We are breeding Bernese Mountain Dogs, Great Swiss Mountain Dogs and Entlebucher sennenhund. In our web site you will find all information about us, about the breeds, our dogs, show results, our puppies. Wellcom!
Bernese Mountain Dog Great Swiss Mountain Dog Entlebuch Cattle Dog
This site is about irish red setters. You could see dogs of our kennel and also a lot of information about this wonderful breed - standart, grooming advice, advice for buying and growing the puppy.
Here You could find almost all answers on questions interested to You. A lot of photos from homelife, show, fieldtrials and so on. Enjoying being on our web!
We are a small breeder from Russia (Moscow). Welcome to visit our webbsite.
Cavalier King Charles SpanielThe nursery is engaged in breeding cultivation tiny spitz-dog. We are engaged in breeding and exhibition activity. The puppies on sale are presented.
We with responsibility approach to cultivation and the maintenance of our pupils.
Breeding od wirehaired dachshunds of all sizes and colors.
DachshundРазведение собак породы Пекинес, Южнорусская овчарка, Йоркширский терьер. Лучшие представители пекинесов г. Самара. Результаты выставок, фотоальбомы, информация о щенках.
Питомник "Розовый Ангел" занимается племенным разведением самой маленькой породы - Чихуахуа.. Мы занимаемся племенной и выставочной деятельностью. В нашем питомнике Вы можете познакомиться со стандартом породы чихуа, узнать о работе питомника чихуахуа. В питомнике представлены щенки на продажу.
Мы с ответственностью подходим к разведению и содержанию наших питомцев.
Rottweiler in Tyumen. Welcome to the website dedicated to the Rottweiler breed.
RottweilerWe have a kennel breeding and showing of Prague Ratter based in Russia in St-Petersburg. Please take a look at our website and see the wonderful Prague Ratter we have breed.
Prague RatterРада приветствовать вас на страничках сайта о нашем дружном доме,где живут умные и красивые, упрямые и сильные, верные и добрые - наши любимые собаки - американские стаффы и французские бульдоги
Is glad to welcome you on site pages about our amicable house where live clever and beautiful, obstinate and strong, correct and kind - our liked dogs - American staff and the French bulldogs.
American Staffordshire Terrier French BulldogSimauta Dess kennel - small chow-chow's kennel in Moscow, Russia. We bred red, black and cream chows as continuation of canadian (mi-pao's) and old english bloodlines. Type, character and health - priority. Welcome to website of our lovely chows!
Chow ChowProfessional breeding long coat and smooth coat chihuahuas. We use best Europe and USA lines in our breeding program.
ChihuahuaThis site of kennel "IZ YANTARNOY STRANY" (From Amber Country) - miniature, dwarf and toy poodles.
PoodleWelcome to the web-site of Svetozar kennel. We are breeding in Russia Chihuahua and Spitz for show and family.
Chihuahua German SpitzНа сайте представлены наши питомцы, породы: American Pit Bull Terrier - English Setter.
American Pit Bull Terrier English SetterWelcome to our site! I'm breeding top quality Chihuahua, Deutscher spitz-kleinspitz from Belgorod, Russia.
Chihuahua German Spitz - kleinspitzWelcom to my web-site.
Maltese Brussels Griffon Belgian Griffon Small Brabant Griffon ChihuahuaDogs in our kennel Interchampions, Champions of Russia, Eurasia, Ukrain, Belarus, Kazhahstan, Russian Rottweiler Klub, Young Champions of Russia, Ukrain, Belarus, Polish Rottweiler Club, Russian Rottweiler Club. Winners and prize-winners of biggest shows in Russia, Ukrain, Poland and World (ADRK Klubsieger zuchtschau, IFR World Championship).
RottweilerWelcome to our site!
Here a photos & documents rhodesian ridgeback's: Astin, Birma Red, Asbi Savana Red Africa Adaeze. Work of kennel and section "RR" Kennel Club "ELITE" St-Petersburg: puppies, plans, announcements and results of annual mono shows "RR" and CACIB-shows in St-Petersburg, a photos and forum. Rhodesian Ridgeback it is for ever!
We are breeding in Russia Boston Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier for show and family. Puppies, quality, character and show. If You want, please open my website and You will know oll about us and us dogs.
Boston TerrierBullmastiff breeding.Puppies sometimes available, stud services. Photoes, champions, show results, forum.
BullmastiffIn our kennel only Pomeranian. Pomeranian puppies for sale.
PomeranianМы рады приветствовать Вас на сайте питомника "DIAMOND'S KORNAL": бернский зенненхунд и большой швейцарский зенненхунд.
Bладелец - Кораблева Наталья Львовна.
Shih-Tzu, owner Perminova Oxana, Kursk region, Russia. Bases grooming, video reportings.
Shih TzuWe are working from 1994. Our kennel is breeding dachshunds smooth- and long-haired of all types: standard, mini and caninchen, classic and rare colour. English Cream in Russia!!!
DachshundWelcome to pages of kennel (RKF/FCI) "Carlin Bright Iz Tsarskogo Sela".
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Bernese Mountain DogThaimLine is the first monobreed TRD kennel in Russia. Now we have the best blue TRD in Russia. We also have black and isabella colors. The Blue Diamond is the World winner 2008.
Thai Ridgeback Dogpersonal information of AST Izabella from russian kennel Lovely Angl - situated in Kaliningrad. Izabella is champion of Russia, red-white color very nice girl. We'r planning puppies in this year and looking for a nice male AST from another region or country.
American Staffordshire TerrierEnglish Bulldog gorgeous Puppies for sale from Russia (male and female), Champion bloodlines, Show quality, Registered RKF. Current vaccinations, Veterinarian examination, Health certificate, Health guarantee, Pedigree, Travel crate. Please contact us for further information.
English BulldogEnglish cocker spaniels ... it's a LOVE! And we want to share it with you! Welcome to our website!
English Cocker SpanielBreeding work we do in 1988. The official name of "YakoGor" was registered in RKF-FCI 20.05.2009, certificate number 10356 Currently, our cattery breeds of dogs: Australian Terrier, Australian Silky Terrier, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Miniature Pinscher. We have the right approach to breeding.
Carefully select the pair to produce a healthy and beautiful offspring with high prospect of the show and breeding. All our dogs regularly participate in the most prestigious international dog shows in Russia and Europe, and have titles and International Champion Candidate for International Champion Beauty. On our site you can find detailed information, meet with the presented species, get advice or ask questions on the acquisition and reservation of a puppy.
Our kennel conducts breeding work with the Caucasian Ovharka being based on the motto: "the Exterior, Health, Working Qualities and Stable Mentality". Choosing a puppy in our kennel you always can receive consultations and the help in cultivation, training and preparation for exhibitions.
Our dogs pass a course "Guard duty" and have corresponding diplomas. We take part in exhibitions not only in pedigree rings, but also in "competition of suits", and with my son of a dog participate and in competition "Junior Handler".
Professional breeding of zwergpinschers and rottweilers.
Rottweiler Miniature Pinscher