Welsh Corgi Pembroke - Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.com

Dog Breeders - EuroBreeder.com

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Kennel of welsh corgi pembroke and German shepherds dogs iz Doma Aent Mon
Kennel iz Doma AENT MON Welsh Corgi Pembroke&German Shepherds

Kennel of welsh corgi pembroke and German shepherds dogs «iz Doma AENT MON» Russia. It is registered in 1997 in RKF - FCI. Dogs kennels have titles of champions of Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Montenegro.

German Shepherd Dog

Pembroke kennel Y Ddraig Goch
Y Ddraig Goch Pembroke kennel

I Pembroke breeder from Holland. We breed with a lot of love for the breed. Our Pembrokes are our housedog's with a own Corgi-bedroom and playroom. I breed somtime's a litter with the best of intentions to the Welsh Corgi Pembroke. I am member of the NWCC and the NvP.

Limbonsnest American Akita & Welsh Corgi Pembroke
American Akita & Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Limbonsnest American Akita & Welsh Corgi Pembroke Kennel. We Breed quality dogs and with an excellent health. All puppies are raised in homely room. For more information you can contact us by E-mail or phone. Or take a look at our website.

American Akita

Kennel iz Doma Na Holme
Kennel iz Doma Na Holme

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Bernese mountain dogs from the Ukraine.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Moscow, Russia Dog Breeders

Вельш-корги-пемброк - маленькая овчарка, похожая на лисёнка! Весёлый и улыбчивый пемброк - идеальная собака для городского содержания. На нашем сайте вы найдёте информацию о породе, советы по выращиванию и разведению, рассказы о пемброках, объявления о продаже щенков. Россия, Москва.

Team Leiksaid Finnish kennel
TEAM LEIKSAID Finnish kennel

Finnish kennel "TEAM LEIKSAID": german shepherd dog, welsh corgi pembroke, mops.

German Shepherd Dog

Kennel Zelveger

We invite you to the kennel, "Zellweger". The site is dedicated to my favorite breed Welsh Corgi Pembroke!

Ormain Kennel
Ormain Kennel

Welsh Corgi Cardigan &Pembroke Kennel.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Valhalos Sargas (Guardian of Valhalla) Welsh corgi pembroke kennel
Valhalos Sargas (Guardian of Valhalla)
Welsh corgi pembroke kennel

Veislynas "Valhalos Sargas". Valų korgių pembrukų veislynas - su meile ir atsakomybe. Veisiame tik sveikus ir laimingus šunis.

Welsh corgi pembroke kennel - with love and responsability. We breed just healthy and happy dogs.>

Moya Oda - American Staffordshire terrier kennel
Moya Oda
American Staffordshire terrier kennel

American Staffordshire terrier kennel "Moya Oda". Russia, Krasnoyarsk.

American Staffordshire Terrier Chihuahua


Ch of Russia, Belarus, Litva, RKF, national Club, CACIB

We nave breeding the dog of those breeds. We offer males for mating and exceleent puppies. For all buying puppies from as, we help in thei problems. We show we dogs at exhibitions, You can stay the dog when you not at home, also we can doying the fotos of your dog.

Dalmatian Central Asia Shepherd Dog

Allevamento dei Bentivoglio
Allevamento dei Bentivoglio

After graduating in Veterinary Medicine, my love for Basset Hound and Welsh Corgi Pembroke dogs lead me to start the kennel. Both breeds hail from the most renown and important bloodlines. My dogs are bred and raised at home, and are, first of all, my trusty companions. We take part regularly to expositions and events, both Italian and international, often with good results.

Basset Hound

Il larice bianco
Il larice bianco

Italian Welsh Corgi Pembroke breeder.

Hijos de Odin Corgis
Hijos de Odin Corgis

Spanish Welsh Corgi Pembroke breeder.

Pioneros en la cría y selección del Welsh corgi Pembroke en España.

Stormguard kennel - StormGuard питомник собак
StormGuard питомник собак

We're happy to welcome our dear guests. Please allow us to present you our STORMGUARD kennel - professional Ukrainian breeder kennel.

>Добро пожаловать к нам в профессиональный питомник собак - StormGuard. Мы - заводчики из Украины, наша цель - высокопородные щенки Далматина, Бернского Зенненхунда и Вельш Корги Пемброк. Наши производители - собаки, которых мы специально привезли из лучших мировых питомников, которые являются постоянными участниками и победителями выставок.

Dalmatian Bernese Mountain Dog

Ros Shans Kennel Питомник Рос шан
Ros Shans Kennel
Питомник Рос шан

>Племенной питомник собак породы Восточноевропейская овчарка (ВЕО) "Рос шанс". Щенки восточноевропейской овчарки. Выставки. Производители. Дрессировочные площадки.

East European Shepherd / VEO

Orden Keltov Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Orden Keltov

Aa family run kennel of exclussively welsh corgi pembroke since 2008. Top quality bloodlines. Health issues, temperament and good type are of major priority.

Milawish - Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Milawish - Welsh Corgi Pembroke

WCP breeders based in Portugal.

kennel Vanth welsh corgi pembroke
kennel Vanth welsh corgi pembroke

Amatorial bredeer: our dogs are part of the family: quality, health and beauty.

Academia Canis Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Śląskie, Poland
Academia Canis

Our history goes far back in the past. Everything started in 1970. At the very beginning my uncle with my father took up breeding German Shephard. Then, after several years living with us Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, then we had also female Polish Tatra Shepeherd “Zbójkę” and Maya – lamented bitch Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

However in 2000 year we decide to come back to the races whom I met as a child – Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Tatra Shepherd. These races, much to our delight they live in our house in full symbiosis. While sharing their color and size, links: alertness, diligence, ability to make their own decisions but also tenderness and protectiveness that daily demonstrate their owner and his family.

So, every day and on christmas, at work, at home, or on holiday accompany us Welsh Corgi and Tatra Shepherds. Each year, provide us with many memorable moments when on the exhibitions won many top prizes. But kennel is not just exhibitions and demonstrations, these are also puppies.

LeMitri's Pembroke Welsh Corgis & Caucasian Shepherds
Texas, USA
LeMitri's - Pembroke Welsh Corgis
& Caucasian Shepherds

We are LeMitri's - the breeders of purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgis aka Lowrider Potatoes and Caucasian Shepherds aka Caucasian Ovcharkas or Russian Bear Dogs.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Clan Ironhorn private welsh corgi pembroke kennel
Voronezh, Russia
private welsh corgi pembroke kennel

CLAN IRONHORN private welsh corgi pembroke kennel (Регистрация в FCI/RKF №23385 от 05.03.2020) предлагает щенков вельш корги пемброк.

В своей работе мы считаем главным производить здоровое потомство, поэтому мы тщательно отбираем родителей, учитывая генетическую историю и карьеру на международных выставках. Заводчики: Павел Бодягин, Антон Гребенюк Занимаемся породой недавно, с 2019 года.

Мы находимся: Россия, Воронеж. Пока наше поголовье состоит из двух собак. Подробная информация о нас на вашем родном языке: http…

Sambatus Welsh Corgi Pembroke kennel
Sambatus Welsh Corgi Pembroke kennel

SAMBATUS kennel breeds show class Welsh Corgi Pembroke’s since 2003. Good health and strong temperament are the main criteria for Sambatus breeding along with exterior qualities needed for the show class corgis.

All our dogs as a must pass such important for corgi breed health tests as DM and vWD. Also we make eyes check and control hips dysplasia. We are located in Kiev region (Ukraine), but our puppies live and became Champions in France, Germany, USA, Hungary, Croatia, Israel, Italy, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Vietnam and many other countries.

Till last year's we got dozens of Interchampions, Champions of different countries, European Winner, Junior European Winner, 2 European Promises, Vice-World Puppy Winner, Europe Veteran Winner and a lot of titles which got by dogs bred from our dogs.

Arh Beauty kennel Labrador Retriever, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Japanese Chin, Cavalier King Charles
Kaliningrad, Russia
Arh Beauty kennel

Small dog kennel located in Russia (Kaliningrad). Not only beautiful and intelligent, but also healthy dogs. Delivery of puppies is possible worldwide. Our breeds: Labrador Retriever, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Japanese Chin, Cavalier King Charles.

Labrador Retriever Japanese Chin Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Arcanedale Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Arcanedale Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Our aim is to breed healthy, well socialized show- and family dogs. We ONLY breed a litter when we intend to keep for ourselves. Our breeding goal can be divided into 3 basic pillars. Appearance, character and work.

The type of our dogs is extremely important, that is why our breeding dogs come from carefully selected bloodlines.In addition to the appearance, we place great emphasis on the character and the socialization of our dogs, as the corgi is a working dog enclosed in a small body. Its original function is herding therefore balanced nervous system and good character are essential.

We feel it is our vocation to preserve their original function and herding instinct of the breed. Our dogs are active herding dogs and we strive to preserve herding instincts for future generations.

Akswell Welsh Corgi Pembroke & Portuguese Podengo

питомник Аксвелл занимается‌племенной и выставочной деятельностью с породами вельш корги пемброк и редкой породой португальской поденгу малай.

Portuguese Podengo