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Russia Dog Breeders -

Dog Breeders > Russia

Породы собак - алфавитный список
Лексия Окус Русский той
Лексия Окус

Питомник породы собак Русский той, щенки. На сайте много полезной информации. Добро пожаловать!

Russian Toy

Psovaja Ohota
Psovaja Ohota

Borzoi puppies with royal beauty and noble behavior!

В нашем питомнике Русских Псовых Борзых " Psovaja Ohota ", родились долгожданные щенки Борзых (борзят) , это грациозное животное полно гордости,любви , преданности и имеет много других достоинств украсит любой дом и принесет много разностороннего досуга для всей семьи.У нас в питомнике пометы бывают не часто,поскольку мы вяжем собак только в том случае если хотим оставить щенка себе.Все наши собаки в первую очередь отличные компаньеныи живут с нами как члены семьи.В родословных наших собак текут ценные Русские крови которые сочетаются с Американскими и Скандинавскими , в качестве производителей мы импортируем собак лучших линий с вековой историей. Возможна доставка щенка на дом.подробная информация о щенках на нашем сайте.


Solnechnaya-Kollektsiya kennel
Solnechnaya-Kollektsiya kennel

Welcome to cattery "Solar Collection." Our nursery is officially registered in RKF (Russian Kennel Federation) and FCI (FCI). We are professionally engaged in breeding work and breeding dogs decorative rocks Spitz (Pomeranian) Spitz and small.

In the nursery, you will be able to purchase a puppy for show and breeding, and just a pet. All puppies are sold vaccinated, socialized, accustomed to clean, with a full set of documents and the contract prodazhi.Nash nursery is in Russian city of Moscow.

Sincerely, nurseryman Gerke Allen


"Yanger" chihuahua kennel
"YANGER" chihuahua kennel

Welcome to our website. Our kennel is engaged breed Chihuahua.


ШЕЛКОВЫЙ НОС -Kennel Silk Nose
ШЕЛКОВЫЙ НОС -Kennel Silk Nose

Добро пожаловать на наш сайт ШЕЛКОВЫЙ НОС -Kennel-Silk Nose Приглашаем ВАС посетить наш много-породный питомник декоративных собачек. А также посетить странички наших любимых питомцев! В нашем питомнике собачки ухоженны, имеют веселый нрав и крепкое здоровье, они умны и доброжелательны, а молодняк безупречно выращен и выкормлен. Покупая щенка в питомнике ВЫ можете быть уверены в качестве и здоровье вашего питомца. Также вы можете рассчитывать на всестороннюю поддержку и помощь в выращивании наших щенков. Многие выпускники нашего питомника Награждены- Чемпионами, Юными Чемп.России, Гранд Чемп. России BOB, CC, ПК, ЛК, САС, КЧФ, ЧФ ОАНКОО, Ч.РФЛС, Кандидаты в Чемпионы РКФ. Приглашаем на вязки сук с высокопородными, кобелями. Mы предлагаем вет.услуги груммерские услуги и грамотные консультации кинологов и вет.врачей. Сегодня у нас есть щенки на продажу Померанского шпица, Йоркширского терьера и Чихуахуа.

Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua

шпицы Урала - uralminidog
шпицы Урала - uralminidog

все про породу собак немецкий шпиц . щенки ,вязки, консультации по породе помощь при подборе щенка.

German Spitz

Grand Classik Chihuahua kennel
Grand Classik Chihuahua kennel

Chihuahua kennel in Siberian region

Hello! We present you, my friend, web-page of our young kennel in chihuahua breed. We has longhaired and shorthaired dogs high class. We shipping our puppies worldwide and offer beautiful stud males! Welcome!


Kennel Field Union
Kennel Field Union

Kennel Field Union- Монопородный питомник. Мы занимаемся двумя ростовыми разновидностями одной породы - Померанский и Немецкий малый шпиц.

German Miniature Spitz, Pomeranian

 Маджестик Вуд
Маджестик Вуд

Сайт Лабрадоров Ретриверов Маджестик Вуд. Щенки лабрадора всех окрасов. Статьи. Фото лабрадоров.

Labrador Retriever

kennel Marrandi

A Kennel Marrandi located in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. We successfully breed Australian shepherd Our aim is to breed healthy, happy and beautiful puppies. Exports available to loving homes worldwide. Please visit our site for more information.

Australian Shepherd

'Un Dono Della Provvidenza'
'Un Dono Della Provvidenza'

Kennel Cane Corso was founded in 2007. Kennel is located in an ecologically clean area, in the heart of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan, in the suburban area of the city of Kazan. In cultivation manufacturers in Italy, Europe and Russia.

Cane Corso Italiano


Chow-Chow Breeder.

Chow Chow

Caramel Suite der Thairidgebacks
Caramel Suite der Thairidgebacks

Alles über die Thairidgebacks: Standard, Rassenbeschreibung, Fotos, Welpen.

All about thairidgebacks: standards, breeddescription, photogalery, puppies.

Thai Ridgeback Dog

Shik I Sharm Papillon and Phalene
SHIK I SHARM Papillon and Phalene

Welcome to Russian kennel. Meet my lovely dogs!

Papillon / Phalène

Grant Lebl
Grant Lebl

Welcome to contact us. Dachshunds kennel FCI. Dachshund standart long haired for show and breeding.


'Iz Lunnogo SAada' Cairn Terriers kennel
Cairn Terriers kennel

Russian Kennel Cairn Terrier - welcome!

Cairn Terrier


Welcome at our website of weimaraners kennel Belfegorus ! Weimaraner - is the excellent companion, the worthy hunter and best friend for family. We will be glad to communicate and new friends.


Russkiy Assorti'c Miniature Schnauzer Kennel
Russkiy Assorti'c
Miniature Schnauzer Kennel

Welcome. I am happy to invite you to visit my web page and i am happy to represent my lovely dogs.

Yours faithfully,
Elena Borisova

Miniature Schnauzer

Iz Doma Edisonya Kennel French Bulldogs
Kennel French Bulldogs

We set as the objective, to use in cultivation, manufacturers of the best nurseries of the Europe and the United States America, constantly improving a livestock of our dogs. Aspiration to We prove to perfection the successful, long-term activity recognized by authoritative experts of the different countries. Already more than 10 years we are members the Austrian Club of French Bulldogs.

French Bulldog

Gallana Aristos

Professional kennel RKF / FCI. The kennel is breeding based on the world's best lines, Durrer 's Rigeyr (Canada-Latvia). Our puppies are successfully exhibited at the show in different countries, BIS, BIS, multi BOB. Puppies have strong anatomy, sustainable mind, high-quality wool.

Yorkshire Terrier

Kennel Liben Bern

We are a small kennel in St. Petersburg, dogs live in our family, delighting us an extraordinary mind, a real Bern character and a bright beauty. We try to make our puppies brought light and joy to their new family! Come to our site and you will see how we live!

Bernese Mountain Dog


Питомник английских бульдогов в России. Зарегистрирован в системе FCI. Мы занимаемся разведением качественных, здоровых собак. Грамотный подход к породе, красивые щенки, гарантия качества.

English Bulldog

Mille Bassi

Welcome to our web-site, this site about our pugs «Mille Bassi» In our web-site you can found information about our pugs, about results from dogs exhibitions and about our puppies. We have been breeding black and fawn pugs.


Ipolbox Kennel of German Boxers
Ipolbox Kennel of German Boxers

Breeder of kennel is Irina Polshakova. since 1999 is Official start of breeding of boxers, but my first Boxer from 1991 years. Today in pedigree my breeding I use the best blood and lines of World Famous Boxers ! Welcome to our site about our favorite breed!

German Boxer

Nasha Marka zwergpinscher kennel
Nasha Marka zwergpinscher kennel

Miniature pinschers from kennel Nasha Marka.

Miniature Pinscher

Maho Mirai Kennel

Breeder of Japanese Spitz in Russia. Welcome to our web site and see more!

Japanese Spitz American Akita

Rus De'Viaro
Rus De'Viaro

Цель питомника Rus De'Viaro состоит в том, чтобы разводить хороших рабочих (охота) собак бракко-италиано. Для нас важно, чтобы они проявляли способность великих охотников.

Желательно, чтобы собаки из нашего питомника попадали в руки охотников, но мы не против, если вы взяли бракко для совместных прогулок или для участия в спортивных состязаниях с ними.

Italian Pointing Dog

Amelhuk - kennel of Alaskan Malamutes and a basset hound
Amelhuk - kennel of Alaskan Malamutes
and a basset hound

Alaskan Malamutes and Basset Hound from Russia for the sport, show and breeding.

Alaskan Malamute Basset Hound

'Fedjevi' kennel
Kosta Felicitas

We have been breeding standard and miniature dachshunds kurzhaar professionally. You can to buy puppies for show, breeding and pet in our kennel sometimes. We devote special attention to good health, well-balanced mind and excellent temperament dogs for breeding.

Our kennel is actively developing. We have great expectations for completion of our young. New lines of kennel - Weimaraner, Collie rough, Sheltie. On the site you will find information of pedigree, show career of our dogs, current and planned litters. We are open for communication and look forward to all!

Dachshund Weimaraner Collie Rough Shetland Sheepdog

Питомник ГАРДИАН

Ch of Russia, Belarus, Litva, RKF, national Club, CACIB

We nave breeding the dog of those breeds. We offer males for mating and exceleent puppies. For all buying puppies from as, we help in thei problems. We show we dogs at exhibitions, You can stay the dog when you not at home, also we can doying the fotos of your dog.

Dalmatian Welsh Corgi Pembroke Central Asia Shepherd Dog

'Fedjevi' kennel
'Fedjevi' kennel

Pugs in Russia. Yorkshire Terrier in Russia.

Pug Yorkshire Terrier

Киндли Гланс питомник ши-тцу,
Киндли Гланс
питомник ши-тцу, мальтезе

Питомник Киндли Глнас занимается разведением пород ши-тцу, мальтезе, бивер йорк. Продажа щенков.

Shih Tzu Maltese Yorkshire Terrier

Tripolitaniya Box

TRIPOLITANIYA BOX - kennel of Deutscher Boxers! FCI

German Boxer

Sibirski Medved

We live in Russia in Novosibirsk. Our experience with the breed Tchiorny Terrier with 1987goda. My breeding dogs have appeared since 2001. We have dogs of our breeding in many countries of Europe, Asia and USA. SIBIRSKI MEDVED is one of the strongest and largest kennels internationally. Our dogs are victorious at prestigious exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

We offer Top Quality Black Russian Terrier Puppies For Sale. We also offer Stud Service from a few of our Outstanding Males. We offer only a Few select quality litters each year. We feel this gives us the time needed to devote to each and every litter. Every breeding we do has been carefully researched and planned to ensure the highest quality of BRT puppies. We have you will not find an angry or a cowardly dog, all our pets are cheerful and happy, they love people and enjoy communicating and being at exhibitions. The dogs have a great nervous system and excellent working capacity. Many dogs are checked for dysplasia. invite you to visit the site, always glad to communicate with like-minded. I invite you to visit.

Russian Black Terrier

Питомник Империя Демонов
Питомник Империя Демонов

Многопородный Питомник Империя Демонов  образован в Москве (Россия). Руководитель Питомника Эксперт-Кинолог Михайлова Екатерина В нашем питомнике Mastino Napoletano, English Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier.

Neapolitan Mastiff English Mastiff Spanish Mastiff Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier

Semargl Siberians
Semargl Siberians

SEMARGL Siberians - a small kennel in Russia to the breeding of show siberian husky. We are a RKF-FCI approoved kennel. We believe in strong, healthy and well balanced dogs. Our kennel is located in Kazan city, 800 km abroad Moscow.

Please visit our website!

Siberian Husky

Regalia Toy kennel - russian toy terriar smooth hair & long hair
Regalia Toy kennel - russian toy terriar smooth hair & long hair

Welcome to the website dedicated to the smallest breed of dog, bred in Russia - the Russian Toy.

We hope you will be interested in the site and you'll find lots of useful information!

Russian Toy

Ot Pandy Sharm
Ot Pandy Sharm

Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian and German Zwergspitzand Klainspitz, Biewer York, Biro York, Maltese. Our kennel dog FCI registered in the year 2000. Our dogs participate and win in international exhibitions around the world.

We strive to obtain a harmonious development of the dog: not only beautiful on the exterior, but with a balanced mind and good health.

Yorkshire Terrier Pomeranian Maltese

Kennel Dyumari
Kennel Dyumari

Mono-nursery, have been breeding Chihuahuas. Cattery is registered in the FCI. In cultivation the best blood of Russian and foreign manufacturers. Here you can buy a puppy for show, breeding and as a pet.


Юлту / Yultu
Юлту / Yultu

Питомник шпицев и японских хинов "Юлту".  Я буду рада приветствовать Вас на сайте моего питомника Вы можете узнать полную информацию о нашем питомнике, достижениях на выставках и планах на будущее.  Качество наших питомцев многократно подтверждено победами на  выставках. Мы гарантируем высокое качество и отличное здоровье любого нашего выпускника. Мы всегда дадим консультацию и рекомендации по выращиванию, кормлению, воспитанию щенков и многое другое.

Pomeranian Japanese Chin

We have a tosa more then 10 years in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
