Our Mission is to provide quality healthy Doberman puppies to responsible loving dog owners throughout the USA. We health test all our dogs. European bloodlines. One time Doberman, Always Doberman.
Dobermann and scotties breeder located in the middle of France.
Scottish TerrierPlease browse our site, devoted to our passion - Dobermanns. We are small select kennel located in Latvia, East Europe, where we strive for excellence in all facets of the Dobermann breed.
International kennel with world wide show results, and since recently a working school for Dobermanns. Our web site is updated daily, with show and work galleries, new litters information and fun photos of our Dobermanns living worldwide.
Today our dogs are present in many countries and in almost all continents and every day from all over the world we get news about them. In the first place we aim to provide our dogs a good life, a good family, and that they are loved and cared for in the way worthy of a Dobermann. Our goal is to breed quality dogs of excellent health and character. Our wish is to preserve good and recognizable type of Altobello dogs and to work in this direction together with breeders and fans.
Kennel Dobgun's a FCI reg. Breeder of European line Dobermann, for conformation, work & K9-units. A compleat dog with soundness in temperament, health and strong ability to work. We have puppies and occationally young dogs for sale.
Welcome to our passion the DOBERMANN ! Kennel in France with the best europeen blodlines.This homepage is dedicated for all our dobermanns.Home of Multi.Ch Irinland Zara zeife Multi.Ch Fabius Pictor Renewal Vilander vaic V.G.W./victoria vilja V.G.W.
Welcome to us and our small clowns (Jack and Parsons Russel Terrier) allways happy and ready to play and please. Come and visit us.
Herve and Petra BLOSCH.
We breed dobermanns, zwergpinschers and malinois and train them. Invite to our site. You can find there videos, pictures and information about our dogs.
Malinois Miniature PinscherUnsere Welpen werden liebevoll aufgezogen und werden frühestens mit 8 Wochen abgegeben.
Sie sind von unserem Tierarzt geimpft und vom DV - Zuchtwart abgenommen. Mit VDH / FCI - Ahnentafeln.
Smart Wood Hills - one of the oldest and known Russian Dobermann kennel.
Site of the oldest kennel of dobermanns in Russia.The owner of kennel known expert-cynologist RKF-FCI Evgeny Rozenberg presents dogs of own selection, acquaints with the best Russian and foreign representatives of breed, opens for all the unique archive, acquaints with news of shows, publishes old and new articles.
Betelges is small kennel located in Serbia/Slovenia.We are owners of many champions. Some of them is world known and sucessfull on many European shows. We have our dobermanns in 42 country around world. Welcome to visit us ...
We breed dobermanns and rottweilers with full European blood!
RottweilerPresentation of Dobermannkennel Van Royaert. Dogs in kennel: Roxanne Dei Nobili Nati, Pando Dei Nobili Nati, Csilla Van Royaert, Xora van Hof ter Eeckhout. Puppy info, links, history, standard, pictures ...
The website of a small Dobermann Kennel from Czech Republic, from the heart of Europe. Presentation of our females, a lot of photos, videos (work, puppies, etc). Our daylife ... You are hearty welcome!!
Breeding Karelian Bear Dog since 1995, home of champions. Selective Boxer and Dobermann breeding.
Karelian Bear Dog German BoxerSince 1990 we dedicated our lives to our Dobermanns. Our Dobermanns are devoted, friendly, passionate and stylish with a considerable dose of self-confidence and a stable character. They are family dogs to the backbone.
With our combinations we found the perfect balance between beauty and character. Every puppy is raised in a social and familial environment and grow up in the house of course. For information or a visit without further engagement you can always contact us.
The "Perla Brzeszcz" Kennel was established in 1995, and its located in a beatiful small village in Brzeszcze. From the very beginning we have put the most in effort to create an excellent outcome of our hard work. The Kennel has become our passion and life where every dog is being handled individually from the day its dorn.
We create an outlook for the dog where health, character, personality and well being is a priority to make sure the dog will have the best from their life as it continues its journey. We keep contact with the new owners being that we care of our dogs from the begging until end...
Our client success if our success and a reason for pride.
We are a small kennel based in France, we have been breeding Dobermanns since 1988 we pride ourselves in the fact we breed for quality not quantity, all our dogs are health tested, are VWD Clear by parentage & undergo regular tests for DCM. We show all over Europe & have Champions in 7 different countries.
We are a small Greek kennel that just started to breed using excellent European bloodlines. Our intention is to breed healthy show dogs with high tamperament and working proportions.
We started breeding dobermanns in 1982. All our puppies are sold with a puppy sales contract and health garanty. Our females and puppies are always living in the house with the family. Our dogs are intelligent and good in character, we are proud of every dog we have ever bred. We are always available to help our new puppy owners.
Miniature PinscherDobermann Kennel Carybdis (FCI-ENCI-AIAD) high quality puppies for show, work and family.
Site about my SBT hobbybreed and my other nice pets. You can see a lot of pics and videos. Have fun at my site ;o).
Staffordshire Bull TerrierThe kennel Russkaja Mechta was founded in 1990 in Russia and is since 1995 also active in the Netherlands. The founder and owner of the kennel FCI judge Nadjia Timmermans-Kadenkowelknown as having knowledge about not only one breed but about the dog in general.Author of the popular book series "The World of Dobermanns" Ambition, Experience, Quality, Health and Good care is the core of her work.
- Russkaja Mechta strives for excellence in all facets of the Dobermann breed. Particular attention is given to Health, Temperament and Confirmation.
-Russkaja Mechta dogs were given many champions titles on both show- and working- competitions. Some of them is world known and sucessful.
Dobermann breeder since 1983. We strive for beautiful, balanced and healthy Dobermanns. We have several Belgian, International and World Champions, both in show and work.
Belgian Dobermann Kennel with respect for the health and character of the Dobermann. Both parents have great results in different shows.
World champions both in show as in work in the pedigree.
We are serious breeders of Dobermann, our dogs are like our children. We make pups as near the standard as possible. Our goal is to make show, work and family dogs all in one.
Our pups is registered in DKK/FCI, and will be vac, micro chipped and treated for worms and fleas.Our pups and dogs grows up with children, cats and birds. Please viset our homepage and take a look.
Portal to the dobermann world featuring presentations of males, females, dobermanns for sale, offers a listing of available dobermann puppies, young dobermanns, dobermann kennels and much more.
We invite you to take a look at our website. It's full of information, pictures and results.
Visit our site for information about our dobermann and the achievements. We are a kennel located in West Germany, close to the border of the Netherlands, where we strive for excellence in all facets of the Dobermann breed and sport.
D'ikòskylo Dobermann kennel. We strive for beautiful, balanced and healthy Dobermanns.
For show work or pet. Breeding for Longevity conformation Temperament. Top European lines.
You can find here all informations about our dobermanns, our progeny, our success, show results, titles, work, health tests and about our puppies.
High quality Dobermanns and Dalmatians from international bloodlines. Litters occasionnally aiming at sound character, excellence in exterior and proven health. Multichampion health-tested males for stud only to quality females.
DalmatianIt's a pure working-line kennel. We don't produce confirmation-dobers.
Personal site of dobermann males, information about them and their progeny.
Defender of Bulgaria is a FCI registered dobermann kennel. We are international kennel from Bulgaria. We are using only high quality dogs with excellent look, health and character in our breeding programme.
Professional kennel, puppies, breeding males for mating. Our dobermans with great eksterernymi and working qualities.
Family kennel established since 1996. with Rottweilers and latest years with Dobermanns too. Following all necessary standards in breeding, our dogs that participated in events around Europe, always brought to us very good results through the years.
We make breedings with aim only to improve the breed as closest to the standards, and not to sell puppies for profit.Another very important occupation is dog train from Basic Obedience and Guarding up to Working and Breeding Exams, like : BH, IPO, ZTP..."
Molosos y Terriers: El Blog
Blog del proyecto "Molosos y Terriers" ,
cuyo fin es la defensa, difusion y proteccion de las razas caninas mas condenadas por la sociedad: Las denominadas "razas peligrosas". Todo nuestro trabajo y esfuerzo se realiza altruistamente por amigos y amantes de estos perros y razas.
Esperamos que disfruteis tanto como lo hacemos nosotros trabajando en este proyecto. Un cordial saludo a todos y gracias de antemano.
Shadow Of The Darkness FCI 5238 Dobermann kennel in Vojvodina/ Serbia/ Europe Contact: Erdelyi Andrea and Ervin Skpye and facebook (english, hungarian, serbian).
We have a dobermann breeding in Poland. We offer high quality puppies for shows and work and a part of every family. Our dogs are living in a farm with other animals, children. More informations about us and our dogs you can find on our web site.
BESTANERA Doberman kennel engaged with in enthusiasm and quality breeding and selection for progress of this wonderful breed.
Ich züchten mit gesunden, HD-freien und DCM freien, im Formwert vorzüglichen und wesensüberprüften Elterntieren. Hier im Dobermann Zwinger Gunomaglus konzentriere ich mich auf Qualität, statt Quantität bei der Zucht von Dobermann Welpen.
Ich bin ein Süddeutscher Dobermann Züchter und mein Erstes und wichtigste Anliegen im Dobermann Zwinger Cunomaglus ist die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden unserer Dobermann Welpen. Ich züchte, ausgewogenen und gutmütig Hunde, die nicht nur ideal als Gebrauchs - oder Ausstellungshunde sind, sondern auch als Familienhunde sehr belieb und geeignet sind. Alle meine Dobermänner werden als wertvolle Familienmitglieder im behandelt und ich erwarten die gleiche Behandlung von den neuen Besitzern meiner Welpen.
Die Dobermann Zucht ist seit vielen Jahren eine Leidenschaft von mir. Unterstützung und Beratung zu allen neuen Welpen Besitzern ist eine Selbstverständlichkeit und da durch gewährleiste Ich einen besten Start ins neue Hundeleben Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einen Dobermann für Arbeit oder Show, oder einfach nur ein treuer Freund und Begleiter für Ihrer Familie,
dann könnte wir die richtigen Dobermann Adresse für Sie sein .
A good dobermann is a sum of details, but the best dobermann is the sum of all fears. Our goal is to breed dobermanns that meet the highest, most exquisite demands of the breed's connaiseurs.
We had started to work with the Dobermanns long before the kennel was founded in 1996 and during more than 30 years of history we have gathered a huge experience in breeding, training, and fostering Dobermanns. We invest this experience in our puppies and willingly share it with the owners of our splendid graduates ... Welcome to our kennel !!
We are a Dobermann and Shetland Sheepdog kennel located in Poland and registered in ZKwP.
Shetland SheepdogSculptors Dobermann Kennel is a Code of Ethics dobermann breeder. Our goal is to breed healthy in genetics, well-tempered, strong in drives, good looking, correct in type, and intelligent in mind dobermann puppies.
Dogs who are versatile and meet the highest standards as working dogs, show dogs, and companions. Our breeding parents are all health certified. Our bloodline lives longer and has less genetic defects.
European Doberman Kennel driven by passion, since 2003.Committed to breeding high-quality, healthy, large, powerful Dobermans with stable character and good nerve, brave and self confident capable to protect they loving ones and home where lives. Cropped and docked adults and puppies available.
Bo Valcone kennel is located in the center of Romania, in the old town, named Sibiu. We are working to breed healthy and beautiful dogs with balanced temperament and high working drives.
Our dogs live with us in a warm and healthy environment. First of all, we need to have healthy dogs, so we consider that health is the most important issue for a dobermann, that's why our breeding goal is primary based on this principle.