Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Breeders and Kennels - Europe, USA -

Dog Breeders -

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

 My Way Breeder
My Way Cavalier

Cavalier King charles spaniel di alta genealogia inglese.

Quilymon Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel

Golden-wreathed Masterbreeder The foundation year of the kennel: 1992. The Quilymon Kennel is a little family kennel, where the dogs live with us. The breed of dog, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, require the society of the owner and people. My Cavaliers are extremely friendly but self-concious dogs. They like children very much.

My Cavaliers not only have excellent character but they perform outstandingly in shows as well. They are the most prominent ones of the breed in Hungary. Their own and their descendants� results both are in the forefront on the international level too. In the course of my breed-work I make every effort to have healthy dogs with excellent character and appearance. These dogs please their owners and enchance my breed�s reputation. I breeding all colors (blenheim, tricolour, black and tan an ruby) Cavaliers.

Babbler's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Babbler's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Home bred, top winning Cavalier King Charles Spaniels from Finland.

Lords Cavaliere Kennel
Lords Cavaliere in Germany

German Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel House of Lords & County Lords.

Andrax Gold Kennel
Andrax Gold kennel

Chihuahua & Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from Slovakia. Stud dog, shows, puppies, more informations and photos about our dogs.


Cavaliers at Abbeymore
Republic of Ireland Dog Breeders
Cavaliers at Abbeymore

Authentic Irish Cavaliers. We are a small kennel in Waterford Ireland (home of the world famous Waterford Crystal) and we breed and export Cavalier King Charles spaniel puppies with full pedigrees and vet certs all over North America.

Cavalier King Charles and Cocker Spaniels Złota Grota

Welcome to website English Cocker Spaniel and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel. My Kennel 30 year old.

English Cocker Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels z Królewskiego Dworu
z Królewskiego Dworu

"Królewski Dwór" is a small family hobby breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We want to breed specificaly tricolor cavaliers.

Allevamento amatoriale per la selezione del cavalier king charles spaniel.

Scarlett Team Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel "SCARLETT TEAM" presentation our dogs, bitches, puppies, our hopes, results from shows and many more.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Canis Satelles FCI
Canis Satelles FCI
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels from Polen. Only BT, RU, TR and BH ones. Big photogalery. Puppies.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennelvom Erlenbacher Hemmerich
Kennelvom Erlenbacher Hemmerich
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

We have a small hobby-kennel of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Germany. We breed this lovely dogs in all 4 colours. Our desire is to produce healthy, beautyful and lovely cavaliers. Sometimes we have puppies for sale.

Our dogs live with us in the house and garden together with us, 4 kids and a cat. For more information visit our website.

Z Kamilkove Zahrady

Kennel of Australian shepherds and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I am breeding dogs since 1984.

Australian Shepherd

Sylena Labrador Retriever, Boston Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
SYLENA - labrador retriever, boston terrier, cavalier king charles spaniel

Kennel SYLENA - labrador retriever, boston terrier, cavalier king charles spaniel. Polish kennel since 1971.

Labrador Retriever Boston Terrier

Aldaha Gold Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Aldaha Gold

Cavalier King Charles spaniel - kennel Aldaha Gold.

Carlin Bright Iz Tsarskogo Sela
Carlin BrightIz Tsarskogo Sela

Welcome to pages of kennel (RKF/FCI) "Carlin Bright Iz Tsarskogo Sela".

Bernese Mountain Dog

Kennel Rebecca Rose Maltese, Shih tzu e Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Kennel REBECCA ROSE Maltese, Shih tzu e Cavalier King Charles Spaniel riconosciuto E.N.C.I.- F.C.I. per la selezione del cane di razza Maltese, Shih tzu e Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Maltese Shih Tzu

Brightlight Of Moscow

We are a small breeder from Russia (Moscow). Welcome to visit our webbsite.

Allevamento del Sigillo Imperiale Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Pordenone-Tamai, Italy Dog Breeders
Allevamento del Sigillo Imperiale
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Allevamento riconosciuto ENCI-FCI per la selezione del Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Kennel Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Z Lískových oříšků (From Hazelnut)
Z Lískových oříšků (From Hazelnut)
Kennel Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

... I love dogs of all breeds. Therefore I fullfiled my dream and opened a dog hairdressers. I meet so many dogs every day and I am pleased that my clients and their owners like to come back to me.

And why have we just cavaliers at home? Because it is a dog for the whole family, which is always the most cheerful and with good humour can infect everyone ...

CHS Petty Pun
CHS Petty Pun

Cavalier King Charles Breeder Station.

Love me FCI
Love me FCI

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. A small kennel located in the south of Poland.

Home page of the Cavalier King Charles spaniel and Latvian Hounds of Latvian national breed, their successes, as well as offspring.

Latvian Hound

Blue Magics Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Blue Magics
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from Germany, we live near Cologne. Breed of excellent and healthy Cavaliers, please visit our homepage to see our puppies an the adult Cavaliers.

Mervalewood Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Northern Ireland Dog Breeders
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

We are a small kennel based in Belfast Northern Ireland. We breed all four colours of Cavalier. We exhibit occasionally and consistantly breed for excellent type.

Kennel Sholom Aleihem Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Kennel Sholom Aleihem
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Welcome to the first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel in Belarus - Sholom Aleihem! We own cavaliers from the most famous European kennels such as "de la Fieffe ua Songeur", "Sevijean's", "L'angelarde". Our aim is to breed healthy dogs for shows, for breeding and simply for loving homes.

Cavaliere von Amorbach
Cavaliere von Amorbach

You are welcome to visit our little Cavalier World our website. Our Puppies live in our family, in house and in garden.

Bordaja Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Bordaja Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Welcome to website Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Kennel.

Venetian mask
Venetian mask

We are a small kennel from Ukraine. We own riders from the famous kennels of Germany and France of "Rosebury", "Pride of Angel''", "De la Geode". Sometimes we have babies tricolor and blenheim colors in a hight quality. Our Puppies live in our family, in a home.

vom goldenen Mühlbach Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel
vom goldenen Mühlbach

Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel aus langjähriger erfahrener Zucht,in allen vier Farben. Sorgfältig ausgewählte Elterntiere, mit besonderer Zuchtempfehlung. Informationen und Bilder der Elterntiere sowie der Welpen können Sie unserer Homepage entnehmen.

mervalewood kennels
Northern Ireland Dog Breeders

'MERVALEWOOD' is the name of our kennels. Our kennel was established in 2000. Our kennel name 'MERVALEWOOD' was registered in 2008. Decided on this name as it was a combination of my surname and the place where I live.

We have had some success in the showring winning Best of Breeds and high placings in Toy Groups and have qualified for Crufts.

We breed all four colours of Cavalier. Blenheim, Tricolour, Ruby and Black & Tan. We specialise in wholecolours.

All our dogs are Kennel Club registered and come with a complete pedigree and a lifetime of help and support.

Magic Noblesse Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel - Slovakia. TR+ BH CH. Artemis from Semiramida´s garden & Kandinsky z Królewskiego dworu.

Z opolskiego osiedla - cavalier king charles spaniel
Z opolskiego osiedla
cavalier king charles spaniel

Polish, small kennel of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels since 1994 year.

le blason à croix d'argent
Douchy 45220, France Dog Breeders
le blason à croix d'argent

breeders of belgium malinois and tervueren shepherd dogs. We have shih-tzu and cavaliers king charles too.

Belgian Shepherd Dog - Malinois, Tervueren Shih Tzu

My Cavalier's - Мои кавалеры
Saint-Petersburg, Russia Dog Breeders
My Cavalier's - Мои кавалеры

Cavalier king Charles spaniel in Russia. Welcome to our site !

du château noblesse Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
du château noblesse
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in all four colours, but mainly in black and tan and ruby. Champion-bloodlines, all breeding stuff is heart-clear, PL-clear, DNA-tested on Episodic Falling and Curly Coat / Dry Eye, most of them in addition MRI-scanned and eye-tested.

The breeder is a vet. Puppies available for pet homes and show homes as well.

Little Colani's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Little Colani's
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Kleine Hobbyzucht mit gesunden Verpaarungen über mehrere Generationen, 1-2 Würfe im Jahr.

La Casa di Maia Cavalier King
La Casa di Maia

La Casa di Maia in italian means "Maia's Home". Since 2007 our days are mainly full of the best companion dog ever, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Sometimes we have litters of blenheim and tricolor puppies. Our website is always updated with the last news.

Vanmar Majesty kennel<br>Cavalier king charles spaniel
Cavalier king charles spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel "VANMAR MAJESTY" presentation our dogs, puppies, our hopes, results and pfoto from shows and many more.

Flowers City
Flowers City

Czech FCI kennel Flowers City, breeding the amazing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Visit us on your website!
Latvia website is set up to collect all Latvian Cavalier King Charles Spaniels registered in the LKF / FCI system.

At the moment we are not yet in very large numbers but we are nice and happy to meet you.

We want to introduce you to our beautiful dogs, which represent this breed very well and come from very good parents. We can tell you how to buy a good dog of this breed, how to nurture them, what to pay attention to and that this dog breed is the best in the world!

Charles Garden
Charles Garden

Breeding kennel of Cavalier King charles spaniel from Czech republic. My dogs have RU, BT, BH and TR colours of fur. These dogs come from a long line of Championship dogs. See our website or write me a e-mail for more information.

Z Vítové - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
the Czech Republic Dog Breeders
Z Vítové - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Visit our website about Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and take a look on our photogalery. Pay attention on our puppies!

Beauty of An
Beauty of An

Kennel Beauty of An - pug, cavalier king charles, riesenshnauzer, central aziat.

Pug Giant Schnauzer Central Asia Shepherd Dog


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel & Golden Retriever from "Loraleo" kennel from Croatian.

Golden Retriever

Spark of Hope Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Spark of Hope
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Ein Cavalier ist kein Cavalier. So hat alles angefangen. Seit 1985 begleiten mich Cavaliere. Aus Liebe zu dieser Rasse wurde mehr. Lassen Sie sich verzaubern und besuchen Sie uns auf unserer Homepage.

Calonlan Cavaliers
Calonlan Cavaliers

Calonlan Cavaliers comprise Catherine and Andrew Rhodes, who have owned Cavaliers for the last 10 years. Both are dedicated to breeding and showing consistently healthly, beautiful and sound typical examples of this breed. All puppies are reared in friendly family environment and are based in Farnborough, Hampshire. All puppy requests are treated in a very responsible manner.

Boys and girls are campaigned at both local open shows and Championship shows across the country and we are members of the Cavalier Club and many other regional clubs as well. Breeding stock is tested annually registered under the KC Assured Breeder Scheme and all certificates are available for inspection. We will have soon 3 males available at stud being (i) Cinderlace Monte For Calonlan, Blenheim now aged 6 years old, (ii) Calonlan WILL I AM, Blenheim now aged 2.5 years old and (iii) Calonlan Wellington, Tricolour now aged 8 months old, expect to be proved in the next year!


Kennel Cavalier King Charles Spaniels «LELIWA». Kennel registered in FCI. Belarus, Minsk, owners - Lebiadzko Maya.

Kennel Royal Spaniel
Kennel Royal Spaniel

Kennel Cavalier King Charles Spaniels «ROYAL SPANIEL». Kennel registered in FCI. Belarus, Minsk, owners - Krauchanka Tamara. Our aim is to breed healthy dogs for shows, for breeding and simply for loving homes.

Rotti Kingdom
Slovenia Dog Breeders
Rotti Kingdom

Rottweiler kennel from Slovenia. We breed show quality Rottweilers. Some of our dogs: CLARUSCHA VOM HAUSE EDELSTEIN, TRIXI EARL ANTONIUS, HOLLY VOM KALACBERG, ANJA VOM BENI, BELLA ROTTI KINGDOM.

We are breeders of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels from Slovenia. Puppy inquires welcome.


Laranna Cavaliers
Laranna Cavaliers

Small Scottish family run Kennel situated in the beautiful countryside of Northern Italy. All our dogs are health checked annually and our puppies are born and raised in our home. Puppies occasinally available.

Petrinas Cavaliers
Slovenia Dog Breeders
Petrinas Cavaliers

We are Breeders of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from Slovenia. Our aim is to breed healthy and typical Cavalier dogs, with great character. We breed quality, healthy and lovely puppies. Contact us on email for more information...

Nella's Cavaliers
Slovenia Dog Breeders
Nella's Cavaliers

The cavalier breeders have been working since 2005, we are the first breeders in Slovenia the inspections carried out in three generations of our own breeding. Our dogs are achieving world-class performance in various exhibitions.

Kennel Lagoon
Kennel Lagoon

Breeding since 1973. Breeders are mother and daughter. Puppies from health checked parents. - Cavalier (ruby, black and tan) - Papillon - Rough collie.

Papillon Collie Rough

Kennel Čirić Cavalier Spaniel King Charles
Kennel Čirić
Cavalier Spaniel King Charles

Who we are

Cavalier Spaniel King Charles Kennel Čirić.
You'll find us in Begeč, a small town in Vojvodina, near Novi Sad.

It all began in 2009, when we bought our first Maltese poodle. With an extensive love for dogs, in December 2011 we registered our kennel called "De Kuntentizza of Ciric", FCI-5263. In 2014 arises the idea of expanding the kennel by introducing another dog breed. We were attracted to one specific breed, its looks and characteristics. It was Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. In February 2014, we have imported the firs female. Fascinated by this breed, same year in March, we have imported another female. Currently, our kennel has four females.

With unconditional love and devotion, we strive for progress and expansion of our little family kennel.

Sincerely "De Kuntentizza of Ciric"

Ruda Sympatia Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Ruda Sympatia

Serdecznie zapraszamy do naszej małej domowej hodowli Cavalierów.

ze Starého dvoraCavalier King Charles Spaniel
ze Starého dvora

Family breeder of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the Czech Republic.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Králův Španěl
Králův Španěl
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeder in Czech republic(Prague 9) since 1990.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Sweetheart from Lenti
Sweetheart from Lenti

Breeder in the Czech Republic since 2016.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Bel Ami
Bel Ami - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Apasionados por esta maravillosa raza, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, nuestro objetivo fundamental es intentar mejorar la raza y criar de forma responsable solo y únicamente ejemplares cuyas características respondan al estándar ideal de la misma, enfatizando sobretodo en la salud, carácter, belleza, por éste orden.

Para conseguir nuestro fin, hemos ido adquiriendo ejemplares de selectas líneas genéticas europeas. Los cachorros nacen y se crian en nuestro hogar. Desde el nacimiento reciben de nuestras manos el amor, todos los cuidados necesarios, observación y un estricto control veterinario. Todos nuestros esfuerzos se centran en conseguir cavaliers sanos, de magnífico porte, con el carácter dulce, gentil, juguetón tan propio de la raza.

Linden Leaves Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Linden Leaves

Cavalier king charles spaniel breeder in the Czech Republic.

Elevage des Cavaliers de Saint Clou
Elevage des Cavaliers de SAINT CLOU

Petit élevage familial de cavaliers king charles depuis plus de 10 ans, situé en provence dans le sud de la france au pied du Mont Ventoux.

Nous vivons avec nos chiens en pleine campagne dans un cadre fabuleux où ils peuvent profiter de la quiétude.

Nous faisons peu de portées chaque année mais avec une attention particulière sur les origines, la santé, le caractère des géniteurs choisis pour avoir des bébés bien dans leurs patounes...

Elevage de la Plaine d’illiberis
Le Boulou, France
Elevage de la Plaine d'Illiberis

Elevage de la Plaine d’illiberis est un petit élevage a dimension familial. Tous nos chiens sont élevés avec Amour et confort.

Notre passion pour les chiens demeure depuis l’enfance. Passionnés, nous participons a quelques expositions canines. Nous produisons peu et preferons la qualité a la quantité.

Chihuahua Boston Terrier German Spitz

Blenmarin Cavaliers and Poodles

Home bred cavaliers.


Key To Marvel Labrador Retrievers, Akita Inu, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Breeding of such breeds as Labrador Retriever, Akita Inu, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Worldwide shipping.

Labrador Retriever Akita Inu

Arh Beauty kennel Labrador Retriever, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Japanese Chin, Cavalier King Charles
Kaliningrad, Russia
Arh Beauty kennel

Small dog kennel located in Russia (Kaliningrad). Not only beautiful and intelligent, but also healthy dogs. Delivery of puppies is possible worldwide. Our breeds: Labrador Retriever, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Japanese Chin, Cavalier King Charles.

Labrador Retriever Welsh Corgi Pembroke Japanese Chin

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Do Kapsy
Do Kapsy
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeder in the Czech Republic.

kennel Linus Ulius
kennel Linus Ulius

The dog kennel is registered with the FCI.

Beagle Pomeranian

City on the Hill Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
City on the Hill

„City on the Hill" is a small, homebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel located in Poland. We focus mainly on the health, character and exterior of the breed.

Suloisen King Charles Spaniels

Cavalier kincharlespaniel breeder. Only full colours.