Poland - Dog Breeders and Kennels > Page 2 - EuroBreeder.com

Poland Dog Breeders - EuroBreeder.com

Dog Breeders > Poland

Swiss Diamond FCI Kennel

We are a small family kennel of Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs-only high quality puppies.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Z Domu Etny
Z Domu Etny

Home page our bearded collie breeding. We are sharing live with beardies from 2002, most of them are champions, but first at all our loving family members. Beardies from our breeding living and winning shows in whole Europe, incl. UK.

Some of them having sport success in herding, obedience etc. too. With us living first import from UK in Poland. Our goal in breeding healthy dogs in classic type with nice temperaments.

Bearded Collie

Pearls of South
Pearls of South

Pearls of South is a Polish kennel specialized in fawn briards. On our website you can find informations about Int.Ch Aurelia Bellezza Dilorini, her puppies and you can also contact us !!!


'Jack Spark' Peruvian hairless dog
'Jack Spark' Peruvian hairless dog
& Jack Russell Terrier

Breeding the small hairless Peruvian dogs "Jack Spark" in Poland in Ostrow Wielkopolski area. It is a breed of dog with its origins in Peru. The breed is quick witted, calm and intelligent, it is usually good with children, gets along with other dogs, but wary of strangers.

We breed smooth coated Jack Russell Terrier. Our kennel is registered in Poland. The dogs have got the recognition of FCI. Please visit our website for more information.

Peruvian Hairless Dog Jack Russell Terrier

Kudlaty Tramp OES
Kudlaty Tramp OES

We show and breed old english sheepdogs since 1985.

Old English Sheepdog / Bobtail

Kennel Spelniony Sen - Bernese Mountain Dog
Kennel Spelniony Sen
Bernese Mountain Dog

We have Bernese Mountain Dog Kennel. We treat our dogs like members of our family. We take them everywhere with us.They are very friendly towards people. We take care of our dogs, their health, happiness and best quality of their lives.

Litters in our home appear occasionally, with most careful selections of parents. We are members of FCI. On 28th of January 2011, we received a kennel name called Spełniony Sen (No reg 6169/S).

Bernese Mountain Dog

Trinkets Australian Shepherds
TRINKETS Australian Shepherds

We are small hobby kennel located in south Poland. Our dogs are treated as full members of family. We very much care about our dogs, their health, happiness and best quality of their lives. Litters in our home will appear occasionally, with most careful selections of parents.

Australian Shepherd

Perla del Sud BHodowla Biewer Yorkshire Terrier
Hodowla Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Our breeding is sparse Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breeding which is registered in kennel club in Poland ( ZKwP ). Or dogs and their offspring have got pedigree issued by FCI.

Yorkshire Terrier

Golden Retriever Shaggy Sun Kennel
Shaggy Sun Golden Retriever Kennel

Creamy Golden Retriever breeding. Our dogs are members of our family. We are searching responsible and loving home for puppies.

Golden Retriever

Cursus Ventosi
Cursus Ventosi

Home kennel of Irish Wolfhound and Polish Hunting Dog

Welcome to the website of my kennel, which was initiated by passion... Passion to live surrounded by dogs, passion for thorough knowledge of canine characters and for work with dogs, passion for the best use of natural abilities and predispositions of dogs in the various areas of life.

All my dogs are working dogs. Each of them performs well in somewhat different fields and each dog skills are developed in the directions that suit her best. While working with dogs, I aspirate to not only to encourage them to achieve the best possible results, but above all, I try to raise my own professional qualifications and full of humility towards dog's involvement in everything what they do, I make an attempt to give from myself as much as dogs give from themselves in every activity. Dogs are not only great companions of human life - they are excellent teachers as well. It is only necessary to be able and keen to listen to them...

Irish Wolfhound Polish Hunting Dog

Owczarek szkocki In Pleno
Owczarek szkocki In Pleno

Owczarek szkocki długowłosy collie rough - hodowla ZKwP w Polsce. Na stronie więcej informacji o naszych pieskach i dostępnych szczeniakach.

Collie Rough

Sheradin's Star kennel - English Setter
Sheradin's Star kennel - English Setter

We are home kennel of setters with american line. Visit our website!

English Setter

Maajka - Seter Szkocki Gordon
Maajka - Seter Szkocki Gordon

Strona suczki Maajka rasy Seter Szkocki Gordon.

Gordon Setter

No Doub Team - American Staffordshire Terrier
No Doub Team
American Staffordshire Terrier

The home page of kennel No Doubt Team - Int, Multi Champion BIG BOY No Doubt and Jr.Ch HOLYWOOD DREAM King Of Ring's.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Becorginal Cardigan Welsh Corgis
Becorginal Cardigan Welsh Corgis

We are home breeding Welsh Corgi Cardigan, we live in small town near Poznan. Our dogs are part of our family.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Dark Obsession (FCI) flat coated retrievers
Dark Obsession (FCI) flat coated retrievers

Flat coated retrievers are our big passion. We're small home kennel and our aim is to breed healthy, sound flatcoats - both beautiful and great at work. We've planned litter after dual purpose parents. More infotmations on our website.

Labrador Retriever

Secret of Love FCI West Highland White Terrier
Secret of Love FCI
West Highland White Terrier

Secret of Love FCI West Highland White Terrier kennel from Poland.

West Highland White Terrier

Hodowla Atamir
Hodowla Atamir

From many years we are animal lovers. Dogs are with us in everyday life and we can not imagine life without their company. In 2012, we decied to professionaly breeding of our dogs. Our dogs are DNA tested, which which ensures future purchasers of our dogs purity of the breed. Our dogs have a multigenerational pedigrees of many world famouse kennels, which are derived from the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale).

Maltese Pomeranian

Kenel 'Od Wodnika i Wagi' FCI
Kenel 'Od Wodnika i Wagi' FCI

Home kennel of rottweilers "Od Wodnika i Wagi" FCI has existed since 1999. Dogs are my great passion, puppies are reared at home under the loving care of the breeder and veterinarian.

Puppies receive a layette leaving kennel, health card, birth certificate and complete documentation of origin. Mating in our kennel are precisely thought out. Our dogs take Part in dogs shows, they are trained and treated as full members of the family.


Lapitropy kennel of beagles
Lapitropy kennel of beagles

We are small hobby and family kennel of beagles . We breed beautiful and elegant dogs. Our goal is to bring up litter in high quality of character, exterior and even work abilities. Kennel, which is trying to be perfect - healthy dogs, humorous nature, no aggression at all, always happy, elegant appearance, enthusiasm owners. Welcome to visit our website.


Free Point FCI Italian greyhund
Free Point FCI Italian greyhund

Piccolo Levriero Italiano breeding.

Italian Greyhound

Z Helmowego Jaru
Z Helmowego Jaru

Newfoundland dogs and Tibetan Terrier.

Newfoundland Tibetan Terrier

VAKA Go You Djenima - Sagitta Polaris FCI - - Shiba Inu
VAKA Go You Djenima
Sagitta Polaris FCI Shiba Inu

Vaka You Go Djenima - Polish Junior Champion, Junior Club Winner 2013 Club Best of Breed 2013 Multiple Best of Breed. A dog with a perfect expression, beautiful head, elegant structure and movement, the magnificent robe.

Shiba Siberian Husky

Biała Furia (FCI)
Biała Furia (FCI)

We are dog admirers and occasionally have litters from balanced combinations. We try to breed outstanding white shepherds with highly desirable qualities!

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

Ker-Paravel FCI
Ker-Paravel FCI

We are a small, home kennel based in north of Poland. Our aim is to breed from good pedigrees- truly english lines, healthy, happy and good tempered dogs for work, shows or a companion( ideal for families with children). You are welcome to visit our website and find out more!

English Springer Spaniel

Tira Vento FCI - Dobermann Kennel
TIRA VENTO FCI - Dobermann Kennel

We have a dobermann breeding in Poland. We offer high quality puppies for shows and work and a part of every family. Our dogs are living in a farm with other animals, children. More informations about us and our dogs you can find on our web site.


BassBanda Basset Hound Kennel
BassBanda Basset Hound Kennel

Welcome every dog lover, especially Basset Hound breed lovers.We are small kennel from Poland. I'd like to invite all of you to see my website and get to know our dogs.

Basset Hound

Argento Amico
Argento Amico

We invite you to visit our website on a yorkshire terrier dogs. There you will find a gallery of our dogs, information about the exhibitions in which we participated and the news of litters.

Yorkshire Terrier

Platinum Great Danes Kennel
PLATINUM Great Danes Kennel

Great Danes Kennel PLATINUM from Poland. My homepage is English, Deutsche and Italian version. We breed with the colours black and harlequin. Photos puppies and shows on my homepage.

Great Dane


Berneński Pies Pasterski, Leonberger, Landseer, Pirenejskie Psy Górskie, te ostatnie od niedawna sprowadzone ze Szwecji, z hodowli pod Sztokholmem. Jest to podstawowe stadko naszej hodowli. Hodowla prowadzi bardzo rzadką rasę psa jakim jest landseer a w hodowli Reproduktor Ch.Pl.Burago Zw.Polski Kolejny rok, Zw. Europy, Zw. Swiata, oraz Zw. Pl Kasandra - Psy linii zachodniej.Landseer to duży pies. Prawidłowa anatomia i niezbyt masywna budowa zapewniają mu znakomitą ruchliwość i sprawność. Landseer ma zrównoważoną psychikę, doskonale sprawdza się jako pies rodzinny, wspaniały towarzysz dzieci, uważny i spokojny stróż. Jest odważny, niekonfliktowy i cichy. Potrafi znakomicie zachować się w różnych sytuacjach, a będąc z natury czysty i elegancki, może się udać ze swym panem zarówno do parku miejskiego, jak i restauracji, budząc ogólny podziw swym wyglądem i zachowaniem. Do tej charakterystyki pasuje nowy nasz nabytek jakim jest Pirenejski Pies Górski, mimo że podstawowy kolor to biel, jest prawie nie brudzący, potwierdza to eleganckim kontrolowanym ruchem omijając wszelkie kałuże i nie wdając się w niepotrzebne zabawy mogące pobrudzić eleganckie futerko. Berneńczyki i leonbergery to najstarsza rasa w naszej hodowli i można dużo obejrzeć i poczytać na naszej stronie int.

Landseer Leonberger Bernese Mountain Dog Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Z Zakatka Izi
Z Zakatka Izi

Shiba kennel for home and for shows. High quality and perfect temper dogs.


Szkockie wrzosowisko- collie rough kennel
Szkockie wrzosowisko
collie rough kennel

We are small home kennel collie rough in Poland. Our dogs born and live with us at home. Welcome to visit our website for more info about our dogs, photos and pedigrees.

Collie Rough

Moto Pies
Moto Pies

Australian Shepherds` kennel Moto Pies. Australian shepherds (aussie) are our love, passion and above all, they're a part of our family. We invite you to our website, where you will find more information about dogs that live with us and our kennel.

Australian Shepherd

Snow Fluff
Snow Fluff

Breeder American Akita in Poland. Please visit my website and see more - I'll be glad!

American Akita

Bernevirtus bernese mountain dog
Bernevirtus bernese mountain dog

Bernevirtus: our passion and love for bernese mountain dog

Our bernese mountain dogs are the members of our family. Come and see our webpage to get more info. Speaking Polish, English, Russian and Frenc.

Bernese Mountain Dog