Website of Coton de Tulear kennel located in Poland in Warsaw. We breed beautyfull, joyful, antidepressant and antiallergic dogs who love children. Cotons are our passion. On our website you will found informations about our dogs, shows results and gallery of photos. Visit us and fall in love with Coton de Tulear ...
Coton de TuléarBuddhist principle of ahinsa is not harming anyone any living creature. OPTO AHINSA means "choose non-violence". This principle, we are educating our dogs. Welcome to our website and our small, home kennel in Poland.
Shih TzuSmall kennel in Poland. We breed Puli White and Color, French Bulldog and Afghan Hound. Please feel free to visit our website and contact to us.
Puli French Bulldog Afghan HoundKennel Chosna. Bernese Mountaind Dog, Labrador Retriever, Polski Owczarek Podhalanski (Tatra). Photos, our dogs, and puppies for sale.
Bernese Mountain Dog Labrador Retriever Tatra Shepherd DogAmber Labradoodle is breeding quality medium and miniature Australian Multigeneration Labradoodles. These dogs are allergy/asthma friendly and non-shedding workingdogs. Amber Australian Labradoodles follows the guidelines of the Australian Labradoodle association. Amber Australian Labradoodles' bloodlines originate from Tegan Park and Rutland Manor in Australia.
Please visit our website if you are interested in reserving a puppy!
Forum miłośników psów rasy mops. Ciekawe tematy, wiele informacji, porady, instrukcje. Podziel się doświadczeniem lub skorzystaj z doświadczenia innych. Dołącz do nas! Czekamy!
PugMiniature Shnauzer Black&Silver, Black Giant Shnauzer, Show Dog Handling from Poland.
Be welcome at my web :)
Irish setter Meldor kennel is a home developing breeding. Our dogs come from very well known kennels in England. Our aim is to breed dogs pure english lines. In puppies' pedigrees you can find famous english dogs.
Puppies from our kennel are bred at home as family mammbers. Thanks to this they have superbe contact with people. Thay are healthy, well cared and under the eye of a veterinary. Puppies from Meldor find new homes in loving familys all around Europe. With their owners they have many succes on shows. Thanks to their grate hunting instinct they feel marvoulously hunting in the fields.
Hodowla Psów Rasowych Sznaucer Miniaturowy Czarny "Z Bractwa Odważnych" poleca sprawdzone i utytułowane reproduktory oraz okazjonalnie szczenięta.
Miniature SchnauzerFamily cardigan kennel in Poland, we do all the best for our dogs.
Welsh Corgi CardiganHere you can find the information about Thai Ridgeback Dog, such as a history of the breed, its character and nature. You can also have the opportunityto learn more about Thai Ridgeback Dog according to FCI standard of this breed.
In the section "Hiro Thai Ponlamaj" you can make the better acquaintance of our lovely blue Thai Ridgeback Dog - Hiro Thai Ponlamaj.
We are small kennel who devoted our love to suchwonderful breeds as Japanese Chins and Miniature Schnauzers in black & silver,and pepper & salt colours. On our site you will find information about breed standard, breed history,pedigrees, achievements of our dogs,gallery,and much more!
Japanese Chin Miniature SchnauzerZapraszamy na naszą stronę hodowli Dogo Argentino - Dog Argentyński La Garganta Del Diablo. Zdjęcia, szczeniaki, linki...
Welcome to our website Dogo Argentino - La Garganta Del Diablo kennel. This page is the result of a continuous lifelong passion to this particular dog breed which has lasted since 1996. Pictures, puppy, links ...
Dogo ArgentinoCavalier King Charles Spaniel. A small kennel located in the south of Poland.
Cavalier King Charles SpanielWe would like to invite you all to our website of English Cocker Spaniels kennel from Poland.
English Cocker SpanielBernese Mountain Dog kennel from Poland. Our dogs, news, pictures,results, puppies. Welcome on our website!!!
Bernese Mountain Dog
Vive Vanette FCIthe breeding of dogs the race Papillon was set up in 2004. The name of breeding derivesfrom the first name female-Papillon which appeared one year earlier.
In 2005 was born the first Phalene Amore Mio in our breeding, and in 2008 arrived on world the first litter of Phalene. We invite you all to get to know our Papillons and Phalens!
We breed rabbit, miniature and standard Dachshunds longhaired. Our kennel is based on good type Dachshunds with friendly character and we try to make good choice with breeding combinations. We love dogs and Dachshunds are our beloved breed and it helps us in breeding.
DachshundSmall kennel of belgian malinois. All about malinois!
Belgian Shepherd Dog - MalinoisHodowla BISURMAN zaprasza do odwiedzin naszej strony internetowej i rezerwacji szczeniąt.
Tibetan MastiffWe are home kennel labrador retriever. We breed only dogs of that breed. We provide the best real farming conditions.
Hodowla psów rasy labrador retriever. Oferujemy najwyższej klasy szczeniaki biszkoptowe, czekoladowe i czarne. Do skojarzeń dobieramy najlepszych dostępnych reproduktorów. W naszej hodowli można zakupić wyłacznie szczeniaki z rodowodem.
Jesteśmy członkiem ZKwP. Nasza siedziba znajduje się w woj. kujawsko-pomorskim niedaleko Bydgoszczy.
Collies are our love and passion. Feel invited to check our website. We breed Rough Collies, Border Collies, Smooth Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs. Check out our recent and planned litters, see the shows we have been and browse through large galleries of pictures of adult dogs and puppies.
Collie Rough Border Collie Collie Smooth Shetland SheepdogRetriever kennel. Our aim is to breed typical, sound labradors and flatcoats.
Labrador Retriever Flat Coated RetrieverRetriever kennel. Our aim is to breed typical, sound labradors and flatcoats.
Labrador Retriever Flat Coated RetrieverPresentation of our kennel, gallery of our dogs and our friend's dogs, results from shows, info about the breed and many more.
DachshundWebsite devoted to dogs of the race White Swiss Sheepdog, in particular for our bitches of the Mila (MILKY WAY Lohrien) and Tesa (PRINCESSA z Chaty Leona).
White Swiss Shepherd DogTamaam is a small kennel, without "dogs' buildings" or cages. Dogs are true members of our family, living at home and spending each day with us. Our goal is to breed healthy, nice - looking dogs, keeping up their natural ability to work. Our breeding stock is regularly checked on eyes and hips, and most of our team members have passed the working trials with the 1st prize. You are welcome to visit our homepage, and meet us face-to-face! :)
English Springer SpanielWhiteheads - a little home kennel of whippets and greyhounds
We are a kennel only by a name as all of our dogs live happily at our house together with us. We are quite fresh breeders, but we strive for the significant features of the breed for their standard and temper. Our dogs come both from Europe and USA and we want to combine the best bloodlines of both continents.
My TM are my true love and passion, I have loads of understanding for their independent nature so I hope to share these feelings with you. Please visit our website, check the breeding plans and don't hesitate to ask any questions.
Tibetan MastiffAmerican Staffordshire Terrier Kennel from Poland. Check out our website to see our dogs, their show results, huge gallery, our breeding plans and many more ...
American Staffordshire TerrierThe long-haired miniature dachshund and the rabbit's - the dachshunds' kennel the Santander, information about novelties, dogs and the bitches, litters, exhibitions, thin lines to the dachshunds' the best kennels, the history of kennel the Santander, and also the dachshunds' origins,as well as their picture and many different interesting information.
DachshundHodowla SLIM EXTREME FCI jest hodowlą domową, psy są dla nas bardzo ważne jak reszta domowników. Zapewniamy im jak najwięcej kontaktu z ludżmi, zabaw na świeżym powietrzu w dużym ogrodzie, spacery lub bieganie. Aby zapewnic jakość naszych szczeniąt, staramy się kryć tylko dobrymi reproduktorami.
Whippet Bedlington TerrierSerdecznie witam na stronie Hodowli Eskimo River poświęconej wspaniałym psom zaprzęgowym Siberian Husky oraz japońskiej rasie Akita. Życzymy miłego ogladania.
Welcome to the website breed Eskimo River dedicated wonderful sled dogs Siberian Husky and japanese breed Akita. We wish a nice watching.
Herzlich Willkommen auf der Website Eskimo River,die sowohl den groSartigen Schlittenhunden Siberian Husky, als auch der japanischen Rasse Akita gewidmet ist. Wir wunschen euch viel SpaS beim anschauen.
Siberian Husky Akita InuHello from kennel Airgialla FCI
My name is Joanna and I'm a breeder of Bavarian Mountain Scenthunds, also I'm training, handling and I'm working with my dogs. I am a member of ISHV Club in Poland and Czech Republic; I'm breeding only working dogs.
My history with Presa Canario started arround 2001 and in 2004 first Presa arrived to my home. Till now my dogs managed to show their working and show quality.
Charakter: Courage Tests IV level, Courage Tests III level, Courage TestsII level, Courage Tests I level, Passed Psychic Tests,
First Presa Canario allowed to pass Courage Tests of level IV and first Presa Canario passing all levelss of Courage Tests
*Courage Tests were held by Dogo canario Club CZ
*Psychic Test made by Polish Kennel Club
Show: World Winner Junior, Champion of Champions, Champion of Poland, Poland Winner, Slovakia Winner, Lithuania Winner, Vilnus Cup Winner, 2 x Junior Winner on internetional shows in SPAIN, Junior Club Winner, Junior Poland Winner, Junior Champion of Poland, vice Junior Europe Winner, Nominated for CRUFTS, Best Puppy in Poland, point missing to Champion of Slovakia, point missing to Champion of Lithuania, Multiple Best of Breed, Multiple Best of Sex, Multiple CAC, Multiple Best Junior in the Breed and Junior Winner.
Presa Canario is may passion and my life. This is not a dog that anyone can define and sweep over. This is unique dog with unbelievable charm. Those that once felt in love with this breed will always stay faithful to it.
Lerning what Presa is, is a plesure. Through my web site I'm trying to share my knowledge with other fans of the breed.
I stay in contact with breeders from diffrent contries and my kennel is member of Club Espanol del Dogo Canario to have opportunity to learn also from others experiences.
Small breed shelties and Great Dane kennel. Sable, tricolor and bicolor colours. I invite you on my website.
Great Dane Shetland Sheepdog