Russia - Dog Breeders and Kennels > Page 4 -

Russia Dog Breeders -

Dog Breeders > Russia

Породы собак - алфавитный список
My Cavalier's - Мои кавалеры
My Cavalier's - Мои кавалеры

Cavalier king Charles spaniel in Russia. Welcome to our site !

Cavalier King Charles Spanielr

iz Klana Legato
iz Klana Legato

Kennel Schweizer Sennenhund Iz Klana Legato- Berner Sennenhund / Bernese Mountain Dog, Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund / Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Shih-Tzu.

Bernese Mountain Dog Shih Tzu Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Magic Force - Bullmastiff kennel
Magic Force - Bullmastiff kennel

Welcome to the bullmastiff kennel "Magic Force"! On our site you will find interesting and cognitive information about the breed bullmastiff. You also can read and view the gallery of our bullmastiff kennel.


Bulldrow Kennel

BULLDROW Kennel Приглашаем Вас посетить наш много-породный питомник - BULLDROW Kennel Американский бульдог,Французский бульдог. Поголовье питомника с устойчевой психикой и великолепными рабочими качествами, классический и экстримальный тип.

Мы поможем вам подобрать собаку как для выставочной карьеры или для племенного разведения, или компаньона, и как security. Предлогаются Лучшие Племенные Производители питомника для вязок. Tакже вы можете рассчитывать на всестороннюю поддержку и помощь в выращивании наших щенков.

American Bulldog French Bulldog

Ormain Kennel
Ormain Kennel

Welsh Corgi Cardigan & Pembroke Kennel.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan Welsh Corgi Pembroke

From Magnificos Knigdom kennel
From Magnificos Knigdomkennel

We are breeding labradors sisnce 1998. Since 2006 we also have Bracco Italiano unique breed. I do not like advertise myself by words - visit our webpage and make your own impression.

Italian Pointing Dog Labrador Retriever


Welcome to Kennel "Sharol-Shi"

We are happy to invite you to visit our web page and we are happy to represent our lovely Chinese crested dogs.

Chinese Crested Dog

Constellation Mountain Dog Kennel
Constellation Mountain Dog Kennel

Наши собаки бернский зенненхунд и большой швейцарский зенненхунд соответствуют стандарту и многие годы доказывают это на выставочных рингах, как в нашей стране так и за рубежом. Титулованные женихи всегда рады пригласить в гости невест, а наши щенки бернского и швейцарского зенненхунда ждут заботливого и любящего хозяина. Наши питомцы имеют титулы Юные Чемпионы России, Чемпионы России, Кандидат в Интерчемпионы, Чемпионы Федераций, Лучшие Представители породы, Победители групп, Кандидаты в Чемпионы Национальных клубов. Приобретая у нас щенков, Вам гарантирована реальная помощь в выращивании, ветеринарном обслуживании, выставочной карьере Ваших питомцев. Поэтому возможно общение, как по поводу вязок, так и по поводу приобретения щенков. Реклама родившимся щенкам в питомнике. И если сейчас в питомнике нет щенков, то это значит они либо скоро родятся, либо планируется новая интересная вязка.

Bernese Mountain Dog Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Kennel Iz Kamarilly)
Kennel Iz Kamarilly

We are Russian professional kennel owners who breed the unique Russkiy Toy Terrier. These dogs are cute and so small that you will wish to have more and more! This breed originated in Russia and is still rare in foreign counties.

We are here to help you with the choice of a puppy, to offer professional advice and to give information about this wonderful breed Russkiy Toy terrier (russian toy)!

Russian Toy


Papillonsfrom Russia.


kennel Omikudzi
kennel Omikudzi

“Omikudzi” kennel has been breeding chins from the year of 2000, having a big population of chins, owned by the kennel or living with other owners – all “Omikudzi” kennel members. Our chins are International Champions and the Champions of many foreign countries.

In 2008 our bitch CH Omikudzi Bella Donna was awarded Best of Breed at European Dog Show. In 2010 our bitch CH Omikudzi Tsunami became Champion Class Winner at European Dog Show in Slovenia.

Japanese Chin

Irline of Beauty
Irline of Beauty

Питомник длинношерстных колли и бельгийских овчарок Тервюрен. Прямые потомки Чемпионов Франции и Англии

Kennel of Collie Rough and Belgian Shepherd Tervuren. Lineal descendants of the Champions France and England.

Collie Rough Belgian Shepherd Dog - Tervueren

Velluto Incanto mastino napoletano
Velluto Incanto mastino napoletano

Best mastino napoletano in Russia. Photo, dogshow rezults, puppies, Champions in breed and many all information.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Top Target kennel
Top Target kennel

Top Target - kennel standard schnauzer and zwergschnauzer p/s. Since 1996.

Schnauzer Miniature Schnauzer

Laranta kennel - Yorkshire terriers
Laranta kennel - Yorkshire terriers

Yorkshire Terriers in Russia - Laranta kennel. Yorkshire Terrier puppies for show, breeding and for the home.

Yorkshire Terrier

Lav Lap Top English Bulldog Kennel FCl
Lav Lap Top English Bulldog Kennel FCl

English bulldog kennel located in Russia near Moscow. Our aim is to breed healthy, breed typical bulldogs with sound movement and good character.

Our English bulldogs have many champions in there blood lined. Our puppies leave us vaccinated, wormed and microchiped. Puppies available "showprospects", for breeding and lovely pets. We ship puppies worldwide.

English Bulldog

Evanssi's Collies & Shiba Inu
Evanssi's Collies & Shiba Inu

Rough Collie & Shiba Inu kennel.

Collie Rough Shiba

Panteley Grishin Syn Bullmastiff
Panteley Grishin Syn Bullmastiff

Приглашаем Вас посетить сайт, посвященный яркому представителю породы бульмастиф - Пантелею, сыну легендарного Грин Филла.

На сайте Вы сможете узнать все о Пантелее, его детках, посмотреть фотогалерею Пантелея и авторские фотографии его хозяйки Наталии Антоновой. Приятного просмотра!


Lyudzhen Bullmastiffs
Lyudzhen Bullmastiffs

Bullmastiff kennel Lyudzhen - Russia.

Бульмастифы Питомника Люджен - Россия.


Fantom Indigo Long Hair Weimaraner Kennel
Fantom Indigo
Long Hair Weimaraner Kennel

Welcome to our FCI kennel "Fantom indigo" website!

We are from Russia. In our kennel we have long-haired and short-haired weimaraners. Our breeding is focused on the universality of weimaraner. We breed dogs for shows, sports and hunting.

On our website you can find many photos and useful information about this wonderful breed and also our achievements in shows and hunting. Here you may choose yourself a puppy.

We invite all weimaraner breeders to communicate via e-mail and breed their dogs with bitches from Russia. In Russia we don't have many weimaraners yet and we are going to make our dogs better.

We will be happy to contact you.


Красноярский клуб Служебного
Красноярский клуб Служебного Собаководства

Россия. Красноярск. На сайте нашего клуба вы найдете много интересной информации о собаках и щенках разных пород, имеющихся в нашем клубе.

German Shepherd Dog Dachshund Rottweiler German Spitz

Питомник чихуахуа ИРЛИТА ( IRLITA)
Питомник чихуахуа ИРЛИТА ( IRLITA)

Питомник занимается разведением собак породы Чихуахуа. Это самая маленькая порода собак.Эти собачки обаятельны, игривы, очень умны и изобретательны. Прекрасно вписываются в ритм жизни современного человека, не требует много места в доме, сложного ухода и большого количества корма.Основной целью является получения породного потомтва современного типа: здорового физически и конкурентноспособного на выставочных рингах.


Sveitana Geil pug kennel
Sveitana Geil pug kennel

We have been breeding pugs for 15 years. In the nursery, a large number of dogs that have the highest titles. For more information about our dogs you can visit our site.


Kennel has been breeding dogs, Cane Corso. The breeding and exhibition activities. Puppies are always very high quality. Help to grow and advice.

Cane Corso Italiano

Inter Win Kennel papillons
Inter Win Kennel papillons

"Inter Win"-professional Russian kennel of papillons , registered in the FCI № 11131. Our kennel is located in Moscow, Russia. With kindly regards, owner of the kennel Inessa Kirilenko.


Lirmax kennel
LIRMAX kennel

Welcome to my West Highland White Terrier kennel website.

West Highland White Terrier

Malpom pomeranian kennel - Питомник мальтезе Мальпом
Malpom pomeranian kennel
Питомник мальтезе Мальпом

Malpom is a small Pomeranian show kennel located in Moscow, Russia. Our goal is to breed top quality show Pomeranians. We do not breed often and choose the best stud to improve our lines based on the carefully selected dogs from US and Russian kennels.

Quality and health are very important to us and we make sure we breed for type, coat, temperment and harmonic anatomy. Our poms are part of our family and do not live in kennels or cages.

Питомник мальтезе Мальпом предлагает очаровательных мальтийских болонок.

Pomeranian Maltese


Kennel - "Karneliks", breeding of Swiss white shepherds. Our breeding results in healthy, and show dogs.

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

Sent Djons Newfoundland
Sent Djons Newfoundland

Our kennel is located in a big town from Russia, called Moscow. We breed Newfoundlands black & White and Black colors and leaning on good quality lines.  Our kennel Has registration at the FCI-RKF. We breed dogs for quality, show, health and splendid temperament.

We love them and we are sure that newfoundlands are the most magnificent and smart dogs in the world!  Dogs are a part of our family. Visit our Homepage.


Brave Spirit Kennel Staffordshire bullterrier
Brave Spirit Kennel Staffordshire bullterrier

Staffordshire Bull Terriers breeders site, with information about Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Nasha Marka Dmitriy Donskoy
Nasha Marka Dmitriy Donskoy

Welcome to personal website of Miniature pinscher Nasha Marka Dmitriy Donskoy.

Miniature Pinscher

Royal Poms Kennel
Royal Poms Kennel

Kennel is engaged in a breeding of the Pomeranian since 1997. The purpose of our business is to improve of a Spitz livestock here. The leading lines of America, Europe and Southeast Asia are the basis of the "Royal Poms".


Peters Dream
Peters Dream

A diary of my Papillon dogs. And Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.

Papillon Labrador Retriever Golden Retriever

Kennel Zelveger

We invite you to the kennel, "Zellweger". The site is dedicated to my favorite breed Welsh Corgi Pembroke!

Welsh Corgi Pembroke


My name is Marina Khaustova, and I am the head of the nursery"SHERNIKA". Our nursery is engaged in breeding work for more than 10 years. The main breeds of dogs kennel are - Yorkshire TerrierandBiewer Yorkshire.

We have a small number of dogs of these breeds, but we are a responsible approach to breeding. Puppies born nursery - from the high producers. Many successfully exhibited at trade shows, and hold high titles. We are always happy to assist you in choosing a puppy, as well also advise and provide comprehensive assistance for the care and upbringing of your little puppies.

Yorkshire Terrier

Dinastia Ugri
Dinastia Ugri

Welcome to "Dinastia Ugri" rottweiler kennel site. We hope you will enjoy by the dogs we breed.


Форд от Сольника - FORD OT SOLNIKA
Грюнендаль Бельгийская овчарка
Форд от Сольника - FORD OT SOLNIKA
Грюнендаль Бельгийская овчарка

My chien de berger belge groenendaels: eva ot solnika, ford ot solnika. Foto, news, info. Puppies.

Мои собаки породы бельгийская овчарка  грюнендаль: ева от сольника, форд от сольника. Фото, новости, информация, щенки.

Belgian Shepherd Dog - Groenendael

Rikoran - Jack Russell Terrier Kennel
Rikoran - Jack Russell Terrier Kennel

A Kennel Rikoran located in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. We successfully breed Jack Russell Terriers and American Akita. Our aim is to breed healthy, happy and beautiful puppies. Exports available to loving homes worldwide. Please visit our site for more information.

Jack Russell Terrier American Akita

Svarta PIM
Svarta PIM

Kennel Swart PIM - Basset Hound, Rottweiler, Dachshund.

We are happy to invite you to visit our web page and we are happy to represent our lovelydogs. We have a forum. On the pages of the forum a lot of interesting information -articles, reports from exhibitions, photos and video.

Our Kennel is located in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Yours faithfully,
Irina Mukhina

Basset Hound Rottweiler Dachshund

Ot Taynogo Zhelaniya Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

Personal site Russian Black Terrier. Russia, Moscow. Welcome to visit us!

Black Terrier