes in only one breed of sled dogs, i.e. Siberian husky;
- an amateur kennel, which is our passion, not profession or source of income.

Our goal is to breed dogs according to the FCI standard so that they are later awarded at dog shows and become excellent sled dogs, i.e. dogs that want to compete in sled races and are anatomically and psychologically prepared to pull sleds.

We make sure that the dogs we breed are healthy and have an excellent exterior and mental condition, allowing them to prove their worth in different types of dog sled sports.

Husky is not the right dog for everyone. However, it fits my life perfectly.Husky is my choice for life.

Legend of The Spirit
Legend of The Spirit

Legend of The Spirit - strona o pięknych psach siberian husky. Hodowla Siberian husky.


High quality siberian huskies located in C/mare di stabia near naples in Italy. Our dogs are tested for hips and eyes and they are engaged also in sport activities and show. Came to visit us!

Semargl Siberians
Russian Federation Dog Breeders
Semargl Siberians

SEMARGL Siberians - a small kennel in Russia to the breeding of show siberian husky. We are a RKF-FCI approoved kennel. We believe in strong, healthy and well balanced dogs. Our kennel is located in Kazan city, 800 km abroad Moscow.

Please visit our website!

Team RaDai's -Beauty & Power
Team RaDai's -Beauty & Power

Working dog is only dog. Siberianhusky Kennel in Finland.

Jennin Lauman kennel
Jennin Lauman kennel

Racing Siberian Husky kennel in South-Western An hour driving from the capital Helsinki. Also small scale breeding of White Swiss Shepherd and solid black Long Haired German Shepherd.

Siberian Husky German Shepherd Dog

Rose of Nordic
Rose of Nordic

Sme malá chovateľská stanica s veľkým srdcom. Všetci naši psi sú členovia rodiny. Vítame Vás na našej webovej stranke.

Nera's touch of love
Slovenia Dog Breeders
Nera's touch of love

FCI Kennel NERA'S TOUCH OF LOVE italian greyhounds and siberian huskys breeder...

Italian Greyhound

d'Abajomy siberians
d'Abajomy siberians

A small kennel located in Belgium with siberians huskies since 2002. All dogs FCI pedigree and health checks on eyes and hips.

Jednicka Siberian husky
Jednicka Siberian husky

Siberian husky kennel from heart of Czech republic. We are family kennel living with siberians since 1989 and so we are the one of the oldiest kennels of northern breeds in Czech republic.

We are not so big kennel, we prefer personal access to every dog. We want to breed healthy dogs with amazing character, corresponding to the standards of the breed. For more information please visit our website.

God's Creatures FCI 12/16 Dog kennel
God's Creatures FCI 12/16 Dog kennel

We are kennel from Croatia, we have available Siberian Husky and Dalmatian dog for sale and world wide transport. Feel free to contact us.


of Kahnawake Siberian Huskies
of Kahnawake Siberian Huskies

Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake is a small family-based kennel. We are breeding Siberian Huskies according to the breeding rules and regulations of the DCNH (Deutscher Club für Nordische Hunde / German Club for Nordic Dogs), the breeding club for Nordic dogs within the VDH (Verband für das deutsche Hundewesen), representing the FCI in Germany. Our kennel name is registered with and protected by the FCI.

Our first Siberian joined us in 2010, and in 2015 we decided to found a kennel. Our first litter was born by the end of 2016, the second in 2018. Our objective is to breed Siberian Huskies that conform to the standard considering beauty as well as performance, and not to follow either extreme, but find a balance. Therefore, we chose dogs whose pedigrees embrace working lines (particularly from old foundation lines) as well as successful show lines and we will account for their performance by taking performance tests in the future.

Sirokami Siberian Husky
Sirokami Husky Siberiano

In Sirokami Siberians we have a family and exclusive breeding of Siberian Husky, in a natural environment that provides them with the proper psychological balance and health for their development. Our adults and puppies are raised and socialized WITHIN our house, as members of our family they are. All the players are certified free of hereditary diseases, have official pedigree LOE of champions, with official affix of the RSCE and FCI. You can always come to meet our puppies, the popes and us, which is what we like.

En Sirokami Siberians tenemos una cría familiar y exclusiva de Husky Siberiano, en un entorno natural que les proporciona la salud y equilibrio psicológico adecuados para su desarrollo. Nuestros adultos y cachorros son criados y socializados DENTRO de nuestra casa, como miembros de nuestra familia que son. Todos los reproductores están certificados libres de enfermedades hereditarias, tienen pedigree oficial LOE de campeones, con afijo oficial de la RSCE y FCI. Siempre podéis venir a conocer a nuestros cachorros, los papas y a nosotros que es lo que nos gusta.

Indigo Moonlight Siberian Husky kennel
Indigo Moonlight Siberian Husky kennel

Welcome to Siberian Husky kennel "INDIGO MOONLIGHT" (FCI)!

Our kennel is located in capital of Georgia, Tbilisi and officialy registered in FCI system in 2013.

On our site you can learn about the wonderful and very human-oriented dog breed Siberian Husky, about the standard and the basics of caring for a puppy. Our kennel is in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.

All our dogs are imported from professional and successful kennels- from Europe and Russia. Our dogs carry bloods of best Korean, American, Canadian, European and Russian bloodlines, such as - Winners Valley, Wolf Point, Kristari's, de Ciukci, Eskimoski Domek, Nanook, Hyperborea Tantum, Topaz and others.

Our dogs are successfully exhibited in local and international dog shows, some of them have already became Champions and Grand Champions of Georgia, and have numerous awards and titles, information about that can be found in the section Our Dogs. They are also the winners of Husky Specialty Show - FCI 2012 - Best Male and Best Female. Our pack also receives regular sports load - training in canicross and bikejoring.

We don't breed for eye color !

Principles of our breeding - a continuation of the most famous breedlines and getting healthy puppies in correct anatomical type, with a stable temperament and mentality, who can be adequately exhibited in the ring and be great companions to their owners. All our puppies are being sold with a full package of documents (pedigree, veterinary certificate, contract) and vaccinated by age.

breeder and owner, professional kinolog
Irena Bagdoniene

Royalsans Kennels - FCI reg.
Royalsans Kennels - FCI reg.

We are breeding Siberian Huskys with heart and mind in the middle of Bavaria, Germany near Munich.

Our puppies not only have the highest quality and are out of the best lines and dogs which have been produced, they are beautiful, great companions and as healthy as possible. We give a lifetime health guarantee on all puppys bred by us.

No matter if you are looking for a pet or a sportsdog, at our kennel you will find your soulmate!

Vulcanic Land Kennel Siberian Husky
Vulcanic Land Kennel

Bredders of Siberian Husky from 1998.

Winter Melody Siberian Husky
Winter Melody

Winter Melody was established in 1995, we have bred and owned Best in Show winners, Champion's of many countries as well as World.

Siberian Husky Ch. Bond Arctic Snow Star
Ch. Bond Arctic Snow Star

Stud dog from Czech Republic.

Siberian Dream Serbia FCI 7803

Siberian husky kennel.

Polar Moonlights Siberian Husky
Polar Moonlights

We fell in love with this wonderful breed since 2016. They are our family.We started breeding since 2021, and since then we have been regularly visiting the dog shows. We selected the best bloodlines for this purpose.Health and a good character is what’s most important to us, but of course we also focus on keeping up the good appearance of the breed.

Have a nice time at our web site! We also have videos on Tiktok:…