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Russia Dog Breeders -

Dog Breeders > Russia

Породы собак - алфавитный список
Iz Donskoy Liberii - Akita américain and Deutscher Spitz
Iz Donskoy Liberii
Akita américain and Deutscher Spitz

The kennel "Iz Donskoi Liberii" is registered in 2000, the Basic breeds - the American Akita and the Pomeranian spitz.

On pages of a site you can see representatives of our kennel, their descendants, familiarise with genealogical, our successes and achievements and is final, to pick up to yourself the loyal friend.

American Akita Pomeranian

EP Helios Hektor & ZhCh Rostislav - mine dobermanns
EP Helios Hektor & ZhCh Rostislav
- mine dobermanns

Personal site of dobermann males, information about them and their progeny.


kennel Iz Razdolia
kennel Iz Razdolia

International & Multi Show Ch , hunting Ch

Website about our borzoi-kennel Iz Razdolia. About our borzois, about our litters and about our breed. Moscow, Russia.


Kennel FAIRA - Rhodesian ridgebacks
Kennel FAIRA - Rhodesian ridgebacks

Welcome to our young kennel FAIRA! We began breeding from mating at Chzeck Republik and have got the beautiful puppies in our first litter, two of which have been Inter and Multi Champions and one a Junior European Champion!

Our stud male Faira Arif Kamilifu successfully used in breeding and has several litters with a minimum number of faults, excellent anatomy and temperament. Our dogs have successfully engaged obedience, agility and have success in the show rings.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

'Из Замка
Приора' Питомник цвергпинчеров
'Из Замка Приора'
Питомник цвергпинчеров

Питомник цвергпинчеров "Из Замка Приора", перспективные щенки цвергпинчера,племенные кобели для вязок.Питомник занимается разведением собак породы цвергпинчер,она является ведущей породой нашего питомника. Так же у нас в питомнике есть собаки породы: такса кроличья длинношерстная и немецкий шпиц.На страницах нашего сайта Вы можете познакомиться с представителями нашего питомника,узнать о о наших планах на будущее.В разделе продаж посмотреть щенков,имеющихся в данный момент в питомнике.Мы будем рады видеть Вас на страницах нашего сайта.Приятного Вам просмотра.

Miniature Pinscher

Питомник Цвергпинчеров 'Харди
Питомник Цвергпинчеров 'Харди Хантер'

Kennel Zwergpinscher "HARDY HUNTER " I will be happy to welcome you on a site of my cattery  you can find out full details of our cattery, achievements at exhibitions and plans for the future.

Питомник Цвергпинчеров "Hardy Hunter" Щенки цвергпинчера . кобели для вязок. Я буду рада приветствовать Вас на сайте моего питомника Цвергпинчеров " Харди Хантер " Вы сможете узнать полную информацию о представителях нашего питомника , достижениях на выставках и планах на будущее.Мы всегда дадим консультацию и рекомендации по выращиванию , кормлению ,воспитанию щенков и многое другое.

Miniature Schnauzer

Del Terro Perros - Dog kennel
Del Terro Perros - Dog kennel

Dog kennel "Del Terro Perros" registration in FCI-RKF, a member of IBC (Internationaler Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Club e. V.). Breeding Breeds - Chinese Crested, Yorkshire Terrier and Biewer York.

Chinese Crested Dog Yorkshire Terrier

Наши йорки и их друзья
Наши йорки и их друзья

Welcome to website  "Наши йорки и их друзья"!

Сайт и форум  для любителей  йорков и других пород собак, кошек... На форуме Вы найдете информацию о породе - выбор, уход, сожержание воспитание, много статей, фотографий видео, полезной информации, научим Вас шить бантики, одежду для своих питомцев, много выкроек... Приятного просмотра! Мы ждем Вас !

Yorkshire Terrier

kennel Angrly Charly
kennel Angrly Charly

Our "Angrly Charly" kennel has 6 years history. We breed irish soft couted wheaten terier Our dogs have good health, stable psycology and fine resuits at dog shows.

Питомник "Ангелы Чарли" занимается разведением мягкошерстных пшеничных терьеров. Собаки, рожденные в нашем питомнике,имеют крепкое здоровье, уравновешенную психику и хорошие выставочные результаты.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Sher Multibreed kennel
SHER Multibreed kennel

Kennel Sher - airedaleterriers, Russian toys, papillons. Puppies, dog-shows, grooming, handling, many photos of dogs.

Airedale Terrier Russian Toy Papillon

Santa Knyrys zwerschnauzer
Santa Knyrys zwerschnauzer

First kennel of zwerschnauzer in Russia

Santa Knyrys was founded in 1992 and is one of the first Russian dog kennel breed zwergschnauzer (miniature schnauzer).

We breed colors black and silver, black, white. We want to make our dogs were beautiful and healthy. Our offspring -the World and European champions and young champions, International Champions, Champions of different countries, winners of many Internationals shows.

The last 8 years we have been prize winners in a rating of the top kennels of Russia.

Miniature Schnauzer

StrollingScop scottish terriers
STROLLING SCOP scottish terriers

Scottish terrier kennel in Russia.

Scottish Terrier

Африканский Молчун
Африканский Молчун

Питомник собак породы басенджи. В Санкт-Петербурге этот питомник занимается разведением только этой породы уже более 10 лет.

На сайте рассказ о наших собаках, о породе в общем, статьи о здоровье, воспитании, о выставках, форумы. Есть авторские статьи руководителя питомника.


Snow Train Alaskan Malamute
Snow Train Alaskan Malamute

We appreciate and respect the Alaskan malamute - the ancient breed of dogs and we will be glad to present you these beautiful and magnificent Northern sled dogs at our information kennel site. Visit us and we believe you will fall in love with this gorgeous breed.

Alaskan Malamute

Kennel Favorit Style
Kennel Favorit Style

Russkiy toy (Russian toy): Best of Breed, photos, dogshow, puppies for sale.

Russian Toy

Kennel Korona Rossii

Питомник "Корона России" занимается разведением Berner sennenhund, Grosser Schweizer sennenhund, Entlebuher sennenhund. Наша цель здоровые и красивые собаки. Наши собаки живыт с нами под одной крышей.

Посетите наш сайт, познакомьтесь с нашими собаками. Мы рады видеть вас среди владельцев наших щенков! Мы любим своих собак!

Bernese Mountain Dog Great Swiss Mountain Dog Entlebuch Cattle Dog

Kennel Field Union

KENNEL FIELD UNION многопородный питомник.
Aмериканский Бульдог (American Bulldog), Aмериканский Пит Буль терьер (American Pit Bull Terrier, АРВТ), Английский Сеттер (English Setter), Йорширский терьер (Yorkshire Terrier), Померанский Шпиц (Pomeranian), Мопс (Mops),  Бриар (Briard).

Kennel Field Union
многопородный питомник

Kennel Field Union
Field Union
American Pit Bull Terrier, English Setter

На сайте представлены наши питомцы, породы: American Pit Bull Terrier - English Setter.

Kennel Field Union Old.Bulldog
Kennel FIELD UNION Old.Bulldog

Olde Bulldogge - Эта порода является, прежде всего- отличными компаньонами, а также обладая шармом, темпераментом и ловкостью быть почти универсальной породой- как служебная так и спортивная собака.

Старо-английский бульдог (Олд бульдог) обладает чувством собственного достоинства, шармом, преданностью, отлично ладит с детьми, превосходный друг.

American Bulldog American Pit Bull Terrier English Setter Pug Yorkshire Terrier Pomeranian Briard Olde English Bulldogge

БРАЙТ НОУЗ - Kennel of west highland white and Norwich terriers
БРАЙТ НОУЗ - Kennel of west highland white and Norwich terriers

Our kennel situated in 20 kilometers from Moscow. We have 12 westies and 2 norwich terriers. All our dogs live as a members of our family. All of them trimed and shown by us.

We breed for helth, exellent temperament and super exterrier.

West Highland White Terrier Norwich Terrier


Vandebor, kennel of English Toy Terriers (black and tan), Zwergpinschers. Russia, Moscow.

English Toy Terrier Miniature Pinscher

Magic Shine - West Highland White Terrier
Magic Shine
West Highland White Terrier

Magic Shine - West Highland White Terrier of Russia. Breeder Fomicheva Lubov, location Moscow.

West Highland White Terrier

Moya Oda - American Staffordshire terrier kennel
Moya Oda
American Staffordshire terrier kennel

American Staffordshire terrier kennel "Moya Oda". Russia, Krasnoyarsk.

American Staffordshire Terrier Welsh Corgi Pembroke Chihuahua

GladeStone - kennel of english bulldogs
GladeStone - kennel of english bulldogs

On our site we want to invite you into the world of amazing and wonderful friend of man - a real gentleman of the dog world - the English Bulldog. We will introduce you to our dogs, talk about the exciting journey that may never have taken place, do not be with us the Bulldog!

We hope to share with you, dear friends, a particle of the love that lives in our family between people and bulldogs.

English Bulldog

Imperial Gold
Imperial Gold

Kennel of bichon frises.

Bichon Frise

Defino - labrador kennel
Defino - labrador kennel

"Defino" welcomes you!

We were fortuned to be involved in breeding our beloved labradors. Our dogs have been successful in shows and field work as well.We always have been matching our females with successful and worthy sires to produce healthy and good looking puppies. Our main goal is to breed labradors that are pleasing to look at, easy to live with and having all necessary abilities to become trusted hunting or sporting companion.

If you are considering purchasing a labrador retriever puppy in our kennel, please contact us.

Always a pleasure to see visitors!

Labrador Retriever

Серебряная пуля Silver Bullet
Серебряная пуля - Silver Bullet

The kennel "Serebrynaya pulya" specializes on hunting breeds of dogs. The first dog of this kennel is Weimaraner or a SILVER GHOST. Now in Russia the most popular dogs from continental gun breeds are such as Kurtzhaar and Drathaar, however a Weimaranerunfairly forgotten is becoming popular exactly in a class of hunting dogs. Although this breed seems to be very frail, it combines power and speed, lightning reaction and extraordinary intellect, not for nothing Weimaraner is considered to be an aristocratic dog. It is like Rolls-Royce of the dog world (The first car of Rolls-Royce has appeared in 1907.It has received the name of Silver Ghost for a beautiful silver body).

We are glad to welcome you on our site and we hope that your interest to Weimaraner will outgrow in something more.


Dzhey Ti kennel
Dzhey Ti kennel

We do not pursue quantity - We Prefer Quality!

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Moolti (Мульти)
Moolti (Мульти)

To date, namely the end of 2011, in Russia there are only two Young Champion Of The World! (a breed Mini Bull) and they were born in my kennel! I'm extremely proud of it!

MOOLTI  kennel, rightly, considered to be the Best Kennel Miniature Bull Terrier in Russia!

After all, bring a good dog is easier than to give birth to her! and we have just given birth! Want to Mini Bull  excellence, growth, and the mind?? = Welcome To Us!!!

I am very grateful to all owners of my kids, love them! For honesty and integrity! I'm glad I was not mistaken in the choice! My children live the best!

Miniature Bull Terrier

GoldPom Pomeranian
GoldPom Pomeranian

Nursery "GoldPom" Pomeranian spitz-dogs in Russia, (Moscow). Dogs for show and pets. Puppies for sale.

German Miniature Spitz / Pomeranian

Viat Galena
Viat Galena

We are glad to welcome you on the pages of our site. We live in Russia, in city Kirov. Our nursery works with the different breeds of dogs from 1999. Presently in a nursery tribal work is conducted with the American staffordshire terrier, English springer spaniel. In a nursery there are two representatives of hunting dogs 7 groups of German Shorthaired Pointer and Scottish setter.

More detailed information you can know, writing a letter to us.

American Staffordshire Terrier English Springer Spaniel German Shorthaired Pointer Scottish Terrier

русский той Из Дома Чайковских
русский той Из Дома Чайковских

Продажа щенков русского тоя.

Russian Toy

Kennel Terra Fantastika
Kennel Terra Fantastika

Breeder - Filatova Lyudmila Borisovna. RKF.Breed : boxer, brussel griffon, pti-brabanson, belge griffon, doberman.Klass - show.

German Boxer

D'Alta Marcka
D'Alta Marcka

Site about з бракко Italian and кане корсо the Italian. The information on the standard and history of breeds, achievements of representatives of nursery, photo albums, puppies and many other things.

Italian Pointing Dog Cane Corso Italiano

LAVR DE DIS Akita & shiba kenel
LAVR DE DIS Akita & shiba kenel

Japan dogs akita and shiba, puppy, standart FCI, AKIHO, NIPPO.

Akita Shiba

Sheriff Aga Central Asian Shepherd Dogs Kennel
Central Asian Shepherd Dogs Kennel

Our nursery has an official status, registered in Belgium in the International Canine Organization (FCI), part of the RCF, registration number # 9252. Nursery SHERIFF AGA specializes in breeding Turkmen Alabai. Kennel is located 200 km from Moscow in an ecologically clean area. Dogs captive content but fully provided with the necessary exercise (walking in the fields, swimming).

Tribal CAO tested for breeding, with the highest score T1, have certificates OKD - 2 and COP - 1. Stud dogs have titles: Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Champion, Champion RKF, RFSS RFLS Champion OANKOO, RFOS, INTERCHAMPION, MultiChampion, etc. The exhibitions of international, national and regional level our pets many times were the owners of the honorary title of high-BOB (BOB).

Central Asia Shepherd Dog

Helavis pomeranians kennel
Helavis pomeranians kennel

We are a small kennel in Russia. We breed kleinspitz and pomeranian. Welcome to our website! Here you can see the photos of all our dogs, our puppies and the dogs who was born in our kennel. Time to time we have puppies for sale in different colors.


Kukolki Maya chihuahua kennel
Kukolki Maya chihuahua kennel

Мы рады приветствовать Вас на сайте питомника чихуахуа " Куколки Майя". Надеюсь, что Вам будет интересно посмотреть все его рубрики и познакомиться с жителями нашего питомника.

В питомнике чихуахуа " Куколки Майя" ведётся племенное разведение гладко- и длинношёрстных чихуахуа, собак самой маленькой породы в мире.


Kennels Lusso Angelo
Kennels Lusso Angelo

Labrador-retriever, flat-coated retriever. Dogs, puppies, show.

Labrador Retriever Flat Coated Retriever