Tibetan Terrier - Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.com

Dog Breeders - EuroBreeder.com

Tibetan Terrier / Terrier tibétain / Tibet - Terrier

Siddhartha Kennel
Siddhartha Tibetan Terriers

Siddhartha Tibetan Terriers are a small successful kennel placing much importance on health, temperament and type and are grateful for the diligent efforts of those breeders who came before us.Our furry speed bumps are micro-chipped, hip scored, eye tested annually, and face the world with humour, attitude, a zest for loving and living.

Chinese Crested Dog

Tashi Bodjul Kennel
Tashi Bodjul Tibetan Terriers

Small, but the most successful kennel in the Czech Republic. We have owned Tibetan Terriers since 1984, and have been breeding since 1988. We bred for health and quality, not quantity. All our breeding stock have been hip scored under the FCI scheme and regularly eye-tested.

We have bred 17 International and National Champions, European Champion and European Youth Champion.

Kennel 'Ti La Shu' Tibetan Terrier
Ti La Shu Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terrier Breeder in Germany.

Semberia Land Kennel

Tibetan terrier breeders. Information, photos, puppies ...

Kennel Rogell
Norway Dog Breeders
Rogell Kennel

Tibetan Terrier breeder in Norway since 1986. We also have Polski Owczarek Nizinny and Lhasa Apso.

Lhasa Apso Polski Owczarek Nizinny

Tibetan Terriers Kashi
Kashi Tibetan Terriers

Small show kennel of Tibeatn Terriers, based in Scotland.

Tibetan Terriers du Comble de Bonheur
du Comble de Bonheur Tibetan Terriers

Located near Ghent. Small succesfull kennel. We breed only a few litters per year. All our dogs are HD and eye tested. Members of the Belgian, Dutch, French and English Tibetan terrier Club.

Sumanshu Tibetan Terriers
Sumanshu Tibetan Terriers

We breed only Tibetan Terriers with pedigree. All our dogs are health tested for HD-Patella-DNA tested for PLL-PRA3-RCD4-NCL. ECVO eyetested yearly.

Elevage familial de La Lande Sempau
Elevage familial de La Lande Sempau

Elevage familial de Terrier du Tibet situe en France, au Pays Basque. Selection, beaute, sante et caractere. Parents indemne tares occulaire et dysplasie. Nombreux champions dans les pedigrees. Membre du CCTF.

Amogasiddhi Tibetan Terriers
Amogasiddhi Tibetan Terriers

Information and pictures.


Breeder of "Show" Greyhounds and Russkiy Toy.

Greyhound Russian Toy

Tibet Terier of Ynaya
Tibet Terier of YNAYA

Kleine Familien-Hobbyzucht.

Tibetan Goldies Kennel
Tibetan Goldies Kennel

We are a small kennel, located in Croatia. We visit International shows regulary. Our goal is to breed happy and the most important ... healthy typical Tibetan Terriers

We breed only a few litters per year. All our dogs are HD and eye tested. Visit us and meet our TT family!

Yarmothang Tibet Terrier
Yarmothang Tibet Terrier

Small family kennel of Tibetan Terrier. You are very welcome to view our website with lots of information and images about the Tibetan Terrier.

Tibet Terrier vom verlorenen Tal
Tibet Terrier vom verlorenen Tal

Small Tibetan Terrier Kennel in Germany. You are very welcome to visit our website.

TibetTerrier of Dog's Wisdom - Peter Künzel
TibetTerrier of Dog's Wisdom
- Peter Künzel

We are the smallest TT Kennel in Germany with only a few litters since beginning to love the breed in 1997. Our breeding programm and bloodlines belong to old eastern-german and nordic bloodlines, which are existing only in our Kennel. nowadays.

We love to get in Contact with YOU - You are wellcom.

Tibet Terrier Nima
Tibet Terrier Nima

Als Liebhaber der Rasse betreiben wir eine kleine, sehr familienbezogene Hobbyzucht. Unsere Hunde sind in erster Linie Familienhunde und leben mit uns im Haus und Garten.

Besonders großen Wert legen wir auf eine optimale Prägung und Sozialisierung der Welpen. Wir möchten beste Voraussetzungen schaffen, das zukünftige Welpenerwerber genauso glücklich werden wie wir mit unseren Hunden. Wurfplan ist im November 2010

Our dogs are, primarily, family dogs and live with us in the house and garden. We lay especially big value on an optimum coinage and Sozialisierung of the puppies. We would like to create the best conditions, the future puppy's acquirer become as happy like we with our dogs. Throw plan is in November, 2010.

z Targenu
z Targenu

The kennel "z Targenu" from Czech republic.

Shih Tzu

of Kari Tibetian Shine - Tibetan Terrier
of Kari Tibetian Shine

Tibetan Terrier is the dog of dream. He is kind, love people and playing.He is very atractive with long coat. Tibetan terriers is just like children, they never will grow up,they have big heart with many goodness.

Złota Elita Kennel
Złota Elita Kennel

Welcome to our site!
Złota Elita  is Polish kennel specialized in Briards, Leonberger and Tibetan Terrier. News, our dogs, photos, shows, litters and puppies. Your always welcome to contact us for about our dogs,
Mariola & Agnieszka Ekiert

Briard Leonberger

Boshanti Tibetan Terriers
Boshanti Tibetan Terriers

We are a successful small show kennel and breed for type and temperament. Puppies are sometimes available and are reared with 25 years of experience, they live in the house and are well socialised, they are wormed, KC registered, have 4 weeks free pet insurance and come with apuppy pack.

They are vet checked and are vaccinated before they leave. The parents have clear up to date eye certificates and have good hip scores and are DNA tested in accordance with the Kennel Club's breed scheduled health schemes. Kennel Club Accredited Breeder.

Spirit of Happiness Tibetan Terriers
Spirit of Happiness Tibetan Terriers

As lovers of this breed we occassionally have litters in our home. Our only aim is to breed healthy and well socialized pups from well choosen parents.

To show is a small part of our hobby and certainly not the goal of our efforts. Happy and Healthy dogs!!

Tibet Terrier Zucht Champa Chin
Tibet Terrier Zucht Champa Chin

Liebevolle Tibet Terrier Hobbyzucht in Niederösterreich (Gemeinde Sonntagberg).

Ich züchte über den Österreichischen Klub für Tibetische Hunderassen kurz gen. ÖTH (ÖKV/FCI). Meine Welpen erhalten daher einen Abstammungsnachweis "Papiere". Ich lege besonderen Wert auf eine gesunde Verpaarung sowie eine bestmögliche Aufzucht und Sozialisierung meiner Welpen. Weitere Gedanken zur Zucht, sowie Informationen zum Tibet Terrier (Wesen, Aussehen, Erziehung, Sport, Pflege uvm.) finden Sie auf meiner Homepage.

D'Gaba Skyel Ba
D'Gaba Skyel Ba

Small family kennel of Tibetan Terrier. You are very welcome to view our website with lots of information and images about the Tibetan Terrier.

Pet Pursuit
Pet Pursuit

Silky Terriers & Tibetan Terriers from Finland.

Australian Silky Terrier

Milington's Kennel Tibetan Terriers
Milington's Kennel Tibetan Terriers

Welcome to visit us!

We are a small kennel in Sweden 2 mil north of Gothenburg. all dogs living in our home thogeter with us, We put the focus on health and all our breeding animals is x-rayed, eye tested and DNA tested from PLL and NCL.

We have very good quality and god breeding typ. We sales for shows and pets. And we sold many TT to different country We have sold the most winning Tibetan Terrier in Sweden, and we are 1 of 10 top breeder in Sweden. 2012 we were the 2nd best breeder. We have breeding males to suitable bitches too.

La Vallée Céleste
La Vallée Céleste

First of all, Why is the name la Vallée Céleste, instead of a tibetian name like most of the breeds. We would like to honour a person trough that name, who has meat more than anybody else in our live and in particular for my wife Carine, Carine's grand mother.

The latter's name was Célestine and Carine often called her "Céleste". She always represents a softness, a comprehension, a kindness, a nobility of souland a selflessness to Carine. The comparaison may seem weird, but the TT possesses all these qualities. Is not a sign from the destiny? When we had found ou house on the road of the Vallée, Carine said : "This is the house of my dreams with lot of land. We were far from thinking that our lovely TT will one day, roam a boat. As you have understood saying the name of our breed brings much feeling and many wonderfull memories to us. Our logo, wiche we are very proud of it is a view of Babydol, our Queen, walking through a Valley full of stars. These stars represent all the kisses wich grany Célestine send to us and also of course to our dogs. Noone will ever be able take this name as it belong Carine, like her so terrible and big love for the tibetan's terrier.

Z Helmowego Jaru
Z Helmowego Jaru

Newfoundland dogs and Tibetan Terrier.


Bergrabben Kennel

Welcome to Bergrabben Kennel breeders of Tibetan Spaniel since 1982. Healthy and beautiful dogs for companionship and shows. You are most welcome to my homepage.

Kirsei-Kra Tibet Terrier
Kirsei-Kra Tibet Terrier

We are a small family kennel of Tibetan Terrier in Germany. Our Tibetan Terrier are all tested for HD, PRA / LL, PL, CCL / PLL. Our dogs live with us in the house and garden, because they are family members. You are very welcome to view our website with lots of information and images about us and our Tibetan Terrier.

Ling Dechen Elevage familial de terriers tibétains
Elevage familial de terriers tibétains

Présentation de notre élevage A travers notre site, vous découvrirez notre élevage canin familial LING DECHEN de Terriers du Tibet et de Yorkshires Terriers. Nous sommes des éleveurs Professionnels de Qualite, car nos chiens sont issus de champions.

Notre Elevage Est Un Veritabke Elevage Familial = peu de portées par an pour le respect de nos reproducteurs et pour la qualité de ce qu'ils produisent ! Nos chiots possèdent donc des pédigrees (certifiés LOF). Nous sommes situés en France, dans le département du Nord, près de la ville de Valenciennes, plus précisément à Fresnes-sur-Escaut. Nos chiots et nos chiens sont élevés avec nous, pour leur plus grand bien-être et leur socialisation ; ils conviennent donc parfaitement pour la compagnie. Ils sont issus de lignée de beauté. Titulaire de la capacité à l’élevage canin, nous faisons faire les examens de dysplasie et de tares oculaires à nos terriers du Tibet ainsi que les examens de maladies génétiques (CCL) aux USA. Nous vous invitions donc à découvrir nos portées, nos photos, nos pédigrées, et notre module Contact, pour de plus amples informations. Christian, retraité, et Nicole, enseignante dans un lycée professionnel Agricole, sommes toujours à disposition ainsi nos chiens sont en permanence avec l'un d'entre nous.

Bonne Visite et Merci encore de nous visiter !

Yorkshire Terrier

Karnikara Tibet Spaniel
Saarland, Germany
Karnikara Tibet Spaniel

Willkommen auf unserer Seite.

Blue Sacrifice Old German herding dogs & Tibetan Terrier
Blue Sacrifice

We have a small kennel, all our dogs live as family members in the house. We are breeding for quality and not quantity. Occasionally we have puppies for sale. We live in the Netherlands enjoy the visite to our site.

Old German herding dogs

Lhun-Po Tibetan Terriers
Lhun-Po Tibetan Terriers

We have been in love with Tibetan Terriers since 1999, ever since our beloved veteran Lun entered our lives. We have decided to continue the Lamleh line of Tibetans. Currently our home belongs to nine lovely Tibetan Terriers.

Sometimes we decide to have a litter, selfish reasons mostly. 🙂The descendants of our dogs live all over the world, continuing our line and the tradition of this noble breed.Lhun-Po is based in Zagreb, Croatia.

Joy for Life Tibetaanse Terriers
the Netherlands
Joy for Life

We breed our Tibetan Terriers with lots of love and passion. They live in our home and not in kennels, combinations are well chosen and puppy's grow up in our living room. We match they puppy's at their new owners with lots of care for both well being.

Kundali Tibetan Terriers

A small family Kennel of Multi Champions Tibetan Terriers in Switzerland All dogs are tested for DNA and hips.

Rangshi Tibet Terrier
Rangshi Tibet Terrier

We love and breed tibetan terriers sind the year 2000. We started our breed ambitions with old german and finish bloodlines.

Tinghsa Bells Tibetan Terrier Kennel
Tinghsa Bells Tibetan Terrier Kennel

Tinghsa Bells is a small but exquisite Tibetan Terrier kennel working with the best international bloodlines. Our TTs looks and character are typical for the breed, beautiful and happy.

Legs-Smon Tibetan Terrier
Legs-Smon Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terrier kennel located in Czech Republic.